Albert Camus and "The Absurds"

The Absurds
In 1940, Albert Camus arrived in Paris where he was to work as a reporter for the newspaper
Paris-Soir. Unfortunately, the Nazis were not far off, so the newspaper's staff left Paris for
Clermont-Ferrand. The stay in Clermont-Ferrand was brief, as the Nazis moved onward, and
Camus found himself in Bordeaux. During this period Camus, like many others, was forced to
travel lightly -- carrying only essential items in case it became necessary to flee France entirely.
Among his possessions were three manuscripts, which he called "The Absurds."
The Absurds defined Camus to other French intellectuals; Sartre considered them Camus' best
philosophical works. The Absurds are the following works:
Novel: L'Etranger
Essays: Le Mythe de Sisyphe
Play: Caligula
For Camus, the absurd was not negative, not a synonym for "ridiculous," but the true state of
existence. Accepting the view that life is absurd is to embrace a "realistic" view of life: the
absence of universal logic. This approach to philosophy is more radical than Nietzsche's "God is
dead." One might rephrase Camus' absurdism as "God? No thanks… I'm on my own."
Many mistakenly believe Camus saw no meaning in life; even Camus and Nietzsche seek
"meaning" in life, but not in manners familiar to most. For Camus, meaning was in the human
experience. Absurdity does not render life meaningless -- people have meaning because they
interact with each other, while remaining in control of their own destinies.
The Stranger (l'Étranger, Written 1938, Published 1942; 1946 English)
The first of "The Absurds" written by Albert Camus, The Stranger defines Camus for most
Americans. The novel is simple, with none of the diversions common in popular literature. The
main character is not a hero, has no "true" love affair, and the pursuit of money and power never
enters into the story. The Stranger is an honest atheist, willing to accept his life as it happens.
The Title
Camus' title, l'Étranger, has been translated poorly, in my opinion. The U.S. title, The Stranger,
implies the main character, Meursault, has been viewed as a "strange" or "odd" person for some
time. The other possible meaning is that no one knows him; Mersault is a stranger even to those
who think they know him. These definitions do not seem adequate. The U.K. title, The Outsider,
only serves to confuse readers more.
Meursault is the archetype of a middle-class man. He works as a clerk, rents an apartment, and
draws no attention to himself. He is, if anything, ordinary. Meursault might even be boring. He
lacks deep convictions and passion. If he is estranged from any aspect of French society, it is
religion -- he does not believe in the symbols and rituals of faith.
Is the main character estranged? "Cela m'est égal." Meursault views life as one might a movie.
No matter what occurs, "It's all the same to me." He is not a stranger, but rather an observer
without an emotional connection to the world.
Along with the title, Camus took care in naming the main character. Meursault's name is
symbolic of the Mediterranean. Mer means "sea" and Soliel is French for "sun." The sea and sun
meet at the beach, where Meursault's fateful act occurs.