Study Guide PSYK 106 Personnel psychology Selected lecture topics in alphabetical order Please note that lectures alternate and that not all lectures will be held every semester. Please also see the guidelines in the study guide TOPIC Readings 1. Emotions at work. Emotional intelligence and leader-subordinate relationships. 2. Attitudes at work: How to understand the dynamics of psychological contracts and organizational commitment. 3. Careers and career management in modern organizations 4. Decision-making and information processing in individuals and groups at work 5. Diversity in the work force. Multicultural issues and challenges for the modern organization. 6. Ethics and the work place. The case of whistle blowing 7. Introduction to Personnel Psychology: Theory, research and practice (Initial orientation) 8. Motivation, job design and reward systems at work 9. Personnel training and modification of work behaviour 10. Positive psychology at work: Developing growth, character strengths and virtues in the work force 11. Recruitment & Selection (I): Job and competency analysis – managing the recruitment process 12. Recruitment & Selection (II): Assessment and selection methods What works? 13. Senior citizenship – the organization and the older workers 14. Socialization of the young worker and the new employee 15. Stress and trauma in the workplace. Caring for employees after critical incidents at work. 16. The competent co-worker in the post-modern workforce. Competency, extraordinary co-worker behaviour and organizational citizenship. 17. The resilient worker – psychological factors that influence human performance and adaptability in high reliability organizations 18. Turnover – retaining the valued employee. 19. Topic summary and preparations for the final examination 20. Understanding and intervening with”difficult employees”. Work roles, role conflicts, and counter productive behaviour at work. 7a, 7b, 7c, 20, 12, 24-26 6, 30 29, 42-43 3, 7a, 20 2, 42 18-19 1, 25-26 8, 27 2, 14a, 14b, 26 21, 31-36 22, 37-40 4, 20 5, 25 16-17, 28 13a, 13b, 24-25 15, 20 11, 30, 41 All readings 9-10, 23, 25 1 Study Guide: Recommended readings PSYK 106 Personnel Psychology COMPENDIUM Topics in Personnel Psychology Incentive plans and motivation Kohn, A. (1996). Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work. (512-518). In R. M. Steers, L. W. Porter & Bigley, G. A, red. Motivation and leadership at work. New York: McGraw-Hill. (6p.) Number in study guide 1 Ethics, whistle blowing & diversity at work Newell. S. (2002). Creating the healthy organization. Well being, diversity & ethics at work. London; Thompson. (kap. 8-9, 191 - 222). (30p.) Wayne F. Cascio & Herman Aguinis (2005). Applied psychology in human resource management, 6. utg. New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Kap. 17: International dimensions of applied psychology (435-454) (20p.) 2 3 Diversity, individual differences and socialization at work Duglas T. Hall (2002). Careers in and out of organizations. Kap 1 The study of careers (pp.8-16) and Kap 2 The protean career contract (pp.17- 46). London: Sage Publications. (35p.) Feij, J. A.(1998). Work socialisation of young people. I P. J. D. Drenth, H. Thierry, & C. J deWolff, Handbook of Work and Organisational Psychology: Personnel Psychology, ( pp.207-249). East Sussex: Psychology Press. (42p.) Brooklyn Derr, C. & Laurent, A. 'The internal and external career: a theoretical and cross-cultural perspective' i M. B. Arthur, D. T. Hall & B.S. Lawrence (eds.) (1996). Handbook of Career Theory. (454-471). Melbourne: Cambridge University press. (18p.) Furnham, A. (2001). Personality and Individual Differences in the Workplace. In B. W. Roberts & R. Hogan (pp. 223-251). Personality Psychology in the Workplace. Washington: American Psychological Association. (28p.) Glasø, L., Ekerholt, K., Barman, S., & Einarsen, S. (2006). The instrumentality of emotion in leader-subordinate relationships. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion,1(3), 255-275. (22p.) Glasø, L., & Einarsen, S. (2006). Experienced affects in leader-subordinate relationships. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 22, 49-73.(24p) 4 5 6 7a 7b 7c Training and Development Milward, L. (2005). Training (pp.75 – 130). In L. Milward Understanding Occupational & Organizationap Psychology. Sage – London. (55p.) 8 Work roles and difficult employees Furnham, A. & Taylor J. (2004). The dark side of behaviour at work. Understanding and avoiding employees leaving, thieving and deceiving. Kap. 4: Counterproductive behaviours at work and 5 Bad person theories. Strassberg, Z. (2001). Understanding, assessing, and intervening with problem employees. In M. London (ed). How People Evaluate Others in 9 10 2 Organizations (pp. 253- 277). London: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates. (25p.) Turnover, commitment, and retaining valued employees Griffeth, R. W. & Hom, P. W. (2001). Retaining Valued Employees.. Kap 1, 1 30 og Kap. 8, 180 - 202. (50p.) Meyer, J.P. & Allen, N.J. (1997): Commitment in the Workplace. Theory, Research and Application. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. Kapittel 2: Meaning Commitment (s. 8-22) & kapittel 4: Development of Organizational Commitment (41-65). (36p.) Walter C. Borman & Louis A. Penner (2001). Citizenship Performance. Its nature, Antecedents, and Motives Kurz, R. & Bartram, D. (2002). Kap.10 Competency and individual performance: Modelling the world of work. I Robertson, Callinan & Bartram Organizational effectiveness (pp. 227- 255). 11 12 13a 13b Positive psychology at work: Developing growth, character strengths and virtues in the work force Seligman, E. P. et al. (2005). Positive Psychology Progress: Empirical validation of interventions (pp.874-884) and, Jørgensen, I. S. & Nafstad, H. E. (2005) Positive Psychology: Historical, philosophical, and epistemological perspectives (pp. 885- 896). Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening vol 42. (23p.) 14a 14b The resilient worker – psychological aspects related to working in high risk and high performance organizations Flin, R. (2001). Selecting the right stuff: Personality and high-reliability occupations. In R. W. Roberts & R. Hogan Personality psychology in the workplace (pp. 253-275). American Psychological Association. 15 Stress and trauma in the workplace. Caring for employees after critical incidents at work. Mitchell, J. T. & Everly, G. (2000). Critical Incident Stress Management and Critical Incident Stress Debriefings: evolutions, effects and outcomes (pp.7190). In B. Raphael & J. P. Wilson (eds) Psychological Debriefing: Theory, practice and evidence. Cambridge University Press. (19p.). Briere, J. (2004). Psychological Assessment of Adult Posttraumatic States (pp. 5-37). APA – Washington DC. (32p.). 16 17 3 Number in study guide Arnold, J., Silvester, J., Patterson, F., Cooper, C. & Burnes, B. (2005). ”Work Psychology”. Chapter 1-12 and 14 (500 p.). Ch.1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 14 Work Psychology: An initial orientation Theory, research and practice in work psychology Individual differences The foundations of personnel selection: analysing jobs, competencies and selection effectiveness Personnel selection and assessment methods: what works? Assessing people at work Attitudes at work The analysis and modification of work behaviour Approaches to work motivation and job design Training Stress in the Workplace Decisions, groups and teams at work Careers and career management 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dominic Cooper, Ivan T. Robertson & Gordon Tinline (Eds 2003). Recruitment and selection: A framework for success. (Thomson Publishing. 200 p.) Ch 01 Ch 02 Ch 03 Ch 04 Ch 05 Ch 06 Ch 07 Ch 08 Ch 09 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 Personnel selection as part of a quality management program How people differ Identifying customer needs and setting required standards Evaluative standards for selection methods Establishing standards for selection procedures Attracting candidates Selection methods – interviewing Selection methods – sample based Selection methods – psychometrics Selection methods – alternatives? Candidate retention Personnel selection decision-making standards Continuous improvement Number in study guide 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4