Presents “The Sounds of Christmas” GRAND MARSHAL – LINDA BERG, Director of Idaho Opera Chorus Sponsored by: 2014 PARTICIPANT APPLICATION FORM An acceptance letter and further instructions will be mailed to you if your group is accepted as an official Holiday Parade Entry. If your Commercial Entry is not accepted, your check will be returned to you. We will accept 100 applications for this year’s parade. After that we will begin a waiting list. PARADE DATE: Saturday, November 22nd at 9:45 a.m. Entry deadline, November 11th . The undersigned applicant agrees to comply with all rules of the Holiday Parade Association and any additional rules that be deemed necessary for the safe conduct of the parade. Furthermore, the undersigned has read, kept and will comply with the Holiday Parade Association “Safety Checklist and Rules”, specifically: 1. 2. 3. “NO CANDY OR NOVELTY ITEMS MAY BE THROWN TO SPECTATORS ALONG THE PARADE ROUTE”, cost for cleanup of handouts and similar material will be charged back to the entrant. No one, or prop, walking, riding, or on a float can be dressed in a Santa Claus outfit or resemble Santa Claus in any format. However, Santa and Elf hats are acceptable. Noise level must not exceed 95 decibels. This includes air horns and sirens of any kind. Failure to adhere to any of the above rules, or other rules stated in the Safety Checklist and Rules, may be cause for the entry to be summarily dismissed and not allowed to complete the parade route. In consideration of the acceptance of the application, the applicant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Holiday Parade Association from any claims for damage or injury caused to/by the applicant’s entry in the Holiday Parade. The Holiday Parade Association reserves the right to refuse any entry that is not in keeping with the standards and rules set forth by its Board of Directors. This includes entries not following the theme or entries not decorated. In addition, there will be a $50.00 Entry Fee for COMMERCIAL ENTRIES. (Defined as those affiliated with or advertising a local or national business.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The Holiday Parade Committee will notify applicants of acceptance. Please check this box and sign below that you have read and understand the Safety Checklist and Rules, provided with this application, and hereby agree to adhere to those rules. Send this portion with your completed entry page and your check, if applicable, to or fax to 472-3599 or PO Box 7413, Boise, ID 83707 Entry name: _______________________________________________________ Signature:_________________________________________________________ Date:______________________ Boise Holiday Parade 2014 Application “THE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS ” (Please print or type) Printed Name:______________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Organization Name: (Please print clearly)_____________________________________________________________ Contact Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Complete Mailing Address:___________________________________City_____________________Zip__________ Title:________________________ Work Phone:___________________ Home Phone:_________________________ *Email: (for Holiday Parade purposes only)___________________________________ Do you want your entry to be judged? ________ Yes (If yes, select a division below.) Float (propelled or pulled by motor vehicle) ______ FLOAT ENTRY (60 FEET MAXIMUM) Self Propelled: ____ Pickup: ____ Flatbed: ____ Horse Unit Pickup/Trailer: ____ ______ No Walking Unit ______ Length:____ Music: ____ NON-FLOAT ENTRY Car Unit: ______ Walking Unit: ______ Other (Please specify): _______________________________________ Car Units will be limited to 8 cars per unit. # of Cars in your unit Car units will be accepted on a first come basis and MUST ALL BE DECORATED AND RELATED TO THE THEME – NO EXCEPTIONS. HORSE/ANIMAL ENTRY – If you are Royalty and need a car, one will be provided. Please indicate. Youth Group: ____ Adult Group: ____ Royalty: ____ Horse Drawn: ____ Music: ____ Other: ______________ Number of horse/animals:______ Number of carriages/wagons:______ Horse Units will be limited to 8 per unit. # of Horses in your unit Horse units will be accepted on a first come basis and will be limited. If you have more than 8, you may be split into two units. KTVB will be providing event television coverage. Please use this space to provide a few interesting facts about your unit or float. Also, tell how your title incorporates 2014: “The Sounds of Christmas”. Include another page if needed. PLEASE PROVIDE A SIMPLE SKETCH OF YOUR FLOAT IDEA FOR OUR PLANNING. FAILURE TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE DESCRIPTION WILL RESULT IN DELAY OF ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF YOUR ENTRY. YOUR DESIGNS WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. REMEMBER, MUSIC ON YOUR FLOATS IS GREATLY ENCOURAGED. Boise Holiday Parade 2014 Application (Part 2) Please provide as much information as possible Due with you application by November 11th. Failure to provide enough narrative may result in your entry not being accepted. Please remember to match the theme of “Sounds of Christmas”. This can mean music, jingle bells, bells, singing, chimes and other sounds you hear during the Holiday Season. Parade entry name and title? Who are your participants? Club/family/school/church group? Is anyone former parade royalty? Any other parade participation? Participant age ranges? How was your float/entry constructed? Unique materials used? Recycled materials? Who built/decorated it? When did you begin the design process? Have you included music of any sort? What is it and how does it fit the theme? (This includes vehicle entries) Is there anything interesting about your tow vehicle? Year, original owner? Boise Holiday Parade history with your group? Years participated? Any special story to tell the audience? (use back if necessary) Boise Holiday Parade Association Presents “THE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS” Saturday, November 22nd at 9:45 a.m. FLOAT SAFETY CHECKLIST & RULES KEEP THIS LIST 1. To keep children from running onto the road, nothing can be thrown or dispensed from the floats. This includes, but is not limited to: candy, toys, favors, balloons, advertising materials/coupons, etc. 2. No one, or prop, walking, riding, or on a float can be dressed in a Santa Claus outfit or resemble Santa Claus in any format. Santa and Elf hats are acceptable, however. 3. Noise level must not exceed 95 decibels. This includes sirens or air horns of any kind The visibility of the driver should not be obstructed. The driver should be able to see the front and both sides of the float. A spotter can be used to keep the driver aware of any danger or changes to or on the float. ALL FLOAT MATERIALS MUST BE FLAME RESISTANT PER CITY FIRE CODE. 2. Make sure your spotter/ walkers are being used to assist the driver of a self-propelled float. 3. A fire extinguisher must be available in the vehicle and on the float. 4. No flammables can be stored on the float nor can there be any open flames. 5. All rotation and spinning parts need to be guarded. 6. The float may not have any sharp and/ or protruding parts. 7. Riders must be provided with secure seating areas, or leaning devices for those standing. 8. Tires should be in good condition and properly inflated to carry the load. 9. Electrical services to or on the floats need to be checked for grounding and damage to the wiring. Suggested items to check would include, but are not limited to, lights, action equipment, audio equipment, speakers, etc. 10. The vehicle exhaust should not exit where it could affect riders. On a towed float this means the exhaust should exit from the side and not the rear of the towing vehicle. 12. Floats must not exceed 14 feet in height, 20 feet in width, and 60 feet in length. 15. TOWED FLOATS must be securely attached to the towing vehicles. This can be by a standard hitch and ball or a pintle hook and eye configuration. In addition, ALL towing vehicles must be decorated to match the theme. A. The hitch and ball must be secure and in good condition. Homemade hitches must be sturdy enough to handle the load and certified by the fabricator. B. Pintle hook and eye hitches must have locking pins in the hook to assure it will not open during use. Each part must be secure and in good repair. C. Safety chains or cables must be used. D. Electrical hook-ups, if used, should be checked for continuity, grounding, and condition of the cables. E. YOUR FLOAT WILL BE INSPECTED FOR SAFETY. F. FOR HORSE RIDERS: IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT HELMETS BE WORN. 2014 “THE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS” JUDGING CATEGORIES GRAND SWEEPSTAKES – BEST OVERALL ENTRY – “Best of the Best” – the entry that stands out THEME AWARD – BEST REPRESENTATION OF THE THEME – Yearly MOST ENTERTAINING – Most fun CHILDREN’S CHOICE AWARD – MOST COLORFUL – theme is most dominant Best representation of theme from a Child’s perspective Best use of multiple colors BEST HORSE UNIT – Color coordination, synchronized movements, discipline, Holiday theme BEST LARGE HORSE GROUP – MOST ANIMATED AWARD Similar to above - Best continued activity related to the theme SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL – Best presentation of theme in smallest form BEST MUSICAL ADAPTION OF THE THEME – Musical presentation with purpose or focus on theme