Macbeth Dramaturgy Project Rubric Name: Period: Part I: Visual Component (1 page, 30 points) Requirements: Includes the title of the play, the playwright, your quotation, your image, and your name as “produced by.” Content: Design shows effort, neatness, and attention to detail; visually pleasing. Part II: Written component (2 pages, 60 points) Theme and justification: Theme is clearly phrased as a sentence, similar to a thesis statement. Justification explains why and how the theme would be the focus of the play. Quotation analysis: Quotation reflects the theme. Quotation analysis is one-paragraph, and thoroughly and insightfully explicates the quotation. Quotation sandwich includes adequate context and thorough analysis. The quotation is properly written and cited (MLA style). Image manifestation: The image works as a metaphor for the theme of the play. The image is creative and imaginative. Good explanation of how the image works as a symbol of the theme. Explains how the image will appear onstage throughout the play. Part III: Creative Component (choose one, 60 points) Requirements: Meets all requirements for chosen component (see assignment sheet). Content: Demonstrates an insightful understanding of Macbeth. Explanations are thorough and convincing. Visual elements demonstrate effort, neatness, attention to detail, and creativity. Subtotal: Deductions: □ Turned in late (-5% per day). Submitted to late (-5). □ Formatted incorrectly: headings, typed, double spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman. □ Not written in formal style, uses personal pronouns, or does not use literary present. □ Contains significant or abundant errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation. □ Does not include a correctly formatted MLA-style works cited entry. □ Serious internal contradictions, inaccuracies, or problems not deducted elsewhere. 15 15 20 20 20 20 40 150 Project Part II Rough Draft Peer-Edit Paper Author:___________Editor____________ Self-check your final draft yes no Requirements Theme and Justification The theme is phrased as a sentence, similar to a thesis statement. There is a thorough justification for why that theme should be the focus of the play. There is a detailed explanation of how that them would be focused on in a performance of the play. Quotation Analysis The quotation is properly punctuated and cited. (See page 126 #19 in A Pocket Style Manual) The quotation is properly introduced (See also pages 116-119 in A Pocket Style Manual) The quotation is thoroughly analyzed and is shown to relate to the theme. Image Manifestation The image is described clearly. How the image works as a metaphor or symbol for the theme of the play is explained thoroughly It is explained how the image will appear onstage throughout the play. This is realistic. Overall Format: Has headings for each subsection. Typed, double spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman. Written in the literary present Written in a formal tone with no slang or informal phrases such as idioms There are no personal pronouns (I, we, you, us, etc.) There are no contractions (don’t, couldn’t, that’s, he’s, they’re, etc.) Spelling and grammatical errors have been corrected Includes a correct works cited entry. Macbeth Dramaturgy Project Rule #1: Follow all directions carefully. Read the entire assignment sheet carefully. Rule #2: Give reasons for your choices. Be specific, detailed, thorough, and insightful. Dramaturgy Project Reminders (Checklist) □ Remember, you are describing how the play will be performed and produced in a theater. You are not making a movie You are not changing the original play’s script □ Read through your whole project and make sure all the parts work together and do not contradict each other. Parts I and II should directly connect; part III might not. □ You are being graded on how well you justify your choices. An A is earned by having creative and insightful ideas that go beyond the obvious. Make sure you give detailed explanations. □ Be specific Weak: Ralph Fiennes is really awesome as Voldemort in Harry Potter, so he would be a great Macbeth. Better: The actor Ralph Fiennes is convincingly terrifying as Voldemort in Harry Potter, so he would be able to accurately portray the evil that emanates from Macbeth as the play progresses. □ Use quotations correctly (see APSM p. 116-119) Quotations should be properly sandwiched and cited Don’t forget to put a / to show line breaks Shakespeare is cited by writing the act.scene.line-line (5.2.34-41) □ Literature is written about in the present tense. Incorrect: When Macbeth went to kill Duncan, he thought he saw a dagger floating in the air. Correct: When Macbeth goes to kill Duncan, he thinks he sees a dagger floating in the air. □ Do not use 1st or 2nd person Incorrect: I want my play to be set in New York City. You will understand the play more because you will be familiar with the location. Correct: The play will be set in New York City. The audience will understand the play more because they will be familiar with the location. □ Use formal writing: no exclamation points, no contractions, no slang and no idioms. Avoid clichés and informal phrases. □ Refer to Macbeth as a play, not a book or novel. □ Italicize the play title Macbeth to distinguish it from the character Macbeth. It is not MacBeth. □ Italicize movie titles. Song titles go in quotation marks. □ Present your project in a visually pleasing way. It should be neatly formatted, using headings for the various sections. □ Pay attention to length requirements. You may go over, but not under, the page length. □ Include a Works Cited entry at the end of your document (see APSM p. 131 #6) o Cite Macbeth o Do not use the internet for any content other than pictures or songs o Pictures and songs may be cited by just listing the URL. □ Cut and paste all written portions into one document then submit written portions to by the due date. You can only upload one document to for this assignment, so it is imperative that you put it into one document before uploading. □ Print two copies of your Part 1; I would like to hang some in the class and/or hallway to show off your talent and creativity.