Reading Comprehension/ Read the Ad/ Find Someone Who!

Dates: October 12-16
Magazine Lessons: A Car Show/ Dream Car/ / The Car Show/ Car Show Talk/ A New Truck
Activity Focus: Reading Comprehension/ Read the Ad/ Find Someone Who!
Part 1: Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer for each question. Use the information from the
conversations in your magazine.
October 12
1. What is Jason looking at?
(A) apartment ads
(B) motorcycle ads
(C) ads for the clothing store
(D) ads for the mall’s car show
2. What word do we usually use for cars?
(A) pretty
(B) proud
(C) cool
(D) cute
October 13
3. Who wants a Porsche?
(A) Pam
(B) Jack
(C) Amy
(D) Jason
4. What is true about Jason?
(A) He is a bad driver.
(B) He has a driver’s license.
(C) He used to have a Porsche.
(D) He drove a scooter in Kaohsiung.
5. Jason needs to practice for ___.
(A) the driver’s test
(B) the scooter license
(C) the mall’s car show
(D) all of the above
October 14
6. Jack used to want to be a ___.
(A) actor
(B) secretary
(C) truck driver
(D) tennis player
7. What does Tom remember from his
college road trip?
(A) the price of food
(B) the price of gas
(C) the truck driver
(D) the driver’s test
October 15
8. How long does it take to fill up the big
truck’s gas tank?
(A) 10 minutes
(B) 15 minutes
(C) 25 minutes
(D) 30 minutes
9. What goes in the tires?
(A) gas
(B) air
(C) water
(D) sand
10. What turns the tires?
(A) the engine
(B) the seatbelt
(C) the steering wheel
(D) A and C
October 16
11. What did Jack buy at the car show?
(A) a van
(B) a car
(C) a toy truck
(D) a sports car
12. What is true?
(A) Four passengers can fit in Jack’s
new truck.
(B) Amy is really interested in the car
(C) Jack never needs to fix his truck.
(D) Tom bought a new car at the show.
Part 2: Read the Ad. Read the car advertisement below and answer the questions.
Looking for your dream car? Make no mistakes with Driver Jakes. We have cool
cars, motorcycles, trucks, and vans for the best prices. What kind of car do you
Do you need something with power? Check out some of our trucks.
Driving can be very dangerous when you have a family. That’s why Driver
Jakes has the safest vans for you and your kids.
Driver Jakes knows that gas can be very expensive. But fill up your tank for
less. Buy one of our special Volkswagens. And you will start saving your money!
If you are interested in visiting us, please come! Driver Jakes has special sales on car
repairs. Be the owner of your new car, van, or truck today!
1. What does Driver Jakes sell?
A. sports cars and trucks
B. motorcycles and smaller vans
C. cars, motorcycles, and bikes
D. cars, trucks, vans, and
4. What will save you some money
on gas?
A. buying a Volkswagen
B. wearing your seat belt
C. filling up the tank every day
D. putting air in your tires at night
2. What has the most power?
A. the cars
B. the vans
C. the trucks
D. the motorcycles
5. Driver Jakes has sales on ___.
A. tires
B. repairs
C. engines
D. machines
3. What is true about the vans?
A. They are safe for families.
B. They are dangerous for pets.
C. They can have 15
D. They take a special kind of
Part 3: Find Someone Who . . . Find someone who matches each of the statements below.
1. drives a motorcycle.
2. is wearing a cool watch.
3. has a dream car.
4. used to play basketball.
5. is a good driver.
6. wants to drive a truck.
7. is interested in cars.
8. thinks scooters are too dangerous.