African American History Final Exam

African American History Final Exam
Name: ________________________
Part I. Select 4 of the 6 essay questions. 10 points each- 40 points total.
You may use ½ a sheet of paper for notes on the exam. You Must write the exam in
class- you may not write the exam in advance.
1. In what ways were African civilizations highly advanced?
2. Melba Patillo Beals in Warriors Don’t Cry faced great adversity in being one of
the first African Americans to integrate in a Southern High School. If you were
her parent, would you allow her to face these hardships? Use specific examples
from the reading to support your answer.
3. Using examples from the Race Exhibit and your Civil Rights interview, has the
Civil Rights Movement achieved its goals? Why or why not?
4. Compare and Contrast Washington and Dubois. Which perspective do you think
might work best to obtain advancements for African Americans? Use specific
examples and quotes from the class discussion and readings.
5. How did the Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance offer opportunities for
African Americans?
6. Describe the treatment slaves underwent during slavery. How did slaves
overcome obstacles? What is the impact of slavery to today? You must use
specific examples from the textbook, research about the Middle Passage, and the
primary source interview.
Thesis (2 points)
Clear thesis/ topic
sentence with
supporting opinions.
Mostly clear thesis/
topic sentence with
some supporting
Somewhat clear
thesis/ topic sentence
with a few supporting
Unclear/ no thesis/
with little to support
your opinion
Supporting Reasons (6 points)
6 or more examples from class
discussion/ readings to support
your thesis
5 or more examples from class
discussions/ readings to
support your thesis
Counterargument (2 points)
Restates opposing arguments
in your own words with a clear
reason for your position
Explains opposing arguments
with a clear reason for your
4 or more examples from class
discussions/ readings to
support your thesis
Little explanation of opposing
arguments with few reasons
for position
3 or fewer examples from class Little explanation of opposing
discussions/ readings to
arguments with no clear
support your thesis
Part II. Identify the significance of the following people/ places/ events. 10 points total.
1. Thurgood Marshall
4. Emmett Till
7. Little Rock 9
2. Brown Case
5. Jena 6
8. Jim Crow
3. Bronson Case
6. Ida B. Wells
9. Langston Hughes
10. Zora Neale Hurston
___ Overall: 50 points 45-50 A
40-44 B
35-40 C
30-34- D under 30
Brown vs. Board of Education
African American History Exam
Name: _______________________
___ 1. case which forced integration of schools
A. Atlanta 5
B. Bronson
___2. legal segregation of the South
C. Langston Hughes
D. Little Rock 9
___3. first African American Supreme Court Justice
E. A. Phillip Randolph
F. Jim Crow
___ 4. Cincinnati court case against segregated schools
G.Thurgood Marshall
H. Bronson
I. Fannie Lou Hamer
___ 5. first African Americans to attend school
J. Shorty
in segregated Arkansas town
K. Tuskegee Airmen
L. sit-in
___6. African American fighter pilots in WWII
M. John F. Kennedy
N. Literacy Tests
O. Marcus Garvey
___ 7. recent controversy in a town over a noose
P. Helen Hunt
and the punishment for black youths
Q. Jena 6
___ 8. Famous poet from the Harlem Renaissance
R. Brown
___ 1. Why did Ida B. Wells accomplish?
a. she wrote newspaper articles condemning lynching
b. was the first black woman to join a union
c. she opened up Northern restaurants for all races
d. a lawyer who helped win the Brown vs. Board of Education case
___ 2. Why did Emmett Till’s mother want an open casket for her son’s funeral?
a. because she did not have enough money to buy a casket
b. she wanted the world to see the effects of brutal racism
c. she was interested in preserving her own African burial rights
d. she was worried about money and was given $10,000 by Jet magazine
African American History Exam
Name: _______________________
__R_ 1. case which forced integration of schools
__F_2. legal segregation of the South
__G_3. first African American Supreme Court Justice
__B_ 4. Cincinnati court case against segregated schools
__D_ 5. first African Americans to attend school
in segregated Arkansas town
_K__6. African American fighter pilots in WWII
_Q__ 7. recent controversy in a town over a noose
and the punishment for black youths
__C_ 8. Famous poet from the Harlem Renaissance
A. Atlanta 5
B. Bronson
C. Langston Hughes
D. Little Rock 9
E. A. Phillip Randolph
F. Jim Crow
G.Thurgood Marshall
H. Bronson
I. Fannie Lou Hamer
J. Shorty
K. Tuskegee Airmen
L. sit-in
M. John F. Kennedy
N. Literacy Tests
O. Marcus Garvey
P. Helen Hunt
Q. Jena 6
R. Brown
__A_ 1. Why did Ida B. Wells accomplish?
a. she wrote newspaper articles condemning lynching
b. was the first black woman to join a union
e. she opened up Northern restaurants for all races
f. a lawyer who helped win the Brown vs. Board of Education case
__D_ 2. Why did Emmett Till’s mother want an open casket for her son’s funeral?
c. because she did not have enough money to buy a casket
d. she wanted the world to see the effects of brutal racism
e. she was interested in preserving her own African burial rights
f. she was worried about money and was given $10,000 by Jet magazine
d. black males could vote, slavery outlawed, equal protection under the law
African American History Exam
__E._ 1. organized the 1st March on Washington
__F._ 2. legal segregation of the South
__N._ 3. prevent black people from voting
__C._ 4. writer from the Harlem Renaiisancewrote “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”
__D_ 5. first African Americans to attend school
in segregated Arkansas town
__I_ 6. helped organize voter registration drive in
__H_ 7. Nation of Islam leader
__R_ 8. Led slave rebellion
__L_ 9. Push for desegregation of lunch counters
__O_ 10. Organized “Back to Africa” Movement
Name: ____Key________________
A. Bobby Seale
B. Marva Collins
C. Langston Hughes
D. Little Rock 9
E. A. Phillip Randolph
F. Jim Crow
G. Mary McCloud Bethune
H. Elijah Muhammad
I. Fannie Lou Hamer
J. Shorty
K. Tuskegee 7
L. sit-in
M. John F. Kennedy
N. Literacy Tests
O. Marcus Garvey
P. Helen Hunt
Q. Don Imus
R. Nat Turner
World Problems Final Exam
Name: ________________________
Part I. Select 4 of the 6 essay questions. 10 points each- 40 points total.
You may use ½ a sheet of paper for notes on the exam. You Must write the exam in
class- you may not write the exam in advance.
1. In what ways were African civilizations highly advanced?
2. Melba Patillo Beals in Warriors Don’t Cry faced great adversity in being one of
the first African Americans to integrate in a Southern High School. If you were
her parent, would you allow her to face these hardships? Use specific examples
from the reading to support your answer.
3. Using examples from Civil Rights interview, has the Civil Rights Movement
achieved its goals? Why or why not?
4. Compare and Contrast Washington and Dubois. Which perspective do you think
might work best to obtain advancements for African Americans? Use specific
examples and quotes from the class discussion and readings.
5. How did African Americans resist slavery?
Thesis (3 points)
Clear thesis/ topic
sentence with
supporting opinions.
Mostly clear thesis/
topic sentence with
some supporting
Somewhat clear
thesis/ topic sentence
with a few supporting
Unclear/ no thesis/
with little to support
your opinion
Supporting Reasons (5 points)
6 or more examples from class
discussion/ readings to support
your thesis
5 or more examples from class
discussions/ readings to
support your thesis
Counterargument (2 points)
Restates opposing arguments
in your own words with a clear
reason for your position
Explains opposing arguments
with a clear reason for your
4 or more examples from class
discussions/ readings to
support your thesis
Little explanation of opposing
arguments with few reasons
for position
Fewer than 2 examples from
class discussions/ readings to
support your thesis
Little explanation of opposing
arguments with no clear
African civilizations were highly developed. Many scientists believe that the first
humans (named “Lucy”) came from Africa. Africans were the first to use stone tools.
An ancient civilization many societies in Europe followed was Egypt. Egyptians gave
significant power to women who could hold public office and even own slaves. Some
tried to discount the power of Africans. For instance, many Europeans who were racist
tried to portray Egyptians as “whites” who were not really African. In fact, Egyptians
were Africans and traded with fellow Africans both goods and culture. Another way
Africa is highly developed is the system of trade which was developed. Ghana, Mali and
Songhai were highly developed societies with governments that were able to collect taxes
and provide services to the people. An important African leader was Mansa Musa who
traveled all the way from West Africa to Mecca. Many from Asia were amazed at how
wealthy the African civilizations were.
I would not put my child through the agony Melba Patillo Beals faced when a part
of integrating Little Rock’s Central High. She had to have a military escort to school
each day. Children faced with this type of constant attack could have damage done to
them for the rest of their lives. Secondly, her grandma had to stand guard with a gun
outside her house. This armed protection stopped her from having any kind of a
“normal” childhood. She was attacked not only from whites, but from blacks as well.
One African American lady asked her why she was causing so much trouble. This attack
from within would have been extremely difficult for a child to withstand. Despite these
dangers, Melba Patillo Beals did go through with the integration. She made her own
decision to put herself on the list to desegregate. She faced constant danger such as the
time she was going home and a white man tried to rape her because he did not want “her
kind” in the white schools. Her parents were overcharged at the grocery store. Her
grandma highly valued education by the way she pushed her mom to obtain a graduate
degree. If Melba Patillo Beals did not stand up for herself, others may not have had the
same opportunities for education. Seeing the video Little Rock Central High, although it
is not equal between blacks and whites, at least everyone has the opportunity to attend.
Although integration is necessary, I don’t think I could live to see my child suffer for the
wrongs done by others.
World Problems Exam
Name: ___________________________
Part I. Select 4 of the 5 essay questions. 10 points each- 40 points total.
You may use ½ a sheet of paper for notes on the exam. You Must write the exam in
class- you may not write the exam in advance.
1. One of Ishmael Beah’s objectives in A Long Way Gone was to show the beauty of
the people in Africa. In your opinion, does he achieve this objective? Use examples
from the book.
2. Describe some of the historical events that happened in Iran before, during and after
the Islamic Revolution in Iran. What are some of the current issues with the present
Iranian government? How should the Obama administration best deal with Iran?
3. What is the best way to deal with reducing the spread of AIDS in Africa? Using the
AIDS articles we read in class, which position do you support? What counterarguments
might be stated against this position? Why do you think your position is the best to
approach this problem?
4. In Three Cups of Tea, what is Greg Mortenson’s approach to fight against terrorism?
Do you think this is a good approach to this problem? Why or why not? Use specific
examples from the reading.
5. Within the past year, the United States has undergone a severe recession. In what
ways do you think this recession might impact you? How do you think your generation
will compare to the generation born during the Great Depression.
Thesis (2 points)
Clear thesis/ topic
sentence with
supporting opinions.
Mostly clear thesis/
topic sentence with
some supporting
Somewhat clear
thesis/ topic sentence
with a few supporting
Unclear/ no thesis/
with little to support
your opinion
Supporting Reasons (6 points)
6 or more examples from class
discussion/ readings to support
your thesis
5 or more examples from class
discussions/ readings to
support your thesis
Counterargument (2 points)
Restates 2 opposing arguments
in your own words with a clear
reason for your position
Explains 2 opposing arguments
with a clear reason for your
4 or more examples from class
discussions/ readings to
support your thesis
Little explanation of 1-2
opposing arguments with few
reasons for position
3 or fewer examples from class Little explanation of opposing
discussions/ readings to
arguments with no clear
support your thesis
Mapwork- Turn to the back of this page.
Part II. Mapwork - Identify 25 countries of the world on a blank map.
You must identify the following 10 countries and an additional 15. (25 total)
Sierra Leone
South Africa
+ 15 more. Any additional countries will be .5 extra credit.
Part II. Identify a person/ event/ term. 10 points each.
1. Janjaweed
2. Sunni
3. Shiite
4. Kurds
5. genocide
6. brown brown
7. ngo
8. Mecca
9. Hamas
10. Kim Jung Il
___ Overall: 50 points
45-50 A
40-44 B
35-40 C
30-34- D
under 30