Beowulf Questions on the reading.doc

Beowulf: Part II
Note: The author drew upon pagan legends and folk tales. The monsters of Beowulf are
derived from the trolls of Scandinavian mythology, who were shadowy creatures that
lurked around waterfalls or caves.
The creature’s underwater lair and the magic sword found by the hero are familiar
elements in pagan folk tales, but in Beowulf, the Christian element is added in that God
plays a role in the battle.
1. What new dilemma is presented at the beginning of this section?
2. Give several descriptions of the monster’s lair.
3. What will Beowulf’s reward be if he seeks after Grendel’s mother? (lines 445448)
1. What does Grendel’s mother do when she comes to Herot?
2. Why is the attack of Grendel’s mother so painful to Hrothgar?
3. Some critics see this poem as an allegory in which places and characters
correspond to Christian beliefs. What place might Grendel’s home resemble in
Christian theology? What about Herot?
4. What exaggeration is found when Beowulf jumps into the lake to find the
5. Why did it read that Grendel’s mother “welcomed him in her claws, clutched at
him savagely but could not harm him.”?
6. What happened to Beowulf’s helmet? (lines 498-503)
7. How was the Christian view seen to prevail in the battle? (lines 526-529)
8. What weapon did Beowulf find and how did he use it to win the battle?
9. Once Grendel’s mother was dead, what else did he discover in this underwater
10. What “trophy” did Beowulf bring back with him to present to Hrothgar?
11. What was left of his weaponry which he also brought back with him?
12. What is something he left behind? What do you think of his choices?
1. In lines 623-628, decide which elements of Beowulf’s characterization is
uppermost here – pagan or Christian. Explain.
2. What new conflict has arisen in this section of the poem?
3. Who is going to fight in this battle?
4. Why would lines 685-692 be the turning point in this whole Epic poem? What has
never been evident in Beowulf’s character before?
5. How does the writer evoke sympathy for Beowulf?
6. What did Beowulf’s followers do? Who remained?
7. What did the person who remained do next?
1. Why did Wiglaf leave the dying Beowulf? Is it convincing to you that Wiglaf
would have left him for that reason? Why or why not?
2. Give two details of Beowulf’s death in this section.
1. List 5 details of events or facts shown in this final section of the poem.