Clutch Selection for American Marine Z-drive Product Submitted to: The Faculty of the MSETM Program Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK Submitted by: Phillip Magee Stillwater, OK Date Submitted: July, 2004 Page 1 of 32 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The dog clutch has been chosen for use in the new z-drive concept as a primary forward, neutral, reverse clutch, and gear selector. The value based product will only contain the dog clutch while the premium product will also have an optional wet disk master clutch on the engine for decoupling torque during shifting and greatly improving shift aesthetics. Clutch type selection and drive-line configuration is necessary early in the new z-drive project in order to set basic design direction. Using the dog clutch in the base product will enable American Marine to maintain current costs on value based products while providing a safe, robust, and reliable clutching mechanism. The ability to add an optional wet disk master clutch to the dog clutch, for decoupling torque during shifting, will provide the best shift aesthetics in the industry and give American Marine the ability to satisfy the desires of the growing market of discriminating boating customers without sacrificing safety, robustness, or reliability. Dog, cone, wet disk, dry disk, and band clutches were investigated. Magnetic clutches, belt clutches, sprag clutches, spring clutches, and torque converters were also brainstormed as clutch alternatives. These clutches were analyzed in several drive-line configurations. Single cone and dog clutch systems were discussed along with synchronized dog clutches. Wet and dry master clutches with dog clutch gear selectors were also analyzed along with a torque converter and cone clutch combination. Clutch types and drive-line configurations were analyzed using benchmarking, energy trance and barrier diagramming, preliminary hazard listing, preliminary hazard analysis, and decision analysis. The benchmarking simply listed the major clutch alternatives and their current or past applications. The energy trace and barrier diagramming supported the need for a focus on design safety in the clutch. The preliminary hazard list presented the available hazards of a clutch. The preliminary hazard analysis ranked each failure mode of each clutch type to determine the least hazardous clutch type. The decision analysis set and weighted criteria for judging overall clutch function and ranked each clutch according to the criteria. This process also used estimated costing of each clutch and drive-line configuration to evaluate the value of each alternative. This overall process highlighted the safe and cost effective design characteristics of the dog clutch. The process also revealed that the wet disk clutch is needed to achieve the improved shift aesthetics in the new z-drive project. A modular approach that utilizes the dog clutch for a base product and an optional master wet disk clutch for refined premium drive systems was the final outcome of the knowledge gained from the processes in this project. A prototype of the premium system has been built and is proving to provide undetectable shift events. The team is working to define proper sizing and control components. A design concept with working prototype and detailed costing information will be available by December 17, 2004 with current project funding ($250,000). This will satisfy the current approved project schedule by preparing for the new z-drive product implementation process prior to January 1, 2005. Page 2 of 32 INTRODUCTION This project was conducted as a set of engineering processes used to provide information in order to drive a decision on the type of clutch to be used in American Marine’s new zdrive product line. The project purpose is discussed first in order to establish the need for the project and how it fits into American Marine’s strategy. Then the project’s approach is described and the engineering procedures are explained. A listing of the alternative clutch types considered and their source is also included. The analysis and results make up the majority of this project report. Each of the following engineering processes used will be discussed in detail. First, a benchmarking exercise is used to document clutch types that are readily available. Next, and energy trace and barriers diagram (ETBD) is explained. Then, a preliminary hazard list (PHL) clearly lists opportunities for clutch failures. Once the PHL is complete, a preliminary hazard analysis uses failure modes and effects analysis on a generic clutch and on selected clutch types. A decision analysis that follows the value analysis / value (VA / VE) engineering procedure is utilized last. Finally, conclusions and recommendations generated from the above processes are clearly stated. Clutch type selections are made and the recommendations for further development are defined. Appendixes A through E contain actual data from each engineering process used in clutch selection. Appendix A Benchmarking Exercise B Energy Trace and Barriers Diagram C Preliminary Hazard List D Preliminary Hazard Analysis (FMEA) E Decision Analysis PROJECT PURPOSE This project’s purpose was to select a clutch type to be used in a new z-drive design for American Marine. The new z-drive project is currently in the conceptual phase. The American Marine research and development team is scheduled to complete concept development by December 17, 2004. Clutch type selection has been completed and is a major decision that must be made in z-drive design. The type of clutch selected highly influences overall safety, manufacturability, reliability, and durability of the z-drive while dictating noise, vibration, and harshness characteristics. Page 3 of 32 American Marine designs and produces z-drive engine packages for the recreational and light commercial marine markets. These engine packages utilize an automotive based engine with marinized cooling, exhaust, and electrical systems. The powertrain of the zdrive package transmits the rotational power from the engine to the propeller. The z-drive also steers the propeller for directional control and trims the propeller by changing its angle to vector the propeller thrust force. Trimming improves vessel acceleration and top speed. The z-drive power system also provides shifting in forward, neutral, and reverse. One last major function of the z-drive powertrain is to tilt the propeller up for trailering of the vessel. The z-drive product at American Marine currently consists of two lines of z-drive propulsion systems. The Charlie product is used on four cylinder, V6, and small block V8 engines from 130 horsepower to 300 horsepower. This z-drive is currently offered with a single propeller in several gear ratios for different engine sizes and boat weights. The basic Charlie z-drive design has been in production since 1965 with evolutionary development and feature additions. The second z-drive product line is the Delta z-drive. This product is used on V6, small block V8, and big block V8 engines from 230 horsepower to 575 horsepower. There is a matrix of product line extensions for the Delta z-drive. This drive is offered in single propeller sport (Delta I), single propeller low speed (Delta II), and dual propeller sport (Delta III) versions. These versions are offered in standard, Diesel X, Performance X, and Racing XR versions. Several gear ratios are provided for each z-drive to optimize performance in different boats with each engine option. The z-drive driveline is very simplistic and robust. In the past, great attention has been made to ensure that the American Marine z-drives are the most durable and reliable zdrives on the market. Customers have demanded durability and reliability in the recreational and light commercial marine engine markets. Historically, product esthetics that deal with NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) have been on the customer delight level. The shift systems in the current Charlie and Delta z-drive products do not address NVH issues well. Recently, customers have become more sensitive to NVH issues. 2002 and 2003 J.D. Power surveys have scored the American Marine z-drive products below Volvo z-drives in NVH characteristics. Volvo z-drives are currently the only major competitive z-drive product. American Marine has approved a program to design and develop new z-drive products to replace the current Charlie and Delta z-drives. The development of new z-drives allows consideration of new clutch mechanisms to address customer NVH desires to a level that the current clutch and gear selection mechanisms can not achieve. This project is a small, but critical component of the new z-drive program and has provided the basic building blocks to design the new z-drive. The proper selection of the clutch component is crucial in the success of the entire new z-drive program and the long term competitiveness of American Marine in the future z-drive marketplace. This project has successfully selected a clutch type and configuration to be used in the new z-drive Page 4 of 32 concept. Modeling, analysis, and prototype construction has started in order to investigate the z-drive concepts based on the clutch configuration chosen in this project. APPROACH Process Flow Chart – The following five processes were used in the clutch types and driveline configuration selection. Benchmarking Exercise Energy Trace and Barriers Diagram (ETBD) Preliminary Hazard List (PHL) Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) Decision Analysis (VA / VE) Each process builds upon the overall knowledge of the clutch in order to provide data for the final decision analysis. While the process participants were completing each stage of the process, they also gained experience with the component and were allowed time to develop a good understanding of the component and its intricacies. The benchmarking exercise started the project. Four veteran American Marine employees with over 85 years of combined marine experience developed a list of clutches in order to clarify the roles of the z-drive components from a safety view point. This exercise was used to pool information on the available clutch types and their applications. Participants in the following processes were introduced to the benchmarking material prior to each exercise. Page 5 of 32 An energy trace and barriers diagram was completed in order to graphically represent the drive line and draw focus to the components and systems that have the ability to impart energy into a human. A PHL was developed for the clutch by a cross functional team. This list contains each basic failure of a generic clutch. This list was made prior to clutch hazard analysis in order to simply list basic failures and gain clarity of the ways any clutch can fail. A PHA was then completed, by a cross functional team, in order to gain a better understanding of clutch failure modes and their effects. The process used for this analysis was failure modes and effects analysis. After the benchmarking and safety based processes were completed for input data, a decision analysis was carried out using a VA / VE process. This process used a cross functional team from marketing, service engineering, manufacturing, and quality in a weighted criteria ranking process. During this process, the team realized the clutch type decision is closely related to the driveline configuration. In order properly rank the clutch type, the driveline configuration was also brainstormed and analyzed along with the clutch type. The cross functional team then decided on a clutch type and driveline configuration for the new z-drive. This decision used the information gathered and analyzed in the five preceding processes. The VA / VE process was used to organize the data collected in the above procedures along with data from marketing research, manufacturing, and quality in order to guide a decision on the clutch type to be used in the new z-drive. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED The benchmarking exercise delivered 5 basic clutch types used internally, by the marine industry, or in the automotive and off-highway industries. Hazard analysis was conducted on these five clutch types in order to provide input in the decision analysis. The decision analysis utilized brainstorming to list 12 clutch types. These twelve types were condensed to seven overall clutch and drive line system configurations in a group exercise. Then, the top five clutch types and drive line configurations were ranked according to weighted criteria. The top four clutch type and driveline configurations were: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cone Clutch (Bravo Style) in the upper portion of the z-drive Dog Clutch (Alpha Style) in the lower portion of the z-drive Synchronized Toothed / Dog (w/ 2 Stage Engine Coupler) Wet Disk Master Clutch (One Engine) / Dog Selector (In Drive) Page 6 of 32 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Benchmarking The clutch type benchmarking document can be viewed in appendix A. Brainstorming was used in a small group of experts for this activity. Six clutch types were listed. Their usage was broken into the following three categories. Internal (Mercury Marine) Industry (Recreational / Light Commercial Marine) Functional (Automotive / Off Highway) Their product name, application in the system, and means of actuation were listed. This list was generated to provide information to the cross-functional team members in the PHA and VA / VE processes. This list was composed of six major clutch types used in similar applications. It provided a great starting point for team conversation and helped the team members to get familiar with the clutch component prior to starting their own group activities. Ultimately, this list contained the clutch type selected by the team. Energy Trace and Barriers Diagram (ETBD) The deliverable of this process can be found in appendix B. This process was conducted by Phillip Magee and was also designed to be used as information in the following PHA and VA / VE group processes. This process basically uses a diagram to represent the current Charlie and Delta z-drive configurations. A table below the diagram lists the type of energy present in each component or subsystem and any barriers to this energy. This process is based on the theory that any injury to humans must be caused by energy being imparted into them. For this reason, it is critical to trace the energy in the system and be aware of any place that this energy is not barred from human contact. This process has shown that the propeller is the only part of the driveline that has energy available to human contact. The propeller is used to impart energy into the water to propel the boat. This is similar to a tire on an automobile imparting energy to the ground to propel the automobile. This diagram also shows that the propeller energy is controlled by the clutch. The decoupling of the clutch is the action that does not allow the propeller to contain rotational energy and is of high importance when designing a driveline. The ETBD was used to document the energy and barriers in the z-drive and focus attention on the areas critical for imparting energy. The propeller was targeted as the component that imparts energy. Within the project guidelines, the z-drive and propeller configuration are given and must be maintained. This drives the focus of the energy to the clutch which acts as a switch to either transmit power or decouple it from the propeller. This document was presented to participants in the PHA and VA / VE as support information. The ETBD was successful in targeting the clutch as an important component and relaying its function as an energy barrier to the cross-functional team. Page 7 of 32 Preliminary Hazard List (PHL) The preliminary hazard list is can be found in appendix C. This list was done prior to the PHA and decision analysis in order to simply list the hazards associated with clutches of any type. This list was instrumental in presenting each type of hazard of the clutch. It was quite evident to the team that the clutch failure to forward or to reverse would mean that the driveline would be supplying rotating energy to the propeller when the operator thought the propeller was static. These two hazards were clearly seen as the least desirable for the design. It was also clearly seen that the clutch failure to neutral was less critical from a safety viewpoint. This list also allowed the team to discuss the mobility failures of the clutch when it fails to neutral. At this point the team understood the hazards of the clutch in a z-drive. Now, a FMEA was needed to better analyze the details of the clutch hazards. Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA – FMEA) The generic clutch portion of the PHA can be found in appendix D. PHAs of each clutch type were also completed, but have not been listed in the appendix. They are very similar to the PHA for the generic clutch. Differences of each clutch type as compared to the generic clutch PHA are listed in appendix D. The FMEA process was used to perform a PHA on a generic clutch and five clutch types (Dog, Cone, Wet Disk, Dry Disk, and Band). This was a team process. The team was shown the benchmarking study and the ETBD prior to the FMEA process. In this process, each failure was analyzed by listing each failure mode along with its cause, effect, and design validation process. Severity, occurrence, and detection rates were scored and an overall risk priority number was developed for each failure mode. During this process, it was evident that the dog clutch is superior to the other clutches because it does not have the ability to fail in a way that would cause it to transmit torque when it should not transmit torque. This process also ranked that failure with the highest possible severity number of 10 and a high overall risk priority number of 120. This data was used in the following decision analysis. Decision Analysis (VA / VE) The VA / VE can be viewed in appendix E. The Benchmarking data, ETBD, PHL, and PHA were used as supporting documentation in the VA / VE. In the VA / VE, the clutch functions were listed and analyzed. Then a list of twelve clutch types was brainstormed to insure that all types were considered. At this point, it was evident to the group that the way a clutch is used in the system is important to its function and the way it would be ranked. The group then brainstormed a total of seven clutch type and drive-line configurations. Page 8 of 32 Idea # Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cone Clutch (Bravo Style) Dog Clutch (Alpha Style) Synchronized Toothed / Dog (w 2 Stage Engine Coupler) Wet Disk Master Clutch (On Eng.) / Dog Gear Selector ( In Drive) Wet Disk Synchronized Dog Master Clutch (On Eng.) / Dog Gear Selector (In Drive) Dry Disk Master Clutch (On Eng.) / Cone Clutch Gear Selector (In Drive) Torque Converter (On Eng.) / Cone Clutch Gear Selector (In Drive) The top four clutch and drive-line configurations were T charted by the team in order to list pros and cons for each. Each con was discussed to attempt a solution. At this point the team was familiar with each configuration and was ready for developing weighted criteria and ranking. Eight criteria were developed for the configuration and given a weight using a paired comparison matrix. Then the “must” and “want” criteria were separated to draw a line between criteria that are necessary and criteria that are desirable. Eval. Criteria Safety (Must) Reliability (Must) Durability Envir./Time/Cycles (Must) NVH (Want) Packaging (Want) Serviceability / Maintenance (Want) MFG. Mach. / Assy. (Want) Styling (Want) Rating % 25.0 21.4 17.9 14.3 10.7 7.1 3.6 0.0 100 Each configuration was ranked in its ability to meet the criteria on a scale of 1 to 10. These rankings were weighted and added for each criteria to develop an overall score. That score was then divided by the cost of the clutch and necessary mating components in the driveline to develop a valued based score. Safety, reliability, and durability were determined to be “musts” and are highly weighted. This affected the overall score of the clutch types. The dog clutch ranked the highest based on the weighted criteria and the value. The wet disk master clutch on the engine and dog gear selector in the drive idea ranked second based on the criteria but last from a value perspective due to its higher cost. The cone clutch ranked third from criteria and a distant second in value. The synchronized toothed / dog clutch ranked last based on the criteria and third in value. Clearly, the dog clutch was found to be the best overall clutch for satisfying customer needs and it greatly exceeded the other clutch types from a value perspective. Page 9 of 32 VA / VE Results Total Weighted Criteria Rank Estimated Cost Value Ratio Criteria/Cost Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3 Idea 4 671.4 789.3 589.3 725.0 $100.00 $50.00 $120.00 $170.00 6.7 15.8 4.9 4.3 The cross functional team discussed the results of all five of the above processes and their feelings about the validity of the results. The team agreed that the results were valid. The dog clutch has always been found to be safe, reliable, durable, and very cost effective. Several attempts have been made in the past to replace it, but they have all failed at providing a better yet cost effective clutch alternative. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The team used the information developed in this project along with marketing input to develop a z-drive strategy that would utilize the positive attributes and low cost of a dog clutch for cost sensitive customers while allowing for design flexibility and satisfying the needs and wants of more discriminating customers willing to pay more for a more refined product. The team proposes a base product utilizing a dog clutch in the upper end of the z-drive. This upper drive can be fitted with several different lower gearcases to satisfy different boat applications. Refinements in the drive-line compliance have the opportunity to slightly improve the noise, vibration, and harshness characteristics of this base model. This same z-drive will be fitted with a wet disk master clutch on the engine for decoupling drive torque during shifting in a premium version of this product. This product retains all of the safety, reliability, and durability attributes of the dog clutch while providing greatly improved noise, vibration, and harshness characteristics during shifting. This design strategy molds ideas 2 and 4 of the VA / VE into one modular approach. This design selection maintains cost competitiveness in the base product while providing superior aesthetics in the premium product at a higher cost. Page 10 of 32 It is recommended that system models be created and for the modular z-drive. These models should then be analyzed for shift characteristics. It is also recommended that a prototype modular z-drive be built and tested in the dog clutch only configuration and in the wet disk master clutch and dog gear selector styles. Cost information has been based on manufacturing engineering, and product engineering estimations to this point. A more detailed cost study of the shift system is recommended in conjunction with the more detailed design models and prototype. This will improve the accuracy of the value studies conducted. This activity can be completed with the current new drive engineering team and budget before December 17, 2004. Page 11 of 32 Appendix A Benchmark Study Mercury Marine Clutch Type Benchmark Dog Clutch 3/03/04 – 4/07/04 Participants: Phillip Magee, Tom Yerby Ken Grainger, Robert Grantham The objective of this benchmarking exercise is to form a list of clutches that are available for use and are readily adaptable to the sterndrive system. This benchmarking aids in providing a list of clutch types, their applications, and means of actuation. Dog Clutch Internal (Mercury Marine) Product Alpha Sterndrive MC II Drive 215 E Drive 0-Drive All Outboards Application Primary Clutch Primary Clutch Gear Selector Primary Clutch Primary Clutch Actuation Mechanical Mechanical Electric Mechanical Mechanical Industry (Recreational / Light Commercial Marine) Product Application OMC Drive Primary Clutch All Outboards Primary Clutch Konrad Drive Primary Clutch GLM Drive Primary Clutch Actuation Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Functional (Automotive / Off Highway) Product Agricultural Oil Well Pulling Unit Safety Brake Auto. Performance Transmissions Application Various – low speed Secondary Brake Gear Selector Actuation Mechanical Mechanical Mech. / Elec. Application Primary Clutch Actuation Mechanical Industry (Recreational / Light Commercial Marine) Product Application Volvo Sterndrives Primary Clutch Yamaha Sterndrives Primary Clutch OMC Cobra Primary Clutch Actuation Mechanical Mechanical Mechanica Cone Clutch Internal (Mercury Marine) Product Bravo Sterndrive Functional (Automotive / Off Highway) None Page 12 of 32 Wet Disk Internal (Mercury Marine) Product TR Sterndrive Inboard Trans. Six Drive Trans. Application Primary Clutch Primary Clutch Primary Clutch Actuation Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Industry (Recreational / Light Commercial Marine) Product Application Yamaha Sterndrive Primary Clutch BMW Sterndrive Primary Clutch All Inboard Trans. Primary Clutch Actuation Hydraulic Mechanical Hydraulic Functional (Automotive / Off Highway) Product Automated Planetary Lay Shaft Transmissions. Application Primary Clutch Primary Clutch Actuation Hydraulic Hydraulic Application Primary Clutch Actuation Electric Dry Disk Internal (Mercury Marine) Product 215 E Sterndrive Industry (Recreational / Light Commercial Marine) None Functional (Automotive / Off Highway) Product Manual Automated Manual Transmissions Application Primary Clutch Primary Clutch Actuation Mech. / Hyd. Hydraulic Internal (Mercury Marine) Product TR Sterndrive Application Reverse Clutch Actuation Hydraulic Industry (Recreational / Light Commercial Marine) Product Application Chris Craft Inboard Trans. Reverse Clutch Actuation Hydraulic Functional (Automotive / Off Highway) Product Automated Planetary Constant Velocity Transmissions Actuation Hydraulic Hydraulic Band Application Primary Clutch Primary Clutch Page 13 of 32 Centrifugal Clutch Internal (Mercury Marine) Product None Application Actuation Industry (Recreational / Light Commercial Marine) Product Application None Actuation Functional (Automotive / Off Highway) Product Go Cart / Snowmobile Application Primary Clutch Actuation Mechanical Page 14 of 32 Appendix B Energy Trace and Barriers Diagram Charlie Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Desc. Accessory Drive System Flywheel Universal Joint Upper Gearset Clutch Vertical Drive Sahfts Lower Gearset Propeller Shaft Propeller Energy Mechanical -Rotational Mechanical -Rotational Mechanical -Rotational Mechanical -Rotational Mechanical -Rotational Mechanical -Rotational Mechanical -Rotational Mechanical -Rotational Mechanical -Rotational Delta When Engine is Running When Engine is Running When Engine is Running When Engine is Running When Activated F/R When Activated F/R When Activated F/R When Activated F/R When Activated F/R Barrier Hatch Hatch - Flywheel Housing Hatch - Bellows Drive Shaft Housing Drive Shaft Housing Drive Shaft Housing - Gearcase Gearcase Gearcase - Propeller None Page 15 of 32 Appendix C Preliminary Hazard List Preliminary Hazard List - Clutch Activation Item # 1 Failure Clutch Failure a To Forward b To Neutral c To Reverse Page 16 of 32 Appendix D Preliminary Hazard Analysis Performed Before/After Design Made? (underline POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (System) one) TITLE: Generic Clutch MODEL: Sterndrive CORE TEAM: Phillip Magee, Dennsi Gunderson, Paul Govek, Woody Smith, Ken Grainger, Rich Todhunter, Manish Kulkarni, Kieth Schmidt, John Behara PROJECT: New Sterndrive ITEM/ POTENTIAL POTENTIAL S POTENTIAL CAUSE(S) O FUNCTION FAILURE EFFECT(S) E MECHANISM(S) OF C MODE OF FAILURE V FAILURE C CLUTCH FMEA DATE: TEAM LEADER: FACILITATOR: 03/18/2004 Tom Yerby Paul Govek Full Attendance? CURRENT DESIGN VALIDATION Y N (underline one) D R RECOMMENDED E P ACTION(S) T N TRANSMIT TORQUE/ ROTATION CLUTCH DESIGN 2 SPECIFICATION - TORQUE CAPACITY REQUIREMENT -HISTORY 2 -BOATING & NONBOATING INDUSTRY STDS -MODELING -DESIGN ANALYSIS -COMPONENT TESTING -SYSTEM LEVEL TESTING 32 CLUTCH DESIGN SPECIFICATION 4 -HISTORY 3 -BOATING & NONBOATING INDUSTRY STDS -MODELING -DESIGN ANALYSIS -COMPONENT TESTING -SYSTEM LEVEL TESTING 120 EVALUATE CONCEPTS CONNECTION, ACTUATION, & CLUTCH DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 4 -HISTORY 3 -BOATING & NONBOATING INDUSTRY STDS -MODELING -DESIGN ANALYSIS -COMPONENT TESTING -SYSTEM LEVEL TESTING 120 EVALUATE CONCEPTS ACTUATION & CLUTCH DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 4 -HISTORY 3 -BOATING & NONBOATING INDUSTRY STDS -MODELING -DESIGN ANALYSIS -COMPONENT TESTING -SYSTEM LEVEL TESTING 120 EVALUATE CONCEPTS INADEQUATE OR NO BOAT MOVEMENT DECREASING ABILITY TO TRANSMIT TORQUE/ ROTATION ENGINE OVERREV EXCESS HEAT IN CLUTCH SYSTEM NOT TRANSMIT TORQUE/ ROTATION RECEIVE/ TOLERATE SIGNAL LOAD TOLERATE ACTUATION THRUST FORCE TRANSMITS TORQUE/ CONTINUOUS BOAT ROTATION MOVEMENT DOES NOT RECEIVE/ TOLERATE SIGNAL LOAD 8 7 6 10 ENGINE NO START 8 CONTINUOUS BOAT MOVEMENT 10 NO SHIFT ENGINE NO START ENGINE OVERREV 9 8 7 DOES NOT TOLERATE CONTINUOUS BOAT ACTUATION THRUST MOVEMENT FORCE NO SHIFT ENGINE NO START ENGINE OVERREV NA 10 9 8 7 Page 17 of 32 Performed Before/After Design Made? (underline POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (System) one) TITLE: Generic Clutch MODEL: Sterndrive CORE TEAM: Phillip Magee, Dennsi Gunderson, Paul Govek, Woody Smith, Ken Grainger, Rich Todhunter, Manish Kulkarni, Kieth Schmidt, John Behara PROJECT: New Sterndrive ITEM/ POTENTIAL POTENTIAL S POTENTIAL CAUSE(S) O FUNCTION FAILURE EFFECT(S) E MECHANISM(S) OF C MODE OF FAILURE V FAILURE C CLUTCH FMEA DATE: TEAM LEADER: FACILITATOR: 03/18/2004 Tom Yerby Paul Govek Full Attendance? CURRENT DESIGN VALIDATION Y N (underline one) D R RECOMMENDED E P ACTION(S) T N TOLERATE TORSIONAL SHOCK & VIBRATION 2 -HISTORY 2 -BOATING & NONBOATING INDUSTRY STDS -MODELING -DESIGN ANALYSIS -COMPONENT TESTING -SYSTEM LEVEL TESTING 32 NA NA ABSORB/ DAMPEN TORSIONAL SHOCK LOAD DOES NOT TOLERATE NO BOAT MOVEMENT TORSIONAL SHOCK & VIBRATION INADEQUATELY ABSORB/ DAMPEN TORSIONAL SHOCK LOAD DISSIPATE HEAT INADEQUATELY DISSIPATES HEAT 8 CLUTCH DESIGN SPECIFICATION - NVH & TORSIONAL SHOCK CAPACITY & LIFE REQUIREMENT ENGINE OVERREV EXCESS HEAT IN CLUTCH SYSTEM 7 6 EXCESS NOISE & VIBRATION 4 CLUTCH DESIGN 2 SPECIFICATION - NVH & TORSIONAL SHOCK CAPACITY REQUIREMENT -HISTORY 2 -BOATING & NONBOATING INDUSTRY STDS -MODELING -DESIGN ANALYSIS -COMPONENT TESTING -SYSTEM LEVEL TESTING 16 CONTINUOUS BOAT MOVEMENT 10 CLUTCH DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS -HISTORY 3 -BOATING & NONBOATING INDUSTRY STDS -MODELING -DESIGN ANALYSIS -COMPONENT TESTING -SYSTEM LEVEL TESTING 120 EVALUATE CONCEPTS NO SHIFT ENGINE NO START ENGINE OVERREV 9 8 7 4 Page 18 of 32 FMEA – Dog, Cone, Wet Disk, Dry Disk, Band Clutch Dog Same as generic clutch except (“Not Transmit Torque / Rotation” failure mode is scored as low potential) Cone Same as generic clutch Wet Disk Same as generic clutch Dry Disk Same as generic clutch Band Same as generic clutch Page 19 of 32 Appendix E Decision Analysis New Drive Shift System VA / VE 1 4/7/2004 Value Analysis / Value Engineering Process: Project Definition Function Worksheet Function Analysis Brainstorming Designs Brainstorming Designs T - Chart Paired Comparison Matrix Idea Selection Worksheet Attendance: Invited Tom Yerby Dennis Gunderson PhillIp Magee Lawrence Robinson Rod Caldwell Manish Kulkarni Keith Schmidt Darrin Doty Bob Burrell John Behara Chad Martin Rich Todhunter Craig Armstrong Woody Smith Larry Miller Ken Grainger Paul Govek Robert Grantham Dept. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Integration Integration Mfg. Eng. Mfg. Eng. Quality Service Eng. Marketing Go Over Product Plan Verb - Noun Function List Organize Function List Let Creativity Flow (not Flood) Sort Out Top 3 or 4 Designs Pro's and Con's of Top 3 or 4 Pick Rating Criteria Score Top 3 or 4 Designs. Participants Dennis Gunderson Phillip Magee Mark McCartor Rod Caldwell Manish Kulkarni Keith Schmidt Bob Burrell John Behara Randy Stokes Robert Grantham Page 20 of 32 Rules 2 Decisions Type Command - Quick , Based on Judgment and Intelligence of Decision Maker Consensus - Teamwork, Requires Cooperation, Based on Judgment and Intelligence of the Team We plan to consider all input during this VA / VE session but will quickly move through decisions based on MAJORITY RULES consensus decisions. Brainstorming No ideas are evaluated during the brainstorming session. No criticism. Say It - Write It - Toss It Get Creative Page 21 of 32 PROJECT: 3 New sterndrive PROJECT TYPE: Design OBJECTIVES: Select shift system type or types and configuration SCOPE: New sterndrive or drives will replace current Alpha and Bravo sterndrives Design primarily between engine and propeller New design may effect engine controls (electronics) New design may effect shift actuation system (control handle and linkages) SCOPE DOES NOT INCLUDE: Engine Propellers COST: Targets not officially set Known: Alpha replacement product is cost sensitive Bravo replacement product is less cost sensitive and more aesthetically sensitive Page 22 of 32 Function Worksheet 4 Verb Noun Type Transmit Transmit Decouple Decouple Receive Tolerate Dissipate Absorb Engage Tolerate Torque Rotation Torque Rotation Signal Signal Heat Torsional Shock Mating Face Engagement B B B B B R R R B R Types of Functions B - Basic HO - Higher Order Specifications / Comment vibration / impact R - Required Secondary A - Asthetic Secondary U - Unwanted Secondary Page 23 of 32 Function Analysis System Technique Diagram Verb Noun Verb 5 Noun How Why H.O Func. Assumed Func. Basic Function Transmit Rotation Engage Decouple Rotation Mating Face Receive Signal Transmit Torque Decouple Torque Req'd Secondary Function Tolerate Engagement Tolerate Signal Dissipate Heat Absorb Torsional Shock Page 24 of 32 New Sterndrive 6 Brainstorming Idea # Description 1 Cone Clutch 2 Dog Clutch 3 Synchronized Toothed / Dog 4 Wet Disk Clutch 5 Dry Disk Clutch 6 Magnetic Clutch 7 Band Clutch 8 Belt (w Slip for Neutral) 9 Centrifugal 10 Sprag 11 Spring Clutch 12 Lock -Up Torque Converter with Disk Brake for Neutral Page 25 of 32 New Sterndrive 7 Brainstorming Idea # Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cone Clutch (Bravo Style) Dog Clutch (Alpha Style) Synchronized Toothed / Dog (w 2 Stage Engine Coupler) Wet Disk Master Clutch (On Eng.) / Dog Gear Selector ( In Drive) Wet Disk Synchronized Dog Master Clutch (On Eng.) / Dog Gear Selector (In Drive) Dry Disk Master Clutch (On Eng.) / Cone Clutch Gear Selector (In Drive) Torque Converter (On Eng.) / Cone Clutch Gear Selector (In Drive) Page 26 of 32 VAVE: New Sterndrive 8 Cone Clutch (Bravo Style) + Proven technology Compact High capacity Limp Home Moderate cost Durable Moderate NVH - High actuation force Sensitive to actuation force Sensitive to tolerances Difficult to measure Sensitive to finish Moderate NVH Fails in closed position Temperature sensitive Sensitive to contamination What Can Be Done Self actuate Monitor finish Page 27 of 32 VAVE: New Sterndrive 9 Dog Clutch (Alpha Style) + Durable Robust Compact Clutch and selector Low cost Simplistic Proven technology Ratchetablity Fails open Tolerable to contamination - Loud Harsh Abrupt Actuation time sensitive Old technology No limp home What Can Be Done 2 stage eng. coupler 2 stage eng. coupler 2 stage eng. coupler Use with newer tech. sychronizeres, couplings, clutches Page 28 of 32 VAVE: New Sterndrive 10 Synchronized Toothed / Dog (w 2 Stage Engine Coupler) + Simple Proven technology Automotive application - What Can Be Done No ratchetability Not proven in marine Appl. Complex assy. More components Moderately compact than dog / cone NVH better than dog / cone Temp. sensitive No limp home Less reliable than dog Page 29 of 32 VAVE: New Sterndrive 11 Wet Disk Master Clutch (On Eng.) / Dog Gear Selector ( In Drive) + Perfect NVH Temperature tolerant Limp home Dog fails open - What Can Be Done Increased complexity Increased cost Lower reliability No water pump in drive Requires hydraulic pump Page 30 of 32 Eval. Criteria A Decision New Sterndrive Reliability (Must) Durability Envir./Time/Cycles (Must) Serviceability / Maintenance (Want) MFG. Mach. / Assy. (Want) Safety (Must) Packaging (Want) NVH (Want) Styling (Want) A B A B C A B C D E E E E E A B F F E F A B G G E G G A B C D E F G H I 6 5 2 1 7 3 4 0 0 100 21.4 17.9 7.1 3.6 25.0 10.7 14.3 0.0 0.0 12 Total Rating % 28 Page 31 of 32 13 # Evaluation Criteria Weight 1 Reliability (Must) 21.43 2 Durability Envir./Time/Cycles (Must) 17.86 3 Serviceability / Maintenance (Want) 7.14 4 MFG. Mach. / Assy. (Want) 3.57 5 Safety (Must) 25.00 6 Packaging (Want) 10.71 7 NVH (Want) 14.29 8 Styling (Want) 9 0.00 0 Total Weighted Criteria Estimated Cost Value Ratio Criteria/Cost Idea 1 6 128.6 7 125.0 9 64.3 6 21.4 6 150 9 96.4 6 85.7 0 0 Idea 2 Idea 3 9 192.9 9 160.7 9 64.3 9 32.1 8 200 9 96.4 3 42.9 0 0 4 85.7 6 107.1 8 57.1 4 14.3 6 150 7 75.0 7 100.0 0 0 Idea 4 5 107.1 9 160.7 6 42.9 5 17.9 8 200 5 53.6 10 142.9 0 0 0.00 100 0 671.4 $100.00 6.7 0 0 0 789.3 589.3 725.0 $50.00 $120.00 $170.00 15.8 4.9 4.3 Page 32 of 32