Compare and contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo

Colton Bowker
3rd block English 12:
In the Shakespearian play “Macbeth”, Macbeth is a
Thane of Glamis. Macbeth is astounded by a premonition
made by the three witches who claim he will become Thane
of Cawdor and also one day become king. ”All hail,
Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter” (p.333,
Shakespeare). Banquo is one of the other Thanes that
fought against Macdonald, the King of Norway and the
Scotland traitor. Banquo is told by the weird sisters
that he is “lesser than Macbeth, and greater” (p.333,
Shakespeare). Macduff is the Thane of Fife who partners
with Malcolm to over through the crazed Macbeth.
Macbeth and Banquo are Thanes of Scotland who had an
encounter with three weird sisters. They spoke of Macbeth
getting the title of Thane of Cawdor and that he would
also one day become king. Banquo listened as they told
him that his children would have a line of kings.” Thou
shalt get kings, though thou be none” (p.334,
Shakespeare). Banquo begins to talk to Macbeth about
these things said by the witches. They both were also the
best of friends up until the point that Macbeth killed
King Duncan. Once Macbeth killed Duncan and Lennox and
Macduff discovered the horrendous murder they awoke
everyone with yelling and screaming. Banquo began to
suspect Macbeth after he said he killed the chamberlains
out of rage. “O, yet I do repent me of my fury that I did
kill them” (p. 357, Shakespeare). Macbeth receives the
crown shortly after the death of Duncan.
Macbeth and Macduff also were both Thanes of Scotland.
Macduff along with Lennox discovered the king murdered
when they arrived to awake him. “O horror, horror,
horror! Tongue nor heart can conceive nor name thee...
Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope” (p.356,
Shakespeare). For a while he had thought Malcolm and
Donalbain were the culprits. However, after the murder of
Banquo he begins to think otherwise. Macduff secretly
meets with Malcolm to form a rebellion against Macbeth
and his reign of tyranny. Shortly after he arrives that
man he sent to check on his family he discovers that his
family had been murdered by Macbeth. This Lead Macduff to
confront Macbeth in the final scene of the play. In their
Battle Macbeth was to fear the man not born of a women
and thought he had done so with killing a young boy
before the arrival of Macduff. ”Be bloody, bold, and
resolute; laugh to scorn the pow’r of a man, for none of
women born shall harm Macbeth” (p.385, Shakespeare). When
Macduff and Macbeth seem to be equal in power and
technique Macbeth mentions this triumph he thought he had
accomplished Macduff mentions that he was cut from his
mother’s womb. “Despair thy Charm! And let the angel whom
thou still hast served Tell thee, Macduff was from his
mother’s womb Untimely ripped” (p.414, Shakespeare).
Macduff and Banquo were the ones who seen through this
crazy plot woven by Macbeth. Banquo who first suspected
Macbeth was slain by Macbeth’s men because he was going
to reveal the truth behind Duncan’s murder. ”Thou hast it
now— King, Cawdor, Glamis, all, As the weird women
promised; and I fear thou play’dst most folly for’t”
(p.363, Shakespeare). Macbeth was haunted after the
murder by Banquo’s ghost. Even after death Banquo is
there to try and reveal the truth behind Macbeth’s plot.
Macduff is the other who was onto Macbeth’s plot. ”Not in
the legions of horrid hell can come a devil more damned
in evils to top Macbeth” (p.393, Shakespeare). He went to
seek the counsel of Malcolm and to help to form a
rebellion. Macduff learns from Ross that his family has
been murdered. To relate the manner were, on the quarry
of these murdered deer, to add the death of you” (p.397,
Shakespeare). Macduff then fights Macbeth in the final
scene to avenge his family and to regain the crown for
Malcolm. “That speak my salutation in their minds; Whose
voices I desire aloud with mine—Hail, King of Scotland!”
(p416, Shakespeare).
Macbeth is villain in the play. He is a power hungry
man who would go to any length to keep it. Macbeth
demonstrated this with the many killings he had committed
in the story. Also he was hallucinating and losing his
mind. This trait is seen many times in the play one is at
the dinner after Banquo was killed he seen him sitting at
the other end of the table looking at him. He also kills
Macduffs family. “Your castle is surprised; your wife and
bebes savagely slaughtered” (p.397, Shakespeare). Another
trait that portraits Macbeth as a villain is the
arrogance he had in the final battle. He thought he had
killed the one the witches had warned him about but it
turned out to be Macduff who he would come to fear. This
is seen at the final battle after hearing the startling
truth how Macbeth began to lose control and his train of
Macduff and Banquo are hero’s of this tale. Banquo is
the hero who paid the price for his heroism. Banquo was a
great friend to Macbeth and would help him through
anything. However, once Macbeth murdered Duncan and that
was the line. Banquo had to tell the people of what
Macbeth has done. ”Why, by the verities on thee made
good, may they not be my oracles as well and set me up in
hope?”(p.363, Shakespeare). Once he left to go tell of
Macbeth’s deeds, Banquo was cut off by three men who
killed him and his son. Macduff is the true hero in
“Macbeth”. He was loyal to Duncan and after his death to
his son Malcolm. To stop Macduff from getting word out of
Macbeth’s deeds he sent three more men to kill Macduff.
However, Macduff was not in Fifh where he ruled as Thane.
When the men arrived they found Lady Macduff and his son.
Macbeth’s men killed Macduff’s family to anger him. In
response in the final act of the play Macbeth and Macduff
battle. Macduff prevails in the end in killing Macbeth
and restoring order to Scotland and returns the crown to