Natalie De La Cruz

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Natalie De La Cruz
AP Literature & Composition Period 1
Ms. Hamscher
September 11, 2009
Response Log (Brave New World)
Quotations from the Text
1. “ At the time the book was written this
Commentary/ Responses to the Text
The attitude of the author of Brave
idea, that humans beings are given free will
New World’s foreword is very particular
in order to choose between insanity on the
and can cause one’s mind to wonder. As one
one hand and lunacy on the other, was one
reads his words, one considers whether we
that I found amusing and regarded as quite
human beings ever choose insanity over
possibly true.” (Foreword; viii)
lunacy or vice versa. Is it possible that a
human throughout his/her lifespan considers
this a factor in life? Now as I read this
quote, I find it amusing as well. I believe
that the use of insanity and lunacy is just a
method to conceive the reader’s awareness
and thought. Aldous Huxley does this by
creating a what-if prophecy. What were to
happen if humans decided to choose insanity
over lunacy? What were to happen if we
decided to eliminate both? These are both
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questions that are addressed throughout this
book, and captivate the reader.
2. “For particulars, as everyone knows,
The author considers it important to
make for virtue and happiness; generalities
include this epigraph at the introduction of
are intellectually necessary evils. Not
the “Central London Hatchery and
philosophers but fret sawyers and stamp
Conditioning Centre”. This emphasizes the
collectors compose the backbone of
difference between society today, and that
society.” (Chapter 1; Page 4)
depicted in the story. It also creates
awareness towards a connection between the
Center and the theme. Was this “brave new
world” created to prevent and eliminate
generalities? Does the Conditioning Centre
have an impact on the theme? As one
continues to read, one is able to derive the
epigraph, from the overall theme.
3. “Roses and electric shocks, the khaki of
This is an example of an interior
Deltas and a whiff of asafetida- wedded
monologue, and its importance towards the
indissolubly before the child can speak. But
Director’s character. Throughout the book,
wordless conditioning is crude and
the Directors quotes are always
wholesale; cannot bring home the finer
accompanied by an interior monologue,
distinctions, cannot inculcate the more
revealing his true thoughts. At the beginning
complex courses of behavior. For that, there
of this book, the Director is viewed as an
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must be words, but words without reason. In
ideal citizen of present society. Fortunately,
brief, hypnosis”. (Chapter 2; Page 28)
these interior monologues reveal not only
his interior opinions, but also change the
perspective in which the reader perceives the
Director. The Director for me resembles an
intellectual with constraints, lack of free
will, and courage.
4. “…he had brushed away a little dust, and
This allusion reveals the admiration,
the dust was Harappa, was Ur of the
and power that his fordship Mustapha Mond
Chaldees…Whisk- and those specks of
possesses. The Narrator throughout the story
antique dirt called Athens and Rome,
is very detailed and uses various rhetorical
Jerusalem and the Middle Kingdom- all
devices to describe particular characters,
were gone.” (Chapter 3; Page 34)
such as Mustapha. For example, this allusion
also serves as a way of revealing aphorism.
The narrators view causes me to speculate
that his fordship is the pillar of society. It
also causes me to wonder if he can be a
protagonist, or antagonist.
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5. “I really do think you ought to be careful.
Fanny resembles a flat character. Her
It’s such horribly bad form to go on and on
ideas are genuinely fit to her society,
like this with one man…And you know how
causing her to represent the ideal woman in
strongly the D.H.C objects to anything
brave new world. As one reads the book,
intense or long-drawn.” (Chapter 3 Page 41)
one wonders how a simple quote can
influence the role of another character.
Fanny is used to persuade Lenina, as well as
to put off the reader. The need of this quote
might cause the reader to think Lenina is
different, but towards the end, one realizes
that it is almost impossible for Lenina to
6. “It was warm and bright on the roof. The
Everything in this story must be
summer afternoon was drowsy with the hum
taken into consideration, as it may contain a
of passing helicopters; and the deeper drone
hidden meaning, or connection. Setting is
of the rocket planes hastening, invisible,
very important, and is emphasized by the
through the bright sky five or six miles
author. As the reader, one can observe each
overhead was like a caress on the soft air.”
reference to setting and understand its
(Chapter 4; Page 59)
connection to the theme or even the
epigraph. Peace and quiet is always reflected
in the setting. There is never commotion or
hysteria, emphasizing the tranquility of the
new era. As it is explained by the Director,
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the end of generalities is also the beginning
of peace and quiet.
7. “Bottle of mine, it’s you I’ve always
An interesting use of figurative
language and imagery is observed in this
Bottle of mine, why was I ever decanted?
poem. It is appealing to the audience and
Skies are blue inside of you,
can be described as a metaphor for soma.
The weather’s always fine;
Soma is very important, and maintains
social stability, that is why hypnosis is used
There ain`t no Bottle in all the world
to inject this poem into each individual. This
Like that dear little Bottle of mine.”
is the first reference to hypnosis, and a
(Chapter 5; Page 76)
particular “necessity” of life. What other
hypnosis treatment is referenced throughout
the book?
8. “For what was there that one could do in
The tone of this part is very different
private. (Apart, of course, from going to
from the rest of the chapter, since most of
bed: but one could not do that all the time.)
the information provided is dry and direct.
Yes, what was there? Precious little.”
Nonetheless, a bit of dry humor is used to
reference privacy and sex. The Utopian
society is very ironic. Their main purpose is
to eliminate any sentimental casualties, but
they promote promiscuity. The narrator uses
an aside to reference his lack of privacy, but
mere enjoyment of sex.
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9. “But they wouldn’t let me. They disliked
Throughout this chapter, the
me for my complexion. It has always been
protagonist is introduced; John is described
like that. Always.” (Chapter 7; Page 117)
physically, emotionally, and mentally. Part
of his emotional defect is derived from the
repetition used in the quote, revealing his
lack of acceptance. He considers himself
different; he lacks true companionship, and
therefore struggles to understand the world
around him. This foreshadows his
difficulties to understand and control his
emotions in the “brave new world.” It also
causes one to wonder whether there is a
solution for his solitude and emotional
deficiencies, or a tragic stereotypical ending.
10. “When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage
This free verse, which belongs to one
Or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed…”
of William Shake Spear’s works, represents
(Chapter 8; Page 133)
John’s reliance on poetry. This verse
represents the in media res of Shakespeare
in the story. As I mentioned before, John
lacks control of emotion, and therefore
anything as insignificant as a poem, can lead
his approach. As a reader, one can begin to
understand the role Shakespeare has on
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John. One can also begin to question its
prohibition in the “brave new world”. The
revelation and significance of the epigraph,
begins to develop throughout this chapter.
11. “On the white wonder of dear Juliet’s
The Shakespearian character is
hand, may seize
personified by John. Through this soliloquy,
And steal immortal blessing from her lips,
we are able to identify the fear John has for
Who, even in pure and vestal modesty,
Lenina. It may be that his mother’s affairs
Still blush, as thinking their own kisses sin.”
and his lack of understanding have
(Chapter 9; Page 144)
traumatized him, causing confusion within
himself. He believes in marriage, because of
the savages around him, but he fears lust. In
his situation, it is very likely to interchange
sex and destruction. What effect does John
have on Lenina`s character? How is John
going to react towards Lenina`s indifference
to love?
12. “Laughter broke out, enormous, almost
The Director, the most respectable
hysterical, peal after peal, as though it would
person, after the Controller is humiliated.
never stop. My father-and it was the
This causes great commotion, and it is found
Director! My father! Oh Ford, oh Ford! That
as a form of entertainment for many. The
was really too good.”
Director is a man that truly believes in his
(Chapter 10; Page 151)
fordship; his only reason of existence is this.
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Why is there humor instead of
disappointment? This is very simple, a
society like this one does not have time for
sorrow; they are a happy society. Many
would believe this to be efficient, but there
is one problem: he who is being laughed at.
The Director to escape sorrow relies on
Soma, but John does not understand this,
and is greatly disappointed. This is the
beginning of his escape to lunacy.
13. “Hug me till you drug me, honey;
This quatrain is a phrase learned
Kiss me till I’m in a coma:
through hypnosis; it rectifies the
Hug me, honey, snuggly bunny;
significance of sex, and creates alliteration
Love’s as good as soma.”
between soma and sex. The author does not
(Chapter 11; Page 166)
call sex, sex, but uses euphemism and calls
it love. This quatrain is very significant, as it
reveals Lenina`s sentiments towards John.
She likes him; any reader would assume she
is falling in love and is going against ford.
Although this is very unlikely, her passion,
or sex drive, is what is impaling her towards
John. There is no sentiment within; it is
simply having what you cannot have.
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14. “As a victim, the Savage possessed, for
Bernard at first seems to portray a
Bernard, this enormous superiority over the
protagonist, but when John is put into the
others: that he was accessible. One of the
picture, he becomes an antagonist. Marx’s
principle functions of a friend is to suffer (in
character represents the danger of an Alpha;
a milder and symbolic form) the
these beings are conditioned, but are
punishments that we should like, but are
allowed to sense their limits. Unfortunately,
unable, to inflict upon our enemies.”
Marx does not understand why he is
(Chapter 12; Page 179)
different, or why he should be different. He
dedicates himself to fitting into society. In
order to accomplish this, he is willing to
take anyone in his way, including John.
15. “Whore!
The author uses the vocabulary at his
advantage. This is a very intense scene in
Dammed whore!
which one believes John could fall. Instead,
A gra-amme is be-etter…” she began.
the author uses his thoughts and words to
(Chapter 13; Page 194)
demonstrate his confusion. Why is it that the
author uses this scene, to demonstrate
refusal instead of acceptance? What impact
will this have on John?
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16. “Her mouth fell open: she made a
The description of Linda’s death is
desperate effort to fill her lungs with air. But
so vivid. The author’s use of figurative
it was as though she had forgotten how to
language, to describe her end, is very strong.
breathe. She tried to cry out; but no sound
The author seems to take delight in his
came; only the terror of her staring eyes
description as it is the only scene in which,
revealed what she was suffering.”
there is actual suffering in the brave new
(Chapter 14; Page 205)
world. I can also observe the intensity of
John’s feelings towards Linda despise her
indifference. The creativity of words in this
scene is more vivid than any other.
17. “Bernard turned with an expression of
In a previous quote, I stated Bernard
indignant innocence.”
was capable of anything to maintain afloat.
(Chapter 15; Page 216)
His indignity is just a way of reaffirming his
statute as an Alpha. Although he does not
want to admit it, he no fits in society. This
can cause him to be retreated. Is there any
influence of John towards Bernard?
Alphas as the world controller views
18. “ We believe in happiness and stability.
them are unstable beings if not under
A society of Alphas couldn`t fail to be
control. Why have an Alpha if you want to
unstable and miserable.”
maintain a submerge society? Alphas as I
(Chapter 16; Page 222)
see it, are created to appear an normal
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society. Although everyone is controlled,
there are social standards, as those of the
previous world. Alphas are efficient at
learning, knowing, and wanting to know.
They are used for research, and are usually
transported to other places.
19. “I claim them all.”
(Chapter 17; Page 240)
The savage as the author portrays
him, does not understand the world that
surrounds him. Throughout this book, he is
in constant search of something more. In the
reservation, he was aware of God. In the
brave new world there is nothing retaining
him. As Mustapha reveals to him the reason
why things are the way they are, John
remains firm, and picks lunacy over
20. “Mr. Savage”
(Chapter 18; Page 259)
Every detail in this story, including a
name is significant. The savage may seem as
a lunatic to the brave new world because of
his beliefs. However, in reality his name
portrays his choice. He chooses to become a
savage and live his life. A life full of
unhappiness that leads to lunacy and death.