Crime and Punishment

AP Literature
Crime and Punishment
Everyone passes!
Reading Guide – Part I
Chapter 1
-Try to visualize Petersburg as Raskolnikov walks through the streets. Notice how much attention Dostoevsky pays to specific
details, i.e. number of steps, color of walls, wallpaper, etc.
1. What is Raskolnikov’s history with the pawnbroker? How many times has he been there and what has been exchanged?
2. Think of several adjectives that you would use to describe Raskolnikov after reading Chapter 1 and list them.
Chapter 2
-Raskolnikov leaves the pawnbrokers and goes to a tavern where he meets and talks with Marmeladov. When Dostoevsky began
writing this novel, his intention was to write The Drunkard and Marmeladov and his family were going to be the focus. Now the
Marmeladov episode is a subplot until the two plots merge later on.
1. Who are the members of the Marmeladov family? What is his history? What did you think of Sonia’s sacrifice? How did
you feel toward Katerina before the event? After the event? Did you notice any Biblical allusions in this scene?
2. What is your response to Marmeladov? Can you have any sympathy for him? Has Dostoevsky done a good job of
describing an alcoholic?
Chapter 3
1. Pay close attention to the description of Raskolnikov’s room. How would you feel if you lived in such a place?
2. What is Raskolnikov’s relationship with his landlady?
3. Note on page 25 . . . “My dear Rodya” . . . begins a letter to Raskolnikov from his mother. Don’t give up—the letter is 8
pages long. Pay particular attention to the people. Where is Raskolnikov’s father? Who is Raskolnikov’s sister? Pay close
attention to the “affair” with Svidrigailov and the details with Dounia. Svidrigailov is a major character in the novel and
will be a foil to Raskolnikov. Listen closely to these details. What kind of person is Marfa Petrovna – his wife? Who is
Luzhin and why do you think Raskolnikov hates him so much? Luzhin is also a major character – so pay attention to the
details concerning him.
Chapter 4
1. What is the connection Raskolnikov makes between Sonia and Dounia?
2. Pay attention to this repeating pattern that develops and will be repeated: another young girl who is the victim of an
aggressive male. What does Raskolnikov call the man pursuing this girl? Why, since that isn’t his name? How does
Raskolnikov serve as a rescuer in this scene? But note his change of heart when he leaves? What does this tell us about
3. Who is Razumihin? Razumihin is another major character who is revealed bit by bit.
Chapter 5
1. Raskolnikov decides not to go see Razumihin. He says he’ll go after what? What is it?
2. Then Raskolnikov sleeps under a bush and has his first dream. (Dream #1) The dream begins on page 48 – the last
paragraph. The dream ends at the top of page 46. Summarize what happens: who are the characters? What role does
Raskolnikov play in the dream? Is he an aggressor or a rescuer?
3. When he awakes, he feels led to walk toward the Hay Market. What is that? Who is Lizaveta? What does he learn about
her being home tomorrow?
Chapter 6
1. Look at the beginning of this chapter – it explains how Raskolnikov first heard about the pawnbroker and Lizaveta. He
remembers sitting in a tavern and overhearing a conversation that was similar to a “strange idea. . . pecking at his brain like
a chicken in the egg, and very, very much absorbed him.” What is this idea?
2. Page 57 break – he sleeps all day and makes certain preparations for something. What? What are his preparations?
What does he observe happening in the building when he climbs to the 4th floor where the pawnbroker lives? Notice these
closely – they will be crucial later in the “detective” part of the novel.
Chapter 7
1. Pay close attention to the double murder that occurs in this chapter. Note the events and the order they occur in. Observe
how Raskolnikov is able to escape even when the two men come to the apartment door. Who is at the door?
2. Raskolnikov does what with the ax? He returns home and falls to sleep.