Chapter 1
1. Raskolnikov has a reunion with his mother and his sister whom he hasn’t seen for three years. Is Mrs. Raskolnikov consistent with what you expected after reading the letter in Book I from her to Raskolnikov? Explain.
2. Razumihin walks Dounia and her mother home—why? Where are they living? What does he say about Luzhin? What is
Razumihin’s condition? Does that explain his infatuation with Dounia?
3. Why does Razumihin threaten Zossimov when Razumihin returns to Raskolnikov’s apartment?
Chapter 2
1. Razumihin awakes and chastises himself for having such wishes as he has concerning Dounia. He argues with himself and then engages in a conversation with Zossimov about Raskolnikov.
What do make of Razumihin behavior?
2. Razumihin goes to Dounia’s and her mother’s lodging to report on Raskolnikov’s condition. Note the description of
Raskolnikov and how this description fits Raskolnikov’s name. Who is Praskovya Pavlovna’s daughter?
3. Raskolnikov’s mother receives a letter from Luzhin. What is his request?
4. Note how Mrs. R. returns to Razumihin for guidance. What was Mrs. Raskolnikov’s dream?
Chapter 3
-Zossimov, Raskolnikov, Mrs. Raskolnikov, Dounia, and Razumihin have this discussion about a number of things. Pay close attention to what we learn about Marfa Svidrigailov’s death and Svidrigailov.
1. The conversation then turns to Luzhin and his wedding presents to Dounia. What is unusual about that? What does Dounia ask Raskolnikov to do concerning her next meeting with Luzhin and dinner that evening?
Chapter 4
1. Sonia Marmeladov arrives at Raskolnikov’s apartment. Note how all those present respond to her.
2. Dounia and her mother leave—note what Dounia reveals about her understanding of Luzhin.
3. Why does Raskolnikov say he wants to see Porfiry Petrovitch? Who is this Porfiry Petrovitch and how does Razumihin know him?
4. Note carefully the gentleman that follows Sonia after Raskolnikov and Razumihin leave her – he is “about fifty, rather tall and thickly set” – who is this man?
5. Raskolnikov and Razumihin have this discussion as they walk to Porfiry Petrovitch’s apartment—not to the police station— why?
Chapter 5
1. Notice how Raskolnikov finds this scene so incredibly humorous. Also note the description of Porfiry Petrovitch—this is our first time to meet him although we have heard of him many times before. Note this almost cat and mouse game between Porfiry
Petrovitch and Raskolnikov. Does Porfiry Petrovitch suspect Raskolnikov of the crime or are we being influenced by
Raskolnikov’s state of mind?
-Note the discussion of the socialist doctrine. Razumihin argues with Porfiry Petrovitch.
-Then Porfiry Petrovitch mentions an article that Raskolnikov had written and published earlier on crime and the “extraordinary man” theory. Read this section closely, and write down questions that you do not understand because this is a crucial part of the novel.
-Pay close attention to their conversation when the discussion turns to religion. The Lazarus story is a major symbol in this novel—you will se at least two more references to it.
2. Also note what they say about punishment—what is punishment?
Chapter 6
-They (Raskolnikov and Razumihin) leave Porfiry Petrovitch’s and walk to where Dounia and Pulcheria Alexandrovna are staying. Notice what Raskolnikov says to Razumihin in his defense of why he behaved as he did at Porfiry Petrovitch’s.
1. Very odd behavior—Raskolnikov directs Razumihin to go in and he says he will later—and then he rushes home. Why?
2. Another very weird thing—when Raskolnikov goes home, his porter tells him and points out this man who has been inquiring about Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov runs after him and confronts him. What does the man call Raskolnikov? Who is this man?
Can you figure it out?
-He returns to his apartment in a state of anxiety and has Dream #3. Note how this dream is similar yet different to all of the others.
-Read the last paragraph closely. When he awakens from this frightening dream, note the stranger who enters the room and introduces himself.