AP Literature and Composition Terms DIRECTIONS: Please define these terms as specified by Ms. Keller. There will be a sample done in class. This list is a companion to The Bedford Introduction to Literature. You will be using cards. Vocabulary terms will be due the last class of the week in which we discuss the corresponding concept in class. Please see website for exact dates. Key: Every word needs a definition and an example from literature. From the starred terms, you will be assigned each week a “one page.” This is an in depth analysis as to why an author would employ this technique (what effect would it have on the literature). Please see the sample. Your one page will be uploaded into Edmodo as per instructor. Words that are underlined can only be used in context when modified. For example, it would be silly to say that a piece has tone. That is inherent! You must modify the term tone i.e. the tone of the piece is dark. Terms that are italicized will be defined twice. I want you to do these words twice but using different genre. For example, we will be discussing irony in short fiction, poetry and drama. In each case, the term irony will be used differently. SHORT FICTION 3. Plot (14) Plot *In media res *Flashback *Exposition Rising action Conflict *Foreshadowing Protagonist Hero Heroine *Antagonist Suspense Climax Resolution, falling action, denouement Character Characterization Motivation, motivated Plausible Consistent *Absurdist Literature *Antihero *Dynamic character *Static character *Foil Flat character Round character Stock character Cliché 5. Setting (1) Setting 6. Point of View (9) 4. Character (14) Point of view Narrator *Omniscient narrator *Editorial narrator *Limited omniscient narrator *Objective point of view *First person narrator *Unreliable narrator *Naïve narrator 7. Symbolism (5) *Symbol *Conventional symbol *Literary symbol *Contextual symbol *Allegory 10. Combining the Elements of Fiction(11) Diary Discourse Argumentation Narration Essay Fable Genre Novel Novella Parable Verse POETRY 20. Reading Poetry (11) These will also be discussed in the poetry unit 8. Theme (6) Theme Anecdote *Anticlimax *Narrative voice *Third person *Stream of consciousness These will also be discussed during point of view 9. Style, Tone, Irony (7) *Style *Diction *Irony *Verbal irony Sarcasm *Situational irony *Dramatic irony Speaker Audience *Doggerel Paraphrase *Metaphor *Anagrams *Lyric *Narrative poem *Epic *Stock responses *Sentimentality 22. Word Choice, Word Order and Tone (15) *Diction *Poetic diction *Formal diction *Middle diction *Informal diction *Colloquially *Dialect *Jargon *Denotations *Connotations *Persona *Ambiguity *Syntax *Allusion *Images *Cosmic irony 23. Imagery (6) Ballad *Literary Ballads *Onomatopoeia *Alliteration *Assonance *Euphony *Cacophony *Rhyme *Eye rhyme *End rhyme *Internal rhyme *Masculine rhyme *Feminine rhyme *Near rhyme, off rhyme, slant rhyme, approximate rhyme *Consonance Mood *Slang Invective Inversion Tone *Voice 24. Figures of Speech (17) *Figures of speech *Metaphor *Implied metaphor *Extended metaphor *Controlling metaphors *Pun *Synecdoche *Metonymy *Personification *Apostrophe *Overstatement *Understatement *Paradox *Oxymoron *Euphemism *Simile *Litotes 25. Symbol Allegory and Irony (12) *Symbol *Conventional symbol *Literary symbol *Contextual symbol *Allegory Didactic poetry *Irony *Situation irony *Verbal irony *Satire *Dramatic irony 26. Sounds (14) 27. Patterns of Rhythm(18) Stress (accent) Meter Rhyme Prosody Scansion Foot Line *End-stopped line *Run-on line *Femine ending *Masculine ending *Rising meter *Falling meter *Iambic pentameter *Blank verse *Spondee *Caesura *Enjambment 28/29. Poetic Forms (28) Form *Fixed form *Free Verse *Open Form Ballad Stanza *Prose Poem *Found Poem Stanza *Rhyme scheme *Couplet *Tercet *Triplet *Terza rima Quatrain *Sonnet *Italian sonnet *Petrarchan sonnet, English sonnet, Shakespearian sonnet Octave Sestet Villanelle Sestina Envoy *Epigram *Elegy *Ode *Parody *Picture Poem DRAMATIC FICTION 41. Reading Drama (10) Drama Script Closet drama One-act plays Scenes Acts Exposition Dialogue *Subplot Stage directions 42/43.Classic Theater (23) Catastrophe *Epilogue Monologue Orchestra *Chorus Skene *Dues ex machine Cothurni Buskins *Prologue Paradose Episodia Statsimon Exodus *Tragedy *Hamartia *Tragic flaw *Hubris, hybris *Catharsis *Reversal *Recognition *Dramatic irony *Tragic irony 44. Shakespearean Theater (13) Mystery plays Miracle plays Morality plays *Satire *Aside *Soliloquy History play Comedy *Comic relief High comedy Low comedy Farce Tragedy Revenge tragedy 45. Modern Theater (4) Realism Melodramas Problem plays Naturalism 47.Experimental Trends in Drama (6) Symbolist drama Expressionism Epic theater *Theater of the absurd *Tragicomedy *Guerilla Theater