to the Newsletter

Principal’s/Governors’ Newsletter
Issue No. 83 December 2013
Also on our website -
Dear Parents / Carers
As this busy term draws to a close (we finish at 12.25pm on Friday 20th December), I would like
to take this opportunity to update you with the latest Academy news.
There will be one member of staff leaving and one retiring at the end of term.
Miss N. Beddington will be leaving after a short time with us and we wish her well in her
promoted post.
This takes us to our longest serving teacher. Mrs Sheila Venross will finally retire at Christmas
after 40 years serving Bristnall Hall students and families with distinction.
I say finally because officially she retired in the summer but was pressed into a final term’s
service because we couldn’t replace her!
It is unusual to find someone with her dedication, commitment and attention to detail. Her
distinguished and unique career comes to an end with our every good wish for a long and well
deserved retirement.
She will not be easy to replace.
Community Cohesion/Citizenship.
Staff, Parents / Carers and Students continue to be generous with time, effort and money,
despite the difficult economic climate, by supporting various charities and good causes. During
2013 we have supported - Cancer Research, Macmillan, Children In Need, Philippines, Help
Harry, NSPCC, Red Nose Day and Birmingham Childrens’ Hospital raising a combined total of
This week we have been busy completing 40 food hampers for the needy in our locality. We do
this every year and I would like once more to record my thanks to all those parents sending in
food and other donations – we couldn’t have such an impact without your support.
It is a wonderful moment for our students when they deliver them (week beginning 16th
December) to really grateful recipients to whom they mean so much. If you are aware of elderly
residents within our community who would appreciate a food hamper, please phone in the name
and address to Reception by Wednesday 18th December and we will deliver if at all possible.
Also we have been providing some festive cheer at Sainsbury’s, Oldbury, this week with
music/singing and bag packing . . . . . all for a good cause.
Christmas Jumper Competition
Please note the following information regarding our Christmas Jumper Competition on Thursday
19th December only!
Key points in regards to the Christmas jumper competition.
It will be a free competition to enter.
Students will wear their bought, home-made or other Christmassy jumper on top of their
shirt and tie.
No other jumper will be accepted and Hoodies will not be allowed.
Each register will have a participation slip where form tutors count how many students
have participated in the competition. Slips will be collected by sports captains.
The winning house will be the house with the most participants.
There will be an additional 6 prizes for the best jumpers on show (2 per house)
Partnership with Sainsburys
We are building a most beneficial partnership with Sainsbury’s in Oldbury.
We are in discussion with them about a number of Work Related Learning possibilities for our
students which we hope will help to develop the employability skills so sought by businesses
In the meantime, Sainsbury’s are donating prizes for the Christmas Jumper Competition, various
House Events and are allowing us to Carol Sing and Bag Pack at their store during week
commencing 15th December.
Please support them when you can.
Academy Closures.
It’s that time of year again! The weather could turn on us, so it is time once again, to remind you
of our procedure for School Closure in the event of bad weather. It is always our intention to
give as much notice as possible. However, if snow falls during the night, the local radio stations,
BRMB and Beacon Radio will be informed of any closures. In addition to closure for bad
weather, there may be occasions when, due to an emergency, children need to be sent home
early. Please try to make arrangements for your son/daughter to have somewhere safe to go as
a contingency measure in such circumstances.
In addition, we will endeavour to text parents / carers regarding any school closure following bad
weather overnight.
Please note updated information can be found on our website (see top of this letter).
Road Safety
With the dark mornings and nights, please consider reflective / light coloured clothing for your
sons / daughters to make them more visible to road users.
Also, please avoid parking on the yellow lines outside the Academy even if it is only a drop
off. It puts our students in more danger than they need to be. Thank you for your co-operation.
Rewards Criteria.
Each Year we have 2 / 3 ‘Rewards Trips’ for all students who have been able to meet certain
criteria in a specified period:
This includes
At least 95% attendance (in the specified period)
No more than 5 Behaviour Points i.e. 5 detentions (C3’s)
No C4 Isolations
No fixed-term exclusions
No more than 8 lates
Students who meet this criteria will be eligible to go on any or all of our rewards trips if they so
wish. Holidays in term time are not encouraged and are likely to affect point a) above and so
disqualify a student from that trip.
Year 11 are to adopt a new rewards system based on prom credits to be awarded for the
following and will be worth 1 prom credit:
- Monthly attendance
- Good work etc.
- Extra-Curricular Clubs
- Revision Clubs
- Extra input to Academy activities – football team, rowing club, dance extravaganza
- Excellent Punctuality
Achieving an agreed number of prom credits (decided later) will guarantee students an invitation
to attend the Prom. Any student who falls short of the agreed number of prom credits or does
not meet the behaviour criteria will not be able to attend.
Raising Achievement
Attendance – Holidays in Term time and Appointments
Attendance currently stands at 94.6% so we are behind our target of 95%. Please make every
effort to encourage good attendance as it makes a real difference.
Good attendance (i.e. 96%+) has a major impact on examination grades. All our Rewards Trips
have 95% as a requirement for 2013 / 2014.
Also, if medical appointments have to be made in Academy time, please insist on your son /
daughter coming into Academy first, before attending the appointment. They also need to return
afterwards to ensure a positive attendance mark.
Please do all you possibly can to avoid taking holidays in term-time. Only in the most
exceptional circumstances can I authorise them. Reasons such as being cheaper, booked by
relatives without knowing, mistaken holiday dates, family holiday etc. are NOT exceptional
I enclosed a list of holidays and term dates for September 2013 to September 2014 in my
newsletter to you dated July 2013. We hope this advanced notice will help in your holiday
planning. Copies of the holiday dates can be collected from Reception or can be accessed via
our website Copies of previous newsletters can be found
here too.
Parents’ Evenings
These are essential to maintain a healthy dialogue between us regarding your son’s / daughter’s
progress and attainment. Please do all you can to keep these dates free.
Academy Information / News
Business and Enterprise
 6th form media students attended the Royal Television Society Awards to network with
professionals from TV and Theatre.
 Yr12 and 13 Ambassadors promoted BHA at the Chamber of Commerce marketing and
networking conference at The Hawthorns recently.
 BHA Students are participating in the Blast Beat National music/event organizing
All such events help our students acquire the necessary skills for a successful adult life.
Year 10 Business Studies
The Businesses Studies groups in Year 10 have created small businesses to get real life
experience. Each business was given £10 start-up capital and they have been supported by our
Enterprise in Education Specialist advisors to get their businesses underway and this week they
have set up their stalls in the hall at lunchtime to test out their business ideas. The hall was a
hive of activity as the students provided goods and services for students and teachers, trading
was brisk and profits very healthy! Well done Year 10 Business classes.
Dance Information
Unfold Dance Company [containing BHA students] performed at their first external venue and
took the crowd by storm. Dancers enjoyed the opportunity to perform in front of a new audience.
Thank you to members for their commitment and professionalism.
Unfold Drama group to start 14th January costs £5 for 2 hours at Bristnall Hall from 4.306.30pm.
Dance Showcase 2013 was extremely successful with over 70 students involved in this
performance, Work from GCSE and BTEC dance were showcased. Well done to all students
Students have the opportunity to work with professional dance artist Shaun Cope from
the DanceXchange who will be teaching Urban Fusion lessons on Tuesdays from 3.20-4.20pm.
It costs £25 for 10 sessions and the work will be performed in the Dance Extravaganza.
Dance Extravaganza auditions take place on Monday 20th January in the Dance studio from
3.10 until all pieces have been performed (approximately 5pm).
Student / Parent Monies into the Academy
Please note that any money sent into the Academy should be in a sealed envelope clearly
labelled with the student’s name, form, amount enclosed and what the money is for.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Head Lice
We have had a small outbreak of head lice. Please check your child’s hair for head lice and
treat the problem immediately. Lotions can be bought from any chemist. The treatment must
be followed up with regular combing with a head lice comb.
This is merely a precaution and to prevent a small outbreak escalating. Thank you
Food Technology
Year 10 students Joshua Godwin and Ryan Hadley completed a 10 week Junior Chefs Course
at University College Birmingham. Every Saturday morning they were taught by professional
chefs. On Saturday 23rd November they helped to prepare a stunning two course meal for
family and local chefs. They were presented with their certificates. The Chefs were extremely
impressed with the professionalism of our students.
Rebecca Hunt Year 11, who has previously completed the Junior Chefs course, moved up this
year to the Bakers course. This included making high end pastry and bread products.
Again, a great success.
Buddy Club
We would like to say “thank you” to Melbicks Garden Centre for donating a Christmas Tree for
the garden used by Buddy Club.
End of Term.
The Academy closes to students at 12.25pm on Friday 20th December 2013. Packed lunches
will be available to those students who pre-order one.
Finally, I would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you an enjoyable
Christmas, a peaceful holiday and a successful 2014 from Governors, Staff and Students of our
Yours faithfully
S. W. Venross
Dates for your Diary
Spring Term 2014
Monday 6th January
Mon 13th - Fri 17th January
Thursday 23rd January
Thursday 23rd January
Mon 10th - Fri 14th February
Friday 14th February
Mon 17th - Fri 21st February
Monday 24th February
Thursday 27th February
Mon 3rd - Fri 14th March
Tues 18th and Wed 19th March
Monday 24th March
Thursday 3rd April
Mon 7th - Fri 11th April
Friday 11th April
Mon 14th - Fri 25th April
Monday 28th April
Mon 28th April - Fri 2nd May
Monday 5th May
Thursday 15th May
Thursday 22nd May
Friday 23rd May
Mon 26th May - Fri 30th May
Monday 2nd June
Friday 18th July
New Term Begins for all at 8.55am
Post 16 Mock Exams
Year 10 Work Experience Pre-Visit
Year 9 Options Evening
Year 10 Work Experience Week
Academy Closes at 3.10pm for Half-Term Holiday
Academy re-opens for all at 8.55am
Year 9 Parents’ Evening
Year 7 Examination Weeks
Dance Extravaganza
Training Day - Academy Closed to Students
Year 10 Parents’ Evening
Year 8 Examination Week 1
Academy Closes at 3.10pm for Easter Holiday
Easter Holiday
Academy re-opens for all at 8.55am
Year 8 Examination Week 2
May Day
Year 7 Parents’ Evening
European Elections
Training Day - Academy Closed to Students
Spring Bank Holiday
Academy re-opens for all at 8.55am
Academy closes at 12.25pm for Summer Holiday
With Best Wishes
for a
Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year