i n t r o d u c c i ó n a l a l i t e r a t u r a SPANISH 300 Intermediate Spanish Readings/Honors Programa de estudios / primavera de 2009 Wichita State University INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Michael McGlynn OFFICE: Jardine Hall 414C OFFICE HOURS: M, W 1:00-2:00pm, and by appointment TELEPHONE: 978-6163 E-MAIL: michael.mcglynn@wichita.edu COURSE NUMBER: MEETING TIME: 21795, 22725 (Honors) M, W 10:30-11:20am PLACE: Jardine Hall 310 Note: Weather Cancellations—call 978-6633 (select 2) to obtain information on weather-related class cancellations. Catalog Description: General education further study course. Intensive reading and analysis of Spanish literary works of all periods. Course will satisfy the LAS literature requirement. Course Objectives: Read and comprehend the foreign language when included in text of moderate difficulty and mature content; write in the foreign language, using clear and correct vocabulary, idioms, and syntax; understand that language & literature are essential elements of culture; introduction to literary masterpieces. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 223 or departmental consent. This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Textbooks and Other Materials: At the bookstore 1. Iglesias and Maurer, Temas: Invitación a la literatura hispánica. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994. Ablah Library Reserve 1. All remaining materials are available at the reserve desk in the Ablah Library (see “Course Reserves” on the WSU Library website or ask a librarian for assistance). Some materials may be distributed among students directly, online, or through Blackboard. Blackboard McGlynn SPAN 300/300H primavera de 2009 programa de estudios 1 Classroom handouts are published on BB>>Course Documents. Please print these and bring to each class meeting. Students are responsible for having the proper materials for each class meeting. Plan ahead. Evaluation Criteria: Spanish 300: Reaction Paper Summary Poetry Analysis Close Reading External Research Essay in Literary Analysis Midterm Exam Final Exam Recitation Participation Homework, Quizzes GRADING SCALE: (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (20%) (10%) (20%) (5%) (18%) (2%) Spanish 300H: Reaction Paper (5%) Summary (5%) Poetry Analysis (5%) Close Reading (5%) External Research (5%) Two Essays in Literary Analysis (20%) Midterm Exam (10%) Final Exam (20%) Recitation (5%) Participation (18%) Homework, Quizzes (2%) In general, a higher level of preparedness and discussion is expected of students of SPAN 300. There will also be additional assignments and meetings. Letter grades are based on the following percentage system: (90-100%) = A; distinguished achievement (80-89%) = B; outstanding achievement (70-79%) = C; average achievement (60-69%) = D; below average achievement (0-59%) = F; fail Grade Components: Essays, papers and compositions should be typed, double-spaced, proof-read, and stapled. All essays for this course are essays in literary analysis. Specific instructions for each assignment are on Blackboard. By departmental policy, if you are not a native speaker of Spanish, having a native or experienced speaker of Spanish edit, proof-read or assist in any way with your essay means that the work is not your own and is considered cheating. Examinations require students to write essay answers that demonstrate knowledge of literary masterpieces and interpretational strategies. There will also be objective knowledge questions. No PDAs, telephones, or other electronic devices are permitted during exams. Students should bring a blue exam book to write answers. The final exam for SPAN 300 is scheduled for Friday, May 15, 10:00am-11:50pm. It is cumulative, and will follow the same format as the mid-term. Quizzes that allow students to show that they understand the readings will be provided on an asneeded basis. Quizzes will be factored into the homework grade. Poetry Recitation: Each student will memorize San Juan de la Cruz’ “En una noche oscura” (p.54) and recite this sonnet before the class. Recitation is a traditional and effective cognitive activity. It is necessary to truly understand poetry, especially oral poetry. Attendance is important for the successful completion of this course. If you miss a class meeting, you (not your professor, and not the forces of fate) are responsible for what you missed. There is no make up or reprisal of lectures. Contact another student for missed assignments and notes. It is strongly recommended that before the second class meeting you exchange contact info. with two McGlynn SPAN 300/300H primavera de 2009 programa de estudios 2 other students for this purpose. Students are allowed three absences before it affects their grade. Thereafter, each absence will lower the final grade by one percent. These absences are for emergencies and illness. You cannot pass the course with more than fourteen absences. Participation. This class includes numerous activities that require students to speak, listen, and participate in a culturally appropriate manner. Students are expected to be involved and stay involved. This means that they must be in class. There is no way that a class can really be made up. Students are expected to make a commitment to this class and to attend all meetings. Saying nothing in class can result in no higher than a grade of ‘D’ in participation. See Blackboard for more information on how participation is evaluated. Class Policies: Turn-in dates. All assigned homework should be done before class in order to prepare for class activities. All work is due on time. No late work is accepted. Please turn in all formal, written assignments at the beginning of class; leave the assignment on professor’s desk before class starts. Classroom Management. As a matter of courtesy and respect for the learning process of your fellow students, make sure you follow these few simple guidelines: come on time; turn off your cell phones; be patient and tolerant with other people’s opinions; avoid conversation topics unrelated to the current class discussion. Courtesy is expected of all. Academic honesty. Academic dishonesty or plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for the assignment and a letter of notification will be sent to the student's college. (See Academic Honesty Statement below). For graded assignments (e.g. essays), it is considered cheating to have a Spanish-speaker or Spanish tutor help you. It’s your education. Students are responsible for their education in this course, such as it is. If you can’t find a reading, or don’t have the material, it’s up to you to get what you need. In general, you are expected to be resourceful and responsible. A positive, open-minded, complaint-free attitude has proven to be the most important key to success in this course. Department and University Policies: ACADEMIC HONEST is essential for any community of scholars. All graded student work must be that student's original work. If the instructor becomes convinced by either the student's actions or by the work itself that it is not original, the instructor may take action as severe as recording a grade of F, explaining why the action was taken. A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students abridging a standard of honesty must accept the consequences; penalties are assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated people. Serious cases may result in discipline at the College or University level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Dismissal from a college for academic dishonesty constitutes dismissal from the University. (WSU Student Handbook) SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, I would encourage you to contact the Office of Disability Services (DS). The office is located in Grace Wilkie Annex, Room 173. (Voice mail number is 978-3309; TTY phone number is 978-3067). DS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate for you. All information and documentation of your disability is confidential and will not be released by DS without your written permission. McGlynn SPAN 300/300H primavera de 2009 programa de estudios 3 TEMARIO1 (Las lecturas y las actividades se deben preparar antes de venir a clase ese día). APROX.=Aproximaciones al estudio de la literatura hispánica (despacho de reservas, biblioteca) T=Temas FECHA TEMA/ACTIVIDAD EN CLASE LECTURA/PREPARACIÓN PARA ESE DÍA2 SEMANA miércoles 21/1 viernes 23/1 UNO ¿Qué es la literatura? Extracto de Proberbios morales de Sem Tob, Nada te espanta de Santa Teresa de Jesús. Introducción al curso. SEMANA lunes 26/1 DOS Introducción a la poesía. La lírica amorosa desde las jarchas a Neruda. miérc.28/1 viernes 30/1 El amor espiritual--¿es la misma cosa que el amor carnal? SEMANA lunes 2/2 TRES Práctica del análisis de la versificación. miérc.4/2 Entregar reflexión personal sobre un poema (de San Juan o Santa Teresa) al principio de la clase. Innovaciones poéticas del siglo XX. viernes 6/2 SEMANA lunes 9/2 1 2 CUATRO La poesía existencial y vanguardista. Lea el programa de estudios. Diga sugerencias en la segunda clase. Imprima todos los documentos de BB y tráigalos a cada reunión de clase. De aquí en adelante, hay que mantenerse al tanto con BB. “Introducción a la poesía” I (APROX 134-135). T: Jarchas (2), Rimas de Bécquer (7, 4041) Ya no de Vilarño (45), Puedo escribir los versos más tristes de Neruda (47). “Introducción a la poesía” II (APROX 135-138). Vivo de Santa Teresa de Jesús, Noche oscura de San Juan de la Cruz, A Cristo crucificado (T 49-57). “Introducción a la poesía” III-IV (Aprox.138-144). Soneto de Lope de Vega (T 326-327). “Introducción a la poesía” V (APROX 144-147). El poema de Juan Ramón Jiménez Arte poética de Vicente Huidobro, Manifiesto de Nicanor Parra (T 300-308). Walking Around de Neruda, Greguerías de Ramón Gómez de la Serna (T271- Este programa es de carácter informativo, pudiendo sufrir cambios. Se refiere a páginas, a no ser que se indique lo contrario. McGlynn SPAN 300/300H primavera de 2009 programa de estudios 4 279). miérc.11/2 viernes 13/2 Entegar análisis del soneto de Garcilaso. Introducción a la narrativa. SEMANA lunes 16/2 CINCO “No oyes ladrar los perros.” miérc.18/2 “No oyes ladrar los perros.” viernes 20/2 “La mujer que llegaba a las seis.” SEMANA lunes 23/2 SEIS “La mujer que llegaba a las seis.” miérc.25/2 “La busca de Averroes.” viernes 27/2 “La busca de Averroes.” SEMANA lunes 2/3 SIETE “La busca de Averroes.” miérc.4/3 viernes 6/3 SEMANA lunes 9/3 miérc.11/3 viernes 13/3 SEMANA lunes 16/3 miérc.18/3 viernes 20/3 SEMANA lunes 23/3 Entrevista con Borges (VHS). Repaso. Entregar resumen de la trama de Milagro VIII al empezar la clase. Clase virtual: Blackboard>>Discussion Board>>Clase virtual, 6 de marzo, 2009. OCHO Examen parcial La poesía narrativa. “Introducción a la narrativa” (APROX 10-18). “No oyes ladrar los perros” de Juan Rulfo (T 110-112). “No oyes ladrar los perros” de Juan Rulfo (T 110-112). “La mujer que llegaba a las seis” (García Márquez (T 98-103) La mujer que llegaba a las seis” (García Márquez (terminar). “La busca de Averroes” de Borges (T 330-334) “La busca de Averroes” de Borges (T terminar) “La busca de Averroes” de Borges” (repasar) Milagro VIII de Los milagros de nuestra señora de Gonzalo de Berceo (fotocopia la biblioteca) Milagro VIII (continuado). Revisar el examen. NUEVE Vacación de primavera—no hay clase. DIEZ Introducción al ensayo. “El recado.” miérc.25/3 viernes 27/3 “Día de los difuntos de 1836” SEMANA ONCE McGlynn SPAN 300/300H primavera de 2009 “Introducción al ensayo I-II”(APROX 376-378). “El recado” de Elena Poniatowska (T 12). “Introducción al ensayo V”(APROX 376380-382). “Día de los difuntos de 1836”, de Mariano José de Larra, págs.. 217-218 (rerservas de la biblioteca) programa de estudios 5 lunes 30/3 “Día de los difuntos de 1836” “Día de los difuntos de 1836” (terminar) miérc.1/4 “El casarse pronto y mal” viernes 3/4 “El casarse pronto y mal” “El casarse pronto y mal” de Mariano José de Larra, págs. 300-303 (rerservas de la biblioteca) “El casarse pronto y mal” de Mariano José de Larra (terminar) SEMANA lunes 6/4 miérc. 8/4 viernes 10/4 DOCE Poema de mío Cid: Introducción. La convocación de la cort. Primera y segunda demanda. Tercera demanda. SEMANA lunes 13/4 Repartición de “evidencia externa” en clase. TRECE El duelo. Poema de mío Cid (págs. 130-139) miérc. 15/4 Conclusiones. Poema de mío Cid (re-leer, estudiar) viernes 17/4 Entregar lectura detenida sobre el Poema del Cid al empezar la clase. SEMANA lunes 20/4 miérc.22/4 viernes 24/4 SEMANA lunes 27/4 miér. 29/4 viernes 1/5 SEMANA lunes 4/5 miérc.6/5 viernes 8/5 SEMANA lunes 11/5 martes 12/5 SEMANA Película del Cid. CATORCE Presentar evidencia externa en grupo. Introducción al drama. Poema de mío Cid (págs. 113-119) Poema de mío Cid (págs.119-124) Poema de mío Cid (págs.124-129) “Introducción al drama I, II, IV” (APROX 248-249, 257). Taller del ensayo. Traer borrador del ensayo. QUINCE La casa de Bernarda Alba. La casa de Bernarda Alba (T 149-156) La casa de Bernarda Alba. T 156-163. La casa de Bernarda Alba. T 170-177. DIECISEIS La casa de Bernarda Alba. T 178-185. Versión fílmica de La casa de Bernarda Alba. Versión fílmica de La casa de Bernarda Alba. DIECISIETE Repaso o taller de ensayo o fiesta. University Study Day. Entregar ensayo en 305 Jardine Hall antes de mediodía. DIECIOCHO EXAMEN FINAL: viernes, quince de mayo, de 10,00 a 11,50 horas Favor de confirmar en la pág. 20 del “Spring 2009 Schedule of Courses.” McGlynn SPAN 300/300H primavera de 2009 programa de estudios 6 ¡ F E L I C E S V A C A C I O N E S ! McGlynn SPAN 300/300H primavera de 2009 programa de estudios 7