Constitution The Accounting Society Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, Kentucky ARTICLE I This organization shall be known as The Accounting Society of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky. ARTICLE II PURPOSES 1. To foster a feeling of unity, mutual interest and good fellowship among the members of The Accounting Society. 2. To provide a forum for the discussion of topics relating to accounting, with a focus on career opportunities. 3. To make use of available resources which provide opportunities for social and educational growth. 4. To acquaint accounting students with their future duties and obligations 5. To develop and establish in the minds of the members of this society a personal feeling of high ethical standards. 6. Act as a forum for feedback regarding the EKU accounting program and the mentoring of EKU accounting students. ARTICLE III Membership 1. Active membership in the Accounting Society shall be open to any student at Eastern Kentucky University who has selected Accounting as a major field of study, or is enrolled in any accounting course. 2. Members must maintain a scholastic average of "C" 3. Honorary membership may be conferred upon members of the faculty of the Department of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems or other persons who have made outstanding records in the field of Accounting. 4. Students who desire to become members shall make written application to the executive committee requesting membership. The executive committee shall furnish a form for this purpose. ARTICLE IV Officers 1. Officers shall be president, vice president, secretary-treasurer and public relations officer. 2. In the event the office of president becomes vacant, the vice president shall assume the duties of the president; replacements for all other vacancies shall be appointed by the executive committee. 3. All officers shall be elected for a period of one year. 4. The executive committee shall consist of the officers, the faculty sponsors, and two members elected by the organization. ARTICLE V AMENDMENTS This constitution may be amended at any official meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting. Notice of a proposed amendment must be presented at the last official meeting prior to the meeting at which the vote is taken. There must be a period of at least one week between the presentation of a proposed amendment and a vote upon the amendment. By-Laws: BY-LAWS OF THE ACCOUNTING SOCIETY ARTICLE I SUSPENSION Two consecutive unexcused absences from regular meetings by any officer automatically suspends the officer from the organization. The executive committee shall have sole power to re-instate suspended members and excuse absences. ARTICLE II DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS 1. The president shall preside at all meetings, have power to appoint committees, be ex-officio member of all committees, and may go before the Student Council with matters pertaining to The Accounting Society. 2. The vice-president shall assume all the duties of the president in his/her absence. The vice-president shall be chair of the program committee. 3. The secretary-treasurer shall assume all the duties of president in the absence of both the president and the vice-president, shall keep a record of all active members, collect all dues and shall present a financial report upon request of the president or motion from the floor at any official meeting. 4. The public relations officer shall be responsible for the upkeep of the official Society website as well as any other electronic media related to the group (i.e. blackboard). The public relations officer is also responsible for email notifications regarding group meetings and business. 5. The officers of the Society shall be required by this section to make a special effort in behalf of the stated purposed of this Society. They shall quickly introduce new members into the business of the Society. ARTICLE III ELECTION OF OFFICERS 1. Candidates for all offices shall have at least two (2) semesters of college remaining after taking office. 2. Candidates for all offices shall be selected by a nomination from the floor at a meeting of The Accounting Society for the purpose of electing officers. 3. Voting for individual candidates shall be done by secret ballot. A simple majority constitutes election. 4. All officers shall be elected at the next to last meeting of the spring semester and shall take office at the next meeting. ARTICLE IV MEETINGS 1. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the executive committee other than regularly scheduled meetings approved by the Society. There shall be not less than six (6) regular meetings during a school year. 2. Regular meeting dates and times shall be established by each executive committee. 3. Each meeting shall have an agenda and minutes shall be recorded by a volunteer member at each meeting, or by assigned member if no member volunteers. ARTICLE V PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY 1. Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority on all matters not covered by the constitution and by-laws of this organization. 2. The executive council shall have final authority on matters not covered by the constitution, by-laws, or Roberts Rules of Order. ARTICLE VI DUES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 1. Dues shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per academic year, payable beginning at the first regular meeting of the fall semester. 2. Special assessments for Society activities shall be authorized by a majority vote of those present at an official meeting. ARTICLE VII AMENDMENT TO THE BY-LAWS The By-Laws may be amended in the same manner prescribed in Article V, Section 1, of the Constitution.