Fahrenheit 451 Questions
Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper ( NOT in your notebook). I will assign questions to be completed on specific days. I will be collecting and grading them without warning so make sure you do your work on time. You may read and work ahead if you wish.
Keep these questions in your notebook as we will refer to them during discussions. You do not need to write out the question but do write your answers in complete sentences. I will assign specific questions and due dates so you may want to write those dates next to the questions. I will collect these questions and grade them periodically and without warning so make sure that you keep up with the reading and your work. There will be no make ups or late work accepted. We will have discussions and may have quizzes or tests on this material if the discussions are not lively enough to satisfy me. Be sure to correct your answers during class when we review them.
What is Guy Montag’s job?
Why do you think Montag says, “Kerosene is nothing but perfume to me?” (p.6)
Did Mildred attempt suicide or was her overdose an accident? Give evidence
(quotes from the book – page #) to support your answer.
What is the “treatment” for Mildred’s overdose and how is it different from what would happen in our society today? *There are a few things here that you need to add to your Technology Chart.
Mildred almost died from an overdose and Montag thinks she tried to commit suicide. However, it is Clarisse that has to go to the psychiatrist. Why is Clarisse considered “odd” and in need of help but Mildred is considered normal? Use text to help support your answer.
Describe the Mechanical Hound. (You may draw a picture of it if you like)
What is the purpose (job) of the Mechanical Hound? Do we have anything like this in our society? *Another thing for the Technology Chart.
What does Montag think is causing the Mechanical Hound to act aggressively toward him? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
Reread pages 35 – 40 about the woman who blew herself up rather than give up her books. Now look back at your response on page 42 of your notebook. Would you feel as passionate about your favored possession enough to die if you couldn’t have it? Compare your item to books. Which do you think is more important to society and why? (Discussion question)
Why do you think books are no longer allowed to be a part of society?
(Discussion Question) *This is important as it will lead us to discover the theme of the book.
Who is Beatty? Add him to your CHARACTER CHART
How are Beatty and Montag alike? How are they different? (You can divide the page or make a Venn Diagram if it helps you to distinguish between the two.)
What conflicts seem to be developing between the different characters?
Forest 2011 Revised 11/2012
Fahrenheit 451 Questions
What is Mildred’s primary entertainment? (Add to her character on your chart)
Why does Montag take the book?
Why does having the book scare Mildred?
At this point in the story (the end of part 1) do you think Mildred will be a round or flat character? Why?
The first section is titled “The Hearth and the Salamander”. Why?
What do you think happened to Clarisse?
Do you think Clarisse was real or a product of Montag’s imagination? Support your reasons with lines from the text.
What does Beatty try to convince Montag to do?
Why do you think Beatty doesn’t turn Montag in to the authorities?
What “secret” has Beatty kept from Montag that makes him such an expert on why books should be destroyed?
*Why does Beatty go after Montag after all?
*Montag says, “ Beatty wanted to die.” Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
(page 122) Use evidence to support your answer. Was Montag justified in killing
Describe Faber.
Why does Montag go to see him?
How does Montag finally escape the Mechanical Hound?
What point do you think Bradbury was making about technology and our society?
About the government?
People are allowed to read in Bradbury’s society they are just not allowed to have books. What is the difference? Hint: What things do people read and why?
How do you think Bradbury felt about books and reading literature in general?
Do you think a society can survive without the printed word? Why or why not?
When you have reached page 165 (the end of the novel) write down what you think the THEME is. Theme is the main idea, or a message, about life, human nature, or a specific subject that the author wishes to convey to the reader. Think about these topics and how they are presented in the novel to help you formulate the theme: books, society, technology, government, knowledge.
It is important that you formulate and write down your idea of the theme before you move on to the afterward and the coda. (Discussion Question)
Read the AFTERWORD p. 167 and the CODA p. 175.
Now that you’ve read some of the thoughts and feelings of the author, do you wish to revise your idea of the theme? If so, rewrite the theme here. In either case, be prepared to defend your idea of the theme with evidence from the novel and/or from the information at the end of the book.(Discussion question) We will have a discussion and/or a writing assignment pertaining to this question.
Forest 2011 Revised 11/2012