Some Possible Christian Psychology Research Topics Christian spirituality Use of instruments that measure specifically Christian spirituality The Shepherd’s Scale The Spiritual Maturity Index The assessment and formation of the Christian self/identity Assessment of Christian self-representations Old self/new self Created self/Fallen self/Redeemed self Beginnings of a questionnaire-ELJ The sense of a good aspect and a bad aspect to oneself Actual self/Ideal self/Real self False self/True self Four self-axes Redemptive-historicality: Created—Fallen—Redeemed—Perfected Reality: Actual-Potential-Ideal-Real Temporality: Current-Future Authenticity: True-False (degree of depth) Research on the formation of a distinctly Christian identity See Dee Reju Christian Models of Love Depth of Christian love 1. Family 2. Friends 3. Neighbors/co-workers 4. Strangers 5. Weak/poor/unpopular 6. Enemies Relation between God-understanding and self-understanding Christian explanatory-style To what do Christians attribute their good and evil actions Relation between aesthetic experience and belief in God Study of experiences of beauty (in art, nature, human relationships) and one’s awareness of God. Uniquely Christian development Developmental stages in Christian self-understanding and God-understanding: Ph 2:12,13 Christian developmental explanatory-style Stage 1: I do what I do myself Stage 2: I do my part, and God does his part Stage 3: God assists me to do what I do Stage 4: God and I are both fully active Stages in postformal reasoning among Christians Some research has been done on undergraduates-ELJ Bernard of Clairvaux’s “Stages of Love 1. 2. 3. 4. Love of self for self’s sake Autocentrism Love of God for self’s sake Autocentric theism Love of God for God’s sake Simple theocentrism Love of self for God’s sake Complex theocentrism Three kinds of development in relation to the Law 1. 2. Upon conviction of sin, we are to flee to Christ Personal agency develops in adolescence, signified by activation of a mature conscience and conversion to Christ Any of you have an experience like that? Young adulthood to middle adulthood “Law-Grace Paradigm Shift” 1st stage of Christian life: Mastering teachings, practices, behaviors: learn God’s law Old self weakens. 2nd stage of Christian life: Because of remaining sin, there tends to be a gradual falling back upon self-reliance (unconsciously), that promotes a sense of superiority, self-righteousness, judgmentalism Entity theory of Christian life One comes to identify oneself with the law/loses touch with one’s actual self The old self/false self “gets religion”. It starts to grow again: Grows by means of self-deception. Some get stuck here 3rd stage of Christian life: Growing realization of grace based on justification by faith that undermines old self/false self. New self gets nurtured by the word of God in Scripture and gospel/meditation and prayer are key 3. Daily, incremental, ongoing identification with Christ’s life, death, and resurrection One learns to practice a daily transition from death with Christ to resurrection in Christ Every day Christians need to die experientially/affectively to the old way of life, and be raised to walk in newness of life Study differences between Incremental and Entity Theories (see Carol Dweck, Self-Theories) of the Christian life The emergence of a mature conscience in adolescence (activated when one knowingly violates one’s moral code whether or not others know about it). Uniquely Christian Therapy Testing radical Christian therapy in general (pilot project) Videotaping Christian counseling across multiple settings and counselors in order to document what actually occurs in a counseling room, and to provide a coding scheme for various types of Christian counseling (e.g., intensity of Christian content, and psychological complexity), to help establish what is high-quality Christian counseling. Testing distinctly Christian therapy models already being used 1. Theophostic See Fernando Garzon 2. Neil Anderson’s 7-Step model See Fernando Garzon 3. Leanne Payne’s model See Fernando Garzon 4. Aspects of biblical counseling 5. Comparing different Christian counseling models Testing specific Christian therapy strategies 1. Christ-centered teaching emphasis (on atonement and blessings of union with Christ: justification, adoption, perfection) 2. Identity in Christ 3. Adoption 4. Training of Christian meditation 5. Training of Christian guided imagery 6. Training of Christian emotion-focused therapy 7. Use of the Gospel Repentance cycle 8. Use of Wolfram Soldan’s Forgiveness model 9. Use of the Death-Resurrection script Experience of the Christian God Qualitative study of how the indwelling Holy Spirit is experienced. Quantitative/Qualitative study of Christian experience of God in devotions/worship Qualitative study of the experience of the Trinity Relation between Perception of God and Others among Christians Research on relation between God-image and relations with parents/others Attachment research See Richard Beck and Angie MacDonald Impact of Redemption Timothy Sisemore’s Grace scale Change from entity to incremental theory of Christiformity The nature of agape-love Thesauresis Research on the relation between divine forgiveness and horizontal forgiveness See Robert Cheong for theoretical treatment; Wolfram Soldan and Matthias Schlagmuller for some empirical research (faculty at IGNIS, Institute for Christian Psychology, Kitzingen, Germany) Research on uniquely Christian wisdom Research on Christian perfectionism and how perfection in Christ impacts that. Research on uniquely Christian virtues Agape-love, humility, dependence on and gratitude to God, Are there unique resources that should facilitate humility among Christians? Why don’t they? Find exemplary Christians (“saints”) in some churches and do an indepth qualitative study on what makes them exemplary. Research on improvisation (Vanhoozer, The Drama of Doctrine) vs. rule-keeping Understandings of Christians Regarding Christian Teachings Assessment of the understanding of Christians regarding complex topics like 1. Trinity 2. God’s attributes 3. Image of God 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The nature of sin Substitutionary atonement Union with Christ Justification by faith Men’s and women’s roles Christian Understandings of Psychopathology Uniquely Christian forms of psychopathology Uniquely Christian experiences of shame or guilt Qualitative Quantitative See Stephen Parker Qualitative study on how the nature of indwelling sin is experienced. How people overcome their sin and damage (qualitative) Study what Christians have done to overcome their problems Study changes over life in growth: Does sanctification actually occur in Protestant circles. Christian attitudes towards homosexuals See Rodney Bassett’s work P.J. Watson’s Healthy Sin Beliefs scale Qualitative Studies Analysis of what the symbolism or direct content of contemporary horror movies suggest to us about basic human fears and concerns, e.g., possession by demons or aliens, being a zombie, living off the blood of other humans, fascination with the “dark side,” and so on. Other dynamics Twist to any of these studies: Study gender differences Study cross-cultural differences (Asian/Western) High Priority Research Topics Christian self-structure Christian Theory of Holiness with Carol Dweck’s self-theory model (entity vs. incremental) Shame: Christian vs. secular (Tangney) Stages of law understanding Justification by faith/Protestant grace Bernard’s stages of love Christian men’s relationship with wives