Connelly Junior English The Crucible: Final Essay **select one of the prompts below to use for your Crucible essay response. “In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Miller offers a great perspective on how detrimental unbridled fear can be to a community. His story about the witch hunts that occurred in Salem, MA shows us how debilitating fear can be preventing us from acting in ways we know are right. Fear of the unknown, fear of evil, and fear of those in power are just a few examples of the types of fear that lead to the destruction of our communities. The tragedy that took place in Salem is not a singular event; these tragedies have been repeated, like during the McCarthy period of the 1950’s. Unless we can learn to control the power fear has over us, we will never be able to feel truly safe in our communities.” ~Adapted from Marshall Longfellow What We Can Learn From Arthur Miller In a 700-750 word response, explain Longfellow’s argument and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with her analysis. Support your position, providing specific reasons and examples from The Crucible, your own experience, observations, and/or past reading. “Salem village, that pious, devout settlement at the edge of white civilization, had displayed three centuries before the Russo-American rivalry and the issues it raised - what can only be called a built-in pestilence in the human mind; a fatality forever awaiting the right conditions for its always unique, forever unprecedented outbreak of distrust, alarm, suspicion and murder. And for people wherever the play is performed on any of the five continents, there is always a certain amazement that the same terror that is happening to them or that is threatening them, has happened before to others. It is all very strange. But then, the Devil is known to lure people into forgetting what it is vital for them to remember…” ~excerpt from Arthur Miller’s Why I Wrote the Crucible In a 700-750 word response, explain Miller’s argument and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with her analysis. Support your position, providing specific reasons and examples from The Crucible, your own experience, observations, and/or past reading. ** Make sure your paper follows MLA format, including all of your quotes/evidence.