Hungry, Hungry Sharks!

Hungry, Hungry Sharks!
by Joanna Cole
illustrated by Patricia Wynne
1. Millions and millions of years ago, the earth did not
look the way it does now. 2. Strange-looking plants grew in
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swamps. 3. Reptiles with wings flew in the air. 4. Everywhere 2. ________
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on land were dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs.
5. Out at sea there were strange creatures too.
6. Some looked like dragons. 7. Some looked like fish.
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8. This big fish could swim very fast. 9. It had sharp teeth and 8. ________
a big fin on its back. 10. What kind of fish was this? 11. A
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12. There are no more dinosaurs left on earth.
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13. But there are still plenty of sharks. 14. Today there are
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more than three hundred kinds of sharks.
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15. Not all sharks are big. 16. Many, many kinds are less 15. _______
than three feet long. 17. The dwarf shark is no bigger than your 16. _______
hand. 18. The small carpet shark lies on the ocean floor like a
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rug. 19. The leopard shark has spots. 20. It grows to be about
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four feet long.
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21. The biggest shark is the whale shark. 22. It is longer 21. _______
than a bus. 23. The whale shark has three thousand teeth.
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24. But it will never bite you. 25. It eats only tiny shrimp and
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fish. 26. The whale shark is very gentle.
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27. A diver can even hitch a ride on its back.
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28. These are blue sharks. 29. They are far out at sea
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hunting for food. 30. Suddenly they pick up the smell of blood. 29. _______
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31. The sharks speed up. 32. They shoot through the water like 31. _______
torpedoes. 33. In a few minutes they find a dead whale.
34. The blue sharks tear off big chunks of whale meat.
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35. Now the water is full of biting sharks. 36. If one shark gets 35. _______
hurt, the others turn on it. 37. They will eat that shark too.
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38. In a short time the whale is all gone.
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39. The sharks swim away. 40. Nothing is left.
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41. Nothing but bones.
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42. Blue sharks are called the wolves of the sea.
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43. This is because they stay together in packs. 44. Blue sharks 43. _______
often swim after a ship for days. 45. A long time ago sailors
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thought this meant that someone was going to die. 46. Why so 45. _______
blue sharks really follow ships? 47. The sharks come because
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of noises from the ship. 48. Then they stay to eat garbage that
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is thrown into the water.
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49. The most dangerous shark in the sea is the great
white shark. 50. It is named after its white belly. 51. The teeth 49. _______
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of the great white shark are big and sharp. 52. Very, very sharp. 51. _______
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53. It can eat a whole seal in one bite. 54. The great white shark 53. _______
is the size of a speedboat.
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55. This great white shark has just had babies.
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56. Most fish lay eggs. 57. But most sharks do not.
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58. Their babies are born alive. 59. A baby shark is called a
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pup. 60. The pup of the great white shark is almost the size of a 59. _______
man. 61. As soon as they are born the pups go their own way.
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62. It is not safe to stay near a hungry mother.
63. The baby sharks swim off to catch their own food.
64. One eats a fish. 65. Another eats a crab. 66. The pups had
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better watch out for puffer fish. 67. The puffer fish can blow up 66. _______
like a balloon. 68. If a shark eats it, its spines get stuck in the
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shark’s throat. 69. The shark will die.
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70. Not many animals can kill great white sharks.
71. The stingray flaps through the sea like a giant bat. 72. Its
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tail has a poison stinger. 73. The poison can kill most animals. 72. _______
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74. But a great white shark can eat a stingray—stinger and all! 74. _______
75. The swordfish is a very strong fish. 76. It can cut and 75. _______
stab with its long nose. 77. But even a swordfish almost always 76. _______
loses a fight with a great white shark.
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78. Another big shark is the hammerhead shark.
79. It is easy to see how it got its name. 80. Like other big
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sharks, the hammerhead never stops swimming. 81. Most fish 80. _______
have air balloons inside them. 82. But sharks do not. 83. If they 81. _______
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stop swimming, they sink.
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84. This hammerhead swims to a group of dolphins.
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85. It tries to catch one of the dolphins. 86. But sharks do not
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always get their way. 87. The dolphins fight back. 88. One
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dolphin dives under the water. 89. It comes up and hits the
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hammerhead. 90. The shark flies up in the air. 91. It falls back 89. _______
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on the water. 92. SMACK!
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93. The dolphins keep hitting the shark. 94. After a
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while the shark stops moving. 95. It sinks into the water. 96. It 94. _______
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is dead. 97. Dolphins are smart animals. 98. They can work
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together to kill an enemy. 99. But sharks are not smart.
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100. They have tiny brains.
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101. A shark’s brain is small. 102. But its teeth are big.
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103. It has many rows of teeth. 104. When a tooth breaks off, a 103. ______
new tooth moves up to take its place. 105. A shark uses up
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thousands of teeth every year!
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106. What do sharks eat with all these teeth? 107. Fish
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and more fish. 108. Other sharks. Seals, turtles, crabs.
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109. Almost everything that swims in the sea.
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110. Sometimes sharks eat things that are not food.
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111. No one knows why. 112. All these things have been found 111. ______
inside big sharks: a wallet, a fur coat, a drum, a bottle of wine,
a chest of jewels, a barrel of nails, and a suit of armor!
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113. Do sharks eat people? 114. Yes they do.
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115. If a person is near a big shark, the shark may attack.
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116. But the number of people killed by sharks is very small.
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117. More people die from bee stings than from shark bites!
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118. Sharks do not go hunting for people.
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119. But people go hunting for sharks. 120. Some people like
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to go fishing for sharks. 121. They have to be careful. 122. A
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shark may look dead. 123. Then all at once it can “wake up”
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—and bite!
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124. Scientists want to study sharks. 125. But it is hard
to study them at sea. 126. And it is hard to keep big sharks
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alive in a tank. 127. Once scientists caught a great white shark. 126. ______
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128. They put it in a tank with other fish.
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129. But the shark did not eat. 130. And it kept bumping 129. ______
into the sides of the tank. 131. After a few days the shark began 130. ______
to die. 132. So the scientists took the shark back to sea.
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133. They set it free.
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134. There are many things we do not know about
sharks. 135. We do not know how long sharks live. 136. Or
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how much food a shark has to eat to stay alive. 137. But we do 136. ______
know that sharks are here to stay.
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138. They are fast and strong. 139. They hardly ever get 138. ______
sick. 140. And there is always plenty of food for them.
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141. As long as there are oceans, there will be sharks.
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