American Studies: Review for the Literature of the 1920`s

American Studies: Review for the Literature of the 1920’s
Ernest Hemingway
code hero
“Fifty Grand”
study guide
What are Jack Brennan’s standards?
When does he exhibit grace under pressure?
“The Killers”
study guide
What standard does Ole Andreson set?
What would Ole need to do to exhibit grace under pressure?
“A Clean Well Lighted Place”
old waiter
young waiter
old man
Why does the old man go to the bodega?
What does the older waiter understand about the old man’s
fears and needs?
What is the concept of “nada” and how does it apply to this
“Indian Camp”
Indian father
Dr. Adams
Nick Adams
Uncle George
Indian woman
Why can’t Dr. Adams and Uncle George be the code hero?
What standards might the Indian father have set?
How could he have exhibited grace under pressure?
Hemingway Handouts: Code Hero and “The Killers and “Indian Camp” Analysis
A Farewell to Arms
Themes/ Topics: Death of Love, War and Its Aftermath, Mountains vs.
Plains, Code Hero, Stocism
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Portrayal of the rich and depiction of women
The Great Gatsby
Haves and have nots
Recapturing the past
American Dream
Westering theme (East vs. West Egg/ East vs. West or
Wasteland: based on T. S. Eliot’s pivotal poem The
Hemingway depict modern society as spiritually
decay by a physical wasteland, such as the Valley
of the Ashes or the dry plains in many of
Hemingway’s novels, especially those set in
Symbolism (see chart)
Title Significance: what makes Gatsby great?
“Under the Biltmore Clock”
Knowleton Whitney, Myra Harper
What is the role of deception in the story?
How is Myra reflective of Fitzgerald’s view of women?
How does Knowleton represent Fitzgerald’s view of the rich?
Ironic ending
“Bernice Bobs Her Hair”
Bernice, Marjorie Wallace
How is Marjorie a typical “golden girl” and what does she
teach Bernice about how to be popular?
Ironic ending
“The Baby Party”
Edith Andros, John Andros, Little Ede
Mr. and Mrs. Markey, Little Billy
How is the title ironic?
How does Edith Andros reflect Fitzgerald’s view of women?
Contrast the way men and women handle problems.