Explaining a Concept WORKSHOP

Professor Murphy
Freshman Composition
Name of student who wrote the essay:
Title of Essay:
Name of student reviewing the essay:
Instructions and Questions for the reviewer to answer:
1. Read the Essay carefully. Make notes directly on the draft.
2. Does the Introduction grab your interest?
· What else could the reader do to get your attention?
3. Is the focus of the essay clear? Is this focus truly a “CONCEPT” ?
· If you are not convinced that this focus is a concept, what else might the writer do?
· Write one or two suggestions for improving the beginning of the essay.
Does the writer employ analysis by division and/or classification?
· Are the breakdowns the writer uses clear? Interesting?
· Do they aid in your overall comprehension of the topic?
· Are the breakdowns fleshed-out in a balanced manner? Show proof.*
Does the writer provide a thorough definition of his/her topic?
· Does this definition help clarify his/her specific area of interest?
*Does the writer use examples to help explain his/her concept?
· Specific examples?
· Typical examples?
· Hypothetical examples?
· Are these examples used effectively?
· Does the write make good use of DESCRIPTION and/or NARRATION in these
examples? Where specifically?
Does the writer provide historical information and/or place his/her topic in historical
· Write one or two suggestions for improving and/or adding historical information.
Does the writer help simplify any aspects of his/her subject by use of comparison and
·Does the writer use metaphors effectively?
Does the writer employ negation to further clarify his/her area of focus?
· Write one or two suggestions for improving and/or adding negation.
Does the writer employ process analysis in his/her explanation (the “how” question)?
·Is the process broken into simple steps?
-- Are these steps chronological or sequential?
-- Are they easy to follow?
-- Does the writer make good use of clear transitions (next, after, etc)?
-- Is the process interesting? Too long?
--Is the process meaningful and informative or simply directive?
·Make any additional comments about the process here:
7. How does the writer utilize his or her mandatory academic sources?
·Are they cited correctly per the MLA format?
·Are they used to support one of the writer’s own ideas?
·Are they used to introduce new ideas which the writer expands upon?
8. Read the conclusion carefully. Make notes directly on the draft.
· Is the reader reminded of the focus in an interesting way?
· Does the conclusion provide some kind of closure for the essay?
· Does it provide a twist?
· Write one or two suggestions for improving or changing the conclusion.
9. Read the essay again and circle or correct any writing format errors (punctuation,
spelling, grammar)
10. Did you enjoy the essay? Did you find it both engaging and informative. Be honest and
thoughtful (Remember: this essay should not read like a “report”).
11. Do you understand the concept better than you previously did? Did you learn anything
worthwhile? Are you convinced the author of the essay is truly explaining a “concept” ?
12. List two weaknesses of the whole paragraph. Be critical here.
13. Discuss your comments carefully with your partner. Remember that your suggestions
help your partner.