1. Part I: Describe some of the plots/behaviors the kids take part in to contact Boo Radley. Why do you think they do this and why does Atticus disapprove of it? 2. Chapter 7: Why do Jem & Scout decide to leave a letter in the knothole? What prevents them from doing so, and why do you think this is? 3. Chapter 10: Recall the shooting of Tim Johnson. How does Atticus feel about his skill at shooting? Why doesn’t he reveal this information to his children? 4. Chapter 11: Briefly describe Mrs. Dubose, her relationship to Jem & Scout, the events that lead up to Jem’s outburst, and the ensuing punishment. Why does Atticus say that he would have made Jem read to her anyway? After her death, why does he say that she was courageous? 5. Chapter 12: Describe Jem & Scout’s visit to First Purchase Church. What new things do they experience? 6. Chapter 13+: Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with Atticus & his family? Explain some ways that she impacts the family, for better or for worse. How does A.A. change throughout the story? 7. Chapter 15: Describe the confrontation at the Maycomb jail. (What is Atticus doing there, who shows up, what conflict occurs, and how is it resolved?) 7 b. Chapter 17: What are the key facts that emerge from Atticus’ questioning of Sheriff Tate and Bob Ewell? What is he hoping to accomplish by establishing this information? 8. Chapter 18: Describe Mayella’s testimony on the witness stand. What does she say happened on November 21? 9. Chapter 19: What does Tom say happened on Nov. 21? How does Tom Robinson’s testimony help his case? How does it hurt it? 10. Chapter 20: Recap Atticus’ closing statements. What does he ask of the jury? What was unusual about the amount of time the jury took to make their decision, and what does this tell you? Why do you suppose Atticus was assigned this case? 11. Chapter 21& 22: How does the African American community of Maycomb express their gratitude to Atticus? (Describe two ways.) Why do you think this is? 12. Chapter 22:How does Jem react to the guilty verdict? What does this tell you about his character? 13. Chapter 24: Explain how/why Tom was killed. Why did he try to escape? Which three characters were with Atticus when he told Helen? 14. Chapter 25: How is the meaning of the title revealed in Chapter 25? Where else does this theme emerge in the novel? (There are several ways) 15. Part II: Identify evidence that Jem is growing up in the second half of the novel. 16. Chapter 26: Why is it hypocritical of Miss Gates to teach a lesson on Hitler’s persecution of the Jews? What other examples of hypocrisy occur in the novel? 17. Chapter 27 & 28: What are some signs that foreshadow trouble ahead for Jem & Scout in Chapter 27 & 28? 18. Part II: What are some ways that Bob Ewell threatened people/behaved badly after the trial? Why? What do his actions say about his “courage” or lack of it? 19. Think about Atticus’ advice that “you never really understand a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” What does this mean? In what ways do the Finches exemplify this expression? When are some times that Scout exemplifies this? 20. What is the difference between static and dynamic characters? Give two examples of each and explain your answers. 21. Know the 5 elements of plot and be prepared to identify the corresponding examples of the novel. 22. Know the difference between internal and external conflict, and be prepared to cite examples of each type in the novel. 23. Know the definitions of the following types of narrators: First-Person (Naïve & unreliable) Third-Person (3P Limited & 3P Omniscient) 24. Define “setting” and be able to comment on the role of the setting of TKAM. How is the setting of the 1930’s South important? 25. Chapter 30: Why does Sheriff Tate INSIST on keeping the identity of Bob Ewell’s killer a secret? How does this relate to the theme of injustice being perpetrated against innocent creatures? 26. What is Atticus’ definition of courage? How does this influence his actions throughout the novel? (Provide several examples)