Unit 2 Study Guide.doc

Unit 2 Study Guide: Suspense Literature
This test will cover the elements of suspense, the short stories, poems,
literary terms, and information about Edgar Allan Poe and his writing
discussed in this unit. The test will be comprised of multiple choice
questions, two critical reading passages, and an essay question.
**NOTE: In addition to the questions listed on this study guide, you
should be prepared to answer general questions about the series of
events in each story and poem.
"The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe (pg. 82):
 theme of this story
 Prince Prospero and the revelers' attitudes toward the plague at
beginning of story vs. end
 symbolism of the seven different apartments and their colors
 significance of the rooms going from east to west.
 symbolism of the ebony clock
 characterization of Prince Prospero
 characterization of Red Death?
 irony of Prince Prospero's name?
"The Monkey's Paw" W.W. Jacobs (pg. 50):
 theme of the story
 characterization of Morris, Mr. and Mrs. White, Herbert.
 foreshadowing in the story.
 history of the paw according to Sergeant Major Morris
 Morris’ feelings about the paw
 consequences of the paw
"Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" (pg. 6):
 significance of the title of the story
 characterization ofTom
 Tom’s motivation
 Elements of suspense present in the story
 Tom’s thoughts while out on the ledge
POEMS: Be able to “S.I.F.T.” each poem (identify Symbolism,
Imagery, Figurative language, and Tone)
“Spring and All” by William Carlos Williams (handout and pg. 94)
“Fear” by Gabriela Mistral (handout and pg. 95)
“The Street” by Octavio Paz(handout and pg. 96)
“The Bridegroom” by Alexander Pushkin (pg 59)
Literary Terms to Know:
rising action
sensory language