
Student: ___________________________________
Anticipation/Reaction to
Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird
Before you start reading the novel, decide how strongly you agree
or disagree with each of the following statements. In the box
immediately to the left of each statement (the Personal
Anticipation column), write “1” if you strongly agree, “2” if you
somewhat agree, “3” if you somewhat disagree, and “4” if you
strongly disagree. Be aware that some statements can be
interpreted in more than one way.
Mrs. DeYoung will then assign you a person from the Scottsboro
trial that we just learned about. You will then rate the statements
as though you were that person in the second column.
________ Topic
Since slavery was made illegal in the
U.S., African Americans have easily
integrated into all areas of society.
When a criminal, who was clearly guilty,
goes free after a trial, the citizens should
take care of punishing the criminal
because the justice system failed.
The U.S. no longer has any problems
with any kinds of prejudice against any
groups of people.
People who commit violent crimes such
as rape and murder should face the death
A prison guard should kill a convict
attempting to escape prison.
It’s wrong to hate another person.
It’s okay to lie to protect yourself from
going to jail.
If a woman says she was raped, she
should be believed.
Anticipation Guide for Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird
© Ramona E. Pekarek
Last Revised by Mrs. DeYoung: 3/3/2016