To Kill a Mockingbird Review

To Kill a Mockingbird
Exam Review
The exam breakdown is as follows:
 Part I: Multiple Choice
 Part II: Character Matching
 Part III: True or False
 Part IV: Vocabulary
 Part V: Short Answer
To prepare for this exam make sure to re-read you chapter summaries, go over your
chapter questions, study your vocabulary and review your character list.
To ensure you cover the crucial questions complete the following:
1. Who are the two mockingbirds in the novel? Why are they labeled as
2. Racism is a major issue in the novel. Explain the importance of racism in To Kill
a Mockingbird?
3. Give an example of irony from the novel, indicating why it is ironic.
4. Describe the trial scene. Why is it significant to the rest of the novel?
5. What role does Arthur Radley play in the novel?
6. What does Atticus mean when he says to Scout, “…you never really understand a
person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his
skin and walk around in it?” Give an example.
7. The action of the novel spans over how many years? How does this relate to our
themes of childhood and anticipation (adulthood)?
8. It is apparent that Scout has matured throughout the novel. Explain and give two
examples from the novel that indicate she has matured.
9. What values does Atticus instill in his children? Provide two examples in which
Scout and Jem learn lessons in relation to Atticus’ moral character.
10. Explain the significance of the title, To Kill a Mockingbird?
The exam will be on May 17, 2005. You will not receive an exam if you do not bring
your novel to class. Good luck!