background information

Samsara Dog
Helen Manos / Julie Vivas
By Janet McLean
Samsara Dog
Helen Manos
Julie Vivas
Helen Manos is a South Australian author and practising Buddhist. Her books include Rules of
the Game, Roller Blaze (published by Scholastic Australia), Snapshots, Spider Killer and Me
(published by Omnibus Books). Helen has been writing since she was a child (she wrote and
illustrated her first novel when she was six years old). The idea for Samsara Dog arose because
Helen “wanted to write a book for children that gave the idea of reincarnation in as natural a
way as possible, that is, the concept of a character coming back and back until she or he has
perfected his/her mind”. Helen chose a dog as the main character because “most children have
experienced some emotional connection with a dog or a pet, and just as many have experienced
the death of a pet”.
Julie Vivas is one of Australia’s foremost illustrators. Her very distinctive watercolour style is
seen in such well-known books as Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partidge, The Nativity, Let the
Celebrations Begin, Let’s Eat and Hello Baby.She is not afraid of taking on difficult picture
books that deal with controversial issues. Samsara Dog is no exception. Julie says, “Samsara Dog
was an exciting challenge to illustrate”. She worked daily with Dog for more than two years, and
says, “There were times when he was difficult and elusive to capture. But I grew to love him. And
now I look forward to seeing how Dog fares in his next life – out there with his readers”.
‘Samsara Dog lived many lives’. Throughout his different lives he had many experiences, and
although he didn’t remember these lives, sometimes a whisper of each life ‘flitted across his
memory’. In one life he had a miserable existence on the streets. In other lives he belonged to a
bikie gang, he was a sniffer dog, a fragile and ailing pup, a juggler’s companion, a rescue dog,
and a family pet. Dog lived each life as it came until when, in his last life, he became the soul
mate of a boy who needed his guidance, friendship, and love. In this life Samsara Dog learned the
Samsara Dog
Helen Manos / Julie Vivas
most important lesson of all - that compassion is ‘the tree that shelters all beings. It is the
universal bridge that… leads the weary traveler out of Samsara into Nirvana.’ This picture book
for older children looks at life, love and dying from a Buddhist perspective.
Samsara Dog begins with a reflection adapted from the 8th century writings of Shantideva, and a
succinct lyrical outline of Dog’s journeys. These passages anticipate the compelling tone, and the
meaning of the story that follows. Samsara Dog is essentially a series of stories within a story.
Eight distinct narratives, each a ‘short story’, build an understanding of what Dog learns from
each life - of his journey through Samsara and eventually into Nirvana. The beginning of each
story hints at the kind of life Dog will lead: ‘In one of his lives Dog lived on the streets’; Dog was
born very small and very sick’; He came back as a rescue dog on a cold and craggy mountain;
Dog moved through a tunnel of light into his next life, to a big house with four girls who adored
him.’ Each life ends with Dog’s death, ‘He closed his eyes and drifted peacefully away’; ‘the
juggler held him in his arms and cried as his friend slipped away; ‘And with his last breath, dog
kissed him back’. The story is structured to draw the reader through Dog’s journey – the first
three lives portray Dog as mistrustful, angry, reckless and aloof. The fourth life seems to be a
turning point in the story. This is Dog’s shortest life. ‘…the thin thread of his life was fast
unravelling. As he is dying a gentle voice says to him, ‘When it is time you will know great love.
Go and learn what you must learn.’ The next three lives show Dog as more friendly, trustful,
loving, and making closer connections with those around him. Helen Manos uses poetic metaphor
to portray a wide range of emotions. ‘Fear was the worst. It thrashed inside him like a trapped
bird’; or ‘curled up like two spoons, Dog and the boy caught each other’s dreams.’ The whole
story has a satisfying conclusion in which Helen Manos skilfully combines a sense of sadness for
Dog’s death, with the realisation (for Dog and the reader) that he has ‘perfected his mind’ and can
now enter the ‘state of Nirvana where he can remain happily for ever’
Julie Vivas’ distinctive illustrations deepen the meaning of this powerful story. She says, “The
first challenge was how to maintain Dog visually as a single character throughout his eight
different existences”. She began by doing many rough drawings to find a way to bend and stretch
the images towards the story. Another challenge was matching the strength of the text, especially
in the first half of the book where she had just one double page spread to depict each life. In each
‘story’ she has beautifully captured the essence of each life. The illustration for the first Dog
perfectly captures the menacing, fearful ‘dog-eat-dog’ mood, through the stark, ominous moonlit
Samsara Dog
Helen Manos / Julie Vivas
setting; and the sense of dog’s fear, anger and mistrust is depicted through his taut body, piercing
eyes and bared teeth. The illustration of the very small, very sick Dog cupped within gentle hands
evokes a totally different mood – one of vulnerability, coupled with warmth, tenderness and hope.
The illustration of Dog with the four adoring girls – their sprawling, fluid bodies, and the soft,
delicate colours - shows Dog at the centre of joyous exuberance and love. Julie Vivas says that
starting the watercolour artwork was almost like starting the book again. “The use of colour can
transform a drawing dramatically. The sheer weight of colour, for example, can conceal or
dissipate expressive line work. Alternatively, it can add focus to an aspect of the composition and
make the whole much stronger. The end result is always different from what you imagined”. The
watercolour illustrations in the book add to the drama of the text. Consider how the illustrator has
captured a sense of calm and belonging in the picture of Dog and the boy ‘curled up like two
spoons’ (a close-up of Dog and the boy, peaceful, contented and snuggled down in the folds of
the green blanket). Then think about how the next scene portrays a completely contrasting
atmosphere (the expressive body language of the people on the stairs, the darkening sky, the
single star, the tiny figures of the boy and Dog at the centre of a sweeping middle distance
landscape, and the alert stance of Dog as he stands guard over the boy). The final illustration
beautifully captures the pathos of Dog’s farewell, and, at the same time, his blissful anticipation
of entering Nirvana’.
Helen Manos: “Buddhists believe that once someone has reached the point of perfection
there is no need for him/her to come back and suffer worldly problems. The state of endless
existence is called Samsara. To help gain an understanding of this concept have a discussion
about Dog’s first seven lives. Consider: How each Dog responded to the world he was born
into, or came to live in. What did Dog learn about himself and others in each life? What
understandings and/or emotions did Dog gain in each life that helped to move him towards
the ‘point of perfection’ in his final life.
Helen Manos: “The point of no return is a blissful state called Nirvana, where the mind is
linked with universal consciousness. So, at the end of the book, when Dog leaves his existence
behind for good, he enters the state of Nirvana where he remains happily forever. At the end
of the eighth story Dog can ‘leave his existence behind for good.’ What is it about Dog’s life
with the boy that leads him to ‘the point of perfection?’
Samsara Dog
Helen Manos / Julie Vivas
Make up your own dog stories, maybe recalling dogs you have had as pets. Consider: What it
is about dogs that gives you the most pleasure? Have you had a dog that has died, or been in
an accident? Are you afraid of dogs?
Using Samsara Dog as a model create your own Samsara Dog books by combining your
different stories. Consider the way Helen Manos uses rich and expressive language to build
an understanding of each Dog. When putting the stories together remember that Dog lived
many different kinds of lives and had many different experiences.
For Dog’s final life create a whole class story. think about and incorporate the kind of
character traits, feelings, and knowledge Dog will have gained.
Julie Vivas: ‘The text for each of these lives generated a powerful, almost visceral emotion,
which I had to capture visually. Look carefully at Julie Vivas’ drawings and talk about how
she has captured these strong emotions in her illustrations. Think about and discuss body
language, facial expression, the surroundings, and the portrayal of secondary characters.
Julie Vivas: ‘I had to keep drawing and drawing until the right form emerged – draw your
own dogs, trying to capture the essence of their character or personalities. Think about the
drawing techniques you can use to show that your dog is happy, alert, aware, vulnerable,
afraid, angry. Like Julie, it may take many drawings to capture the right look, atmosphere or
Consider how Julie Vivas has approached the design and layout of each story to reflect the
kind of life Dog is leading. (The helter-skelter energy of the bikie gang roaring down the
centre of the double page spread; the threatening menace of a deep, narrow precipice falling
away from the bottom of the page; the soft, sprawling poses of dog and the four girls spread
across two pages, with lots of space around.
Using watercolour, illustrate your Samsara Dog stories in the style of Julie Vivas. Consider
the design for each page. Will you use close-ups or distant views. Will you use tight
restrictive view or more fluid relaxed perspective? How will you use colour to suggest
atmosphere and emotions?
This story may be the starting point for further discussion and research into Buddhism.