HONORS U.S. HISTORY: The Great Depression & The New Deal (1929-1941)
A People and A Nation, Ch. 25
The Great Depression film
Grapes of Wrath film
Honors 1930s packet: Severe Economic Bummerhood, New Deal Evaluation
Writing the Great Depression documents
class notes and activities
Great Depression & New Deal: Key Questions.
1. Why did the stock market crash at the end of the 1920s?
2. Why did the Great Depression occur and why was it so long lasting?
3. How did President Hoover respond to the Depression and were his efforts effective?
4. How was President Roosevelt’s approach to the Depression similar/different from Hoover’s?
5. How did the New Deal programs address the causes and problems of the Depression? Why was
there support/opposition for specific programs?
6. How did the New Deal affect various constituents: African Americans, Women, Labor,
Mexicans, and Native Americans?
7. In what ways was the New Deal essentially conservative? revolutionary?
Key Terms from APAN, Chapter 25.
plight of farmers
Bonus Expeditionary Force (“Army”)
Herbert Hoover
Andrew Mellon
Federal Farm Board
Reconstruction Finance Corp.
balanced budget
deficit spending
21 Amendment
Election of 1932
Eleanor Roosevelt
economics of scarcity
First New Deal
bank holiday
Emergency Banking Relief Act Agricultural Adjustment Act
Federal Emergency Relief Act Nat’l Industrial Recovery Act
Federal Securities Act
Banking Act
Huey Long
Supreme Court & New Deal
Works Progress Adm
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act
Social Security Act
Wealth Tax Act
sit-down strikes
Communist Party
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Revenue Act 1932
Franklin D. Roosevelt
priming the pump
First Hundred Days
Civilian Conservation Corps
Public Works Adm
Second New Deal
Wagner Act
Recession 1937-39
industrial/craft unions
John Collier