STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT 2013-2014 DESCRIPTION, PHILOSOPHY & EXPECTATIONS FOR THE SENIOR PROJECT Strongsville High School’s Senior Project offers qualified students the opportunity to investigate a potential career, pursue a special interest or talent, serve a community, engage an academic interest, or provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience. In order to be approved for a Senior Project, a senior must design an individual program, find a sponsor in the community who is able to supervise the program at the site of the project, and engage a Strongsville faculty member to volunteer as their project advisor. Senior Projects will positively impact community and school relations through one on one interaction between Strongsville High School Seniors and business and community members. Participation in this capstone learning experience will provide students with valuable insights into real life work experiences while creating a lasting and positive impression of his or her final weeks at SHS. The senior project is an opportunity for qualified seniors to challenge themselves outside the traditional curriculum. Each project should be a culminating experience that supports the transition to life beyond the secondary classroom and encourages selfdiscovery and responsibility. SENIOR PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Senior Projects: - Are carefully planned under the direct supervision of an SHS faculty member - Have a specific goal that the participating senior endeavors to achieve - Reflect Strongsville High School’s commitment to “Excellence in Education” - May not be merely recreational in nature - Occupy daily time equivalent to a regular school day - Culminate in a School-Community Open House at the conclusion of the project Senior Project Students: - Participate for the entire four-week experience from April 28 to May 23, 2014. (Exceptions may be allowed for students to return to SHS for specific academic, athletic, or other necessary commitments.) - Commit to a five-day-a-week, five hours a day work schedule. - Report to his or her project advisor through a series of scheduled contacts and evaluations - Maintain a journal while on project - May not work with family members; may not substitute a current job; receive no compensation - Participate in a the concluding Senior Project School-Community Open House Eligibility and Project Criteria: Acceptance into the Senior Project program will be determined by a selection committee comprised of three Strongsville faculty members under the oversight of an administrative representative. Seniors will be selected to participate in the Senor Project based on the following criteria: - 3/3/16 2.75 cumulative grade point average at end of 1st semester senior year. Currently passing all 2nd semester classes with 80% average. No discipline problems senior year (CL, suspensions) Compliance with Senior Final Exam Exemption policy Senior fees must be paid No attendance violations Educational and/or vocational rigor, relevance and appropriateness of project Value to the community Reflection of Strongsville City Schools educational Mission 1 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT 2013-2014 APPLICATION PROCESS Student Proposal form Student/School Agreement Parent/Guardian Authorization and Release Final Senior Experience Checklist Site evaluation forms (Midterm and Final) Weekly Initialed Time Sheet TIMELINE Information Meeting: 01/08/14 – 7 P.M. SHS Little Theater Student Proposal Form: 3/14/14 Start date: 4/28/14 Mid-term Report: 5/16/14 Daily journal Weekly check-in (phone or in-person) End date: 5/23/14 Senior Project Open House – 5/28/14 OPEN HOUSE – 5/28/14 Project Synthesis Paper and portfolio, poster or PowerPoint presentation 6:30-9:00 p.m. SHS Media Center TIME COMMITMENT - Attend weekly pre-project planning meetings 25-30 hrs/week for FOUR weeks Minimum 100 contact hours TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY - Weekly check-in w/student and project mentor On-going support Review final presentation Attend Open House Symposium Serve on proposal review board for following year Verify credit for completed project NONCOMPLIANCE WITH ANY SENIOR PROJECT RULES WILL RESULT IN: - Immediate removal from program. Student will return to normal school requirements. Student will be required to make up work missed during absence. Student will be required to take finals. PROJECT MENTOR RESPONSIBILITIES - 3/3/16 Completion of final evaluation report Attendance records Attend Open House Symposium Personal interaction with teacher 2 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT 2013-2014 SENIOR PROJECT CHECKLIST 25-30 hours per week (minimum 100 contact hours) on-site during the weeks of April 28 through May 23, 2014 Contact Faculty Advisor at least once a week Send a Thank You note to your On-Site Mentor Daily Log (Form at website) Daily Dated Journal of activities and reactions – useful for completing Reflection Paper 1. Do you like what you are doing? Why or why not? 2. Why do you suppose you were asked to do a certain activity? 3. Did everything happen exactly as you expected it to or were there some surprises? 4. How will you benefit from what you are learning? (The journal is not to be written on the job but after your day's work is done.) Possible Project Sites Include: - 3/3/16 Government Agencies Hospitals Medical Professionals Veterinarians Schools Radio/Television/ Media Agencies Churches Libraries Non-profit Organizations - Museums YMCA Social Service Agencies Local Businesses Cleveland Metropark Universities Law enforcement agencies Cleveland Sports Teams Alumni Connections 3 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT 2013-2014 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 1. State your Senior Project Objective – One sentence project thesis or research question. What do you intend to learn or do? 2. How do you propose to accomplish this objective? (Body of proposal) 3. What positive outcomes do you expect to achieve? PROJECT SYNTHESIS PAPER Your Project Synthesis Paper must be typed and be a minimum of 500 words or 2-3 pages in length. These are suggestions for your assessment: 1. Restate your objectives (goals). 2. How did you attempt to achieve your goals? 3. Do you think that you succeeded? Explain why. If not, why not? 4. What benefit did you derive from this experience? What were the negatives? 5. What specific skills or procedures did you learn? 6. What abstract qualities, i.e., self-reliance, self-discipline, self-motivation, patience, perseverance, etc., did you learn or discover that you already had? Explain how these qualities were exemplified in your work. GUIDELINES FOR THE SENIOR PROJECT OPEN HOUSE SYMPOSIUM Each student will participate in poster presentation at Senior Project Open House Symposium. Due 5/27/14: Timesheet Final Evaluation Due 5/28/14: Poster, PowerPoint or Portfolio Project Synthesis Paper Your poster, PowerPoint or portfolio should address the following: 1. A description of the mentor/mentoring organization, its primary role or function, location of the firm and the role of your department or division in the overall picture. 2. An explanation of your Senior Project Proposal and how it fit into the goals of the firm, as well as how it fits into your own career or future goals. 3. A description of the environment in which you worked, how you were received by the people you worked with, adjustments you had to make, problems you encountered and how you solved them. Was the work environment what you expected? Why or why not? 4. A general overview of your specific duties. 5. What was the most fascinating thing about your work? Did this experience help you focus on a career or decide against a career you originally considered? 6. How has your Senior Project affected your plans for the future? 3/3/16 4 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT STUDENT PROPOSAL 2013-2014 Due: March 14, 2014 Please TYPE the following information and return to Mr. Yuska Student Name _______________________________________________E-mail ____________________________ Mentor (Dr./Mr./Mrs.)____________________________________________Position_______________________ Agency/Business/Hospital _______________________________________________________________________ Mentor's Address _______________________________________________________________________________ Mentor's Phone _______________________Ext. __________ E-mail ______________________________ SHS Faculty Advisor _____________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL 1. State your Senior Project Objective – Project thesis or research question. What do you intend to learn or do? 2. How do you propose to accomplish this objective? (Body of proposal) 3. What positive outcomes do you expect to achieve? Be specific. Mentor Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Faculty Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ 3/3/16 5 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT 2013-2014 STUDENT - SCHOOL AGREEMENT Due: April 25, 2014 Seniors participating in the Senior Project program must agree to the following school and work, policies as stated below: I understand that I must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 at the end of first semester of my senior year, an 80% average in all classes second semester, have no disciplinary or attendance problems, and that I must have met all school obligations. I understand that I must conduct myself at all times as an adult, to be considerate, cooperative and congenial with all persons at all times. I must be aware that I represent myself, my parents, my school, my school's Senior Project Coordinators, and my mentoring agency in my behavior. I understand that I must dress appropriately for my Senior Project environment. I understand that I must conform to all school policies and regulations. I also understand that I must assume the responsibilities of a regular employee and observe employment regulations in regard to reporting to work and in keeping with general job regulations. If I am unable to attend work because of illness or emergency, I understand that I must call my supervisor at work by 10:00 a.m. I understand that it is my responsibility to rearrange my schedule in order to meet the required hours. I will make arrangements with my supervisor to be excused from work to attend required school programs, (i.e. school concert, drama production). I understand that school is my first responsibility. If there are concerns about my assignment or if problems of any kind develop, I will inform the school's Senior Project coordinator immediately and give all details. I understand that my Senior Project is under the supervision of my Senior Project school coordinators. I understand that I must spend a minimum of 25 hours each week at my Senior Project site and that I must keep a daily time sheet of hours worked. This time sheet must be totaled and signed by my supervisor and turned in at the required Senior Project seminar in June. I understand that my attendance is mandatory. I also understand that in addition to turning in signed time sheets, I will be prepared to present an eight-to-ten minute presentation and display highlighting my Senior Project, and a synthesis paper about my Senior Project, to be handed in at the final seminar. I have no expectation that I will be paid for my Senior Project, since my Senior Project is an extension of my high school education. I understand that any projects that I work on are the property of my mentoring company. I understand that I must observe and comply with all security and safety requirements of my mentoring company. I understand that my final grade for all second semester courses will be computed by averaging my 3 rd and 4th quarter grades as of the date of the beginning of the Senior Project. I understand that any violation of the above regulations will result in my being removed from the Senior Project program. Student Signature: __________________________________________________________Date: _________ Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________Date: _________ 3/3/16 6 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT 2013-2014 PARENT/GUARDIAN AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE Due: April 25, 2014 I hereby grant permission for my daughter/son to participate in the Strongsville High School Senior Project program. I understand that this program is voluntary, and that there is no requirement that my daughter/son participate in this program. I understand that to participate in this program, my daughter/son will not attend Strongsville High School from April 28 through May 23, 2014. My daughter/son will work a minimum of 25 hours each week at the approved Senior Project site. I hereby grant my permission for this to occur. I understand that my daughter/son is required to attend the final seminar to be held at Strongsville High School and that my daughter/son is required to have signed time sheets, and a prepared presentation with an outline. I acknowledge that Strongsville City Schools (SCS) will have no responsibility for the transportation of my daughter/son to and from the Senior Project site, nor for any type of automobile or other insurance coverage, and assume full responsibility for my daughter's/son's transportation to and from the Senior Project site. I confirm that my daughter/son is covered by medical insurance. I understand that since the location for the Senior Project has not been chosen by SCS, but by my daughter/son, I acknowledge that SCS will have no responsibility for any conditions at that non-SCS location. I hereby agree that SCS shall have no liability resulting from or arising out of my daughter's/son's participation in the Senior Project program, and hereby waive any such claim I may have. I understand that my daughter/son may not intern with her/his parent or guardian, or other family member. I understand that I may withdraw my permission at any time by notification to the school's Senior Project coordinators and that my daughter/son will thereafter be withdrawn from the Senior Project program and return to Strongsville High School daily until the end of the school year. I understand that Strongsville City Schools has not and will not undertake any background check on the Senior Project mentor. PRINT Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ____________ PRINT Student's Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Student's Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: ____________ 3/3/16 7 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT 2013-2014 FINAL SENIOR PROJECT CHECKLIST Due: April 25, 2014 Name of Senior: ________________________________________________ Please indicate N/A if not applicable TEACHER APPROVAL Student must be passing each class for the semester. PERIOD/COURSE 3RD Quarter Grade 4th Quarter Grade 2nd Semester Final Grade * Book Returned Teacher Signature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Student Sign Off I have completed all academic work at SHS. _________________________________________________________ School Fees Senior has paid School Fees ____Signature of Bursar:__________________________________________________ Media Center Senior has no outstanding obligations. Signature of Media Specialist: _____________________________________ Guidance Senior Survey completed. No outstanding obligations. Signature of Counselor:__________________________________________________________________________ NHS Approval (if applicable) Senior has completed NHS obligations. Signature of NHS sponsor________________________________________ Final Parent Approval Signature of at least one parent for final approval: _____________________________________________________ Administrator Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ * Final Grade for all second semester courses will be computed by averaging 3rd and 4 th quarter grades as of the date of the beginning of the Senior Project. 3/3/16 8 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT SPONSOR MID-TERM EVALUATION FORM 2013-2014 DUE: 5/16/14 Dear Sponsor, Thank you for sponsoring a Strongsville High School student on senior project. We hope that the experience was constructive and rewarding both for you and for the student whom you sponsored. We would be grateful if you would fill out the form below and return it to the senior on May 16, 2014. This form is a means for Strongsville High School to evaluate our student and the program itself. Thank you again for your participation. Your effort has been essential to us. Sincerely, Senior Project Committee Please respond to the following. Use a separate sheet of paper if you prefer. Strongsville High School student's name: ________________________________________________ - Is the student on time and reliable? - Is the student eager to learn and to help? - Is the student behaving in a socially acceptable manner? - Should the student continue his/her participation in the Strongsville High School Senior Project? __________ - Additional comments: Sponsor's Name: ____________________________________ Position: ________________________________ Sponsor’s Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: _____________ FAX: 440-572-7117 ATTN: SENIOR PROJECT 3/3/16 9 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT SPONSOR FINAL EVALUATION FORM 2013-2014 DUE: 5/23/14 Dear Sponsor, Thank you for sponsoring a Strongsville High School student on senior project. We hope that the experience was constructive and rewarding both for you and for the student whom you sponsored. We would be grateful if you would fill out the form below and return it to the senior on his/her last day on project. The form is a means for Strongsville High School to evaluate our student and the program itself. Thank you again for your participation. Your effort has been essential to us. Sincerely, Senior Project Committee Please respond to the following. Use a separate sheet of paper if you prefer. Strongsville High School student's name: ________________________________________________ - While under your sponsorship, was the student on time and reliable? - Was the student eager to learn and to help? - Did the student behave in a socially acceptable manner? - Would you consider sponsoring another student from Strongsville School in the future? - Please make any additional comments about our student or the senior project program. Sponsor's Name: ____________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Sponsor’s Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________ 3/3/16 10 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT 2013-2014 DAILY TIME SHEET Student's Name (please print) ____________________________________ Mentoring Company: ___________________________________ Mentor's Name: ________________________ Date: Hours Worked Total Student's Initials Supervisor's Initials _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Week of April 28 Total Week of May 5 Total Week of May 12 Total Week of May 19 Total ______ ______ ______ ______ Student’s Initials ________ Student's Initials ________ Student's Initials ________ Student's Initials ________ Supervisor’s Initials _________ Supervisor's Initials _________ Supervisor's Initials _________ Supervisor's Initials _________ Supervisor's Signature __________________________________________________ Student's Signature _____________________________________________________ - Time sheets will be totaled daily and weekly. - Time sheets will be initialed by student and supervisor daily and weekly. - Time sheets will be signed by student and supervisor at the end of the Senior Project. - An absence will be marked on the daily tally sheet with an "A" and the absence explained below. - Time sheets will be turned in at the Senior Project Open House on May 30, 2013 at Strongsville High School. 3/3/16 11 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT 2013-2014 STRONGSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT APPLICATION SIGN-OFF I have read, understand and will comply with all aspects of the Strongsville High School Senior Project as described in the Senior Project handbook. I understand that the Senior Project mentor has been selected by the student and is approved by his/her parent. I understand that Strongsville City Schools has not and will not undertake any background check on the Senior Project mentor. Student: ________________________________________________________ Date:____________ Parent: _________________________________________________________ Date:____________ Project Mentor: __________________________________________________ Date:____________ Faculty Advisor: _________________________________________________ Date:____________ 3/3/16 12