Ferlin Max - UM Personal World Wide Web Server

Name: Ferlin Max
Type: Falconer / Yalik Master
Species: Human
Age: 25
Ht: 5’7” Wt: 178
Physical: Short and stocky, Ferlin has very little agility and has built himself up to be fairly strong.
A scar from his first exercise in falconry mars his chin. His eyes, due to a bizarre pigmentation
mistake, are red. At first, he thought they were unique and he was cocky about them. Then he
hated them for making him appear menacing. Finally, he decided that they were what they were
and he didn’t care. His black hair is frizzy and rarely combed well, and has natural brown streaks
in it. His appearance is not one of a model…that’s for sure. He’s what you would call a man of
average looks…at best.
Background: First of all, Ferlin is not a Jedi. He is a Yalik. Raised by a falconer, he was
expected to be such for the rest of his life. However, when a passer by, who happened to be a
Jedi Master, noticed that the boy’s innate falconry skills were not purely genetic, but also Force
guided, he took the lad under his wing. Ferlin quickly began to identify with the Jedi Knights, as
he was quite a nice person. Always caring for others, he seemed a perfect fit for the Jedi.
However, he has had some problems fitting into society. He worked only with birds for so long,
and had so little schooling at first that he never became acclimated to people. He loves them, but
finds it hard to deal with them. Not much of a conversationalist, he often fails at small talk.
One of his cousins started killing the birds in the building, and nearly killed his favorite bird,
Maldor. However, Ferlin, in his first attempt at using the Force outside his master’s supervision,
knocked the cousin backwards to save the bird. The cousin, shocked at Ferlin’s drive to save the
bird, attempted to shoot Ferlin who was too scared to do a damn thing. Maldor flew quickly to the
cousin and bit into his shoulder. The fight ended there. Ever since then, Maldor has been
Ferlin’s best friend.
After the Master trained Ferlin, Ferlin worked extremely hard at it. His adeptness at the Force
grew, and he was able to do a great many things. His most interesting feature is his ability to
communicate with his birds and other animals. All animals can engage in basic communication
with him, but his birds can nearly read his mind (figuratively) and he actually does read theirs.
They have become his “weapon” of choice, as he believes in nature. He was often looked to by
the Jedi as the foremost authority on Jedi-animal communications. In fact, he once called upon
practically an entire forest of animals to surround a single thief who stole everything a poor
woman had. The man was so scared that he wet himself, gave over the goods, all his own
money as well, and promised (truthfully) to be a better person. Needless to say, the Jedi were
impressed. His primary mode of scaring off offenders is his birds, however his Jedi training has
left him quite deft at lightsaber combat. Ranging from Maldor to a flock of wild swallows that
swarm an enemy, he has a variety of animals that are his that assist him. Flying around with his
father, he simply acted as a policeman of the galaxy, though he had secretly hoped that he might
do more to help others than simply be there at random times to help innocents.
However, this soon became problematic when he felt that someone deserved punishment. It was
not revenge, not anger, and not fear. It was justice. A man had beaten a little child, and Ferlin
believed that the man had not learned his lesson when he had frightened him in an earlier
encounter. So, quite calmly and with inner peace, he used the Force to throw the man into a pile
of Bantha fodder. He then flung him out of that and had a flock of small carnivorous birds peck at
his manliness. He called them off before any real damage was done. The man looked up and
said, “I thought you were a Jedi. You can’t do shit like this to me.” Ferlin looked down and said,
“I thought I was a Jedi too. But their rules no longer make sense to me. I had no malice towards
you, but logical justice needed to be served and no one else would have served it to you but me.
You corrupt police might have done something, but a mere fine, or even a small time in jail is
nothing. You needed to understand how wrong what you did was. I believed that I could do that.”
With that, he proclaimed himself the first of the Yalik – an offshoot of the Jedi that believe that
traditionally evil acts can be used for the betterment of society. In certain cases, where crimes
have been committed, and people need to be punished, a Yalik will use whatever means
necessary to do so while a Jedi will simply turn the man over to the local law enforcement.
Unsatisfied with that end, a Yalik is somewhat of an outlaw Jedi – always looking to help people,
but looking to do so by whatever means necessary. He has had two students since that time.
One drifted to the Dark Side of the Force and left him, and the other died while saving a child
from a falling vessel. He is the first and currently the only Yalik in the galaxy, though he hopes
that others will join him. He has perfected a balance between the light and the dark, and has
defined that as an essence of a Yalik. He has realized that eliminating the “bad” from people is
simply cutting them, and their power to do justice, in half. Sometimes, he thinks, it takes one to
know one….it takes his evil half to know how to deal with a villian. It has worked well for him thus
Finally, it should be noted that while Ferlin has never truly had many friends, he did have one.
Jakko Dsree, a native of Ferlin’s home world, was Ferlin’s childhood friend, and fellow Force
user. Jealous of Ferlin’s ability to master the “sense” skills, as well as generally being adept at
the Force, Jakko left in a rage. Ferlin feared that he might turn to the Dark Side, though he has
heard otherwise. For some reason, Ferlin does not believe it and knows that someday Jakko will
try for some sort of petty revenge.
Personality: He loves people, and animals. He has a great heart and is a humanitarian in
general. However, he is highly secretive. He minds his own business and expects others to do
the same. He doesn’t get angry at discussing himself, but he often has to meditate after doing so
to make himself feel better. One of his goals in life is to become more personable. Aside from
that, he is simply a caring man who has dedicated himself to the pursuit of justice as a Jedi
Knight. Life is sacred to him, and he strives only to protect it. When he first created the Yalik, he
had a lot of internal strife. However, he now is at peace. After slipping slightly towards the dark
path, he pulled back and regained his peace. He believes, deep down, that not many, if any, in
the galaxy have the willpower to stay on the balanced Yalik path without either training
themselves to lose their evil (become a Jedi), or fall into the darkness. He does – and it has
become easy for him. If it helps society and is just in his mind, it must be right. This sounds
slightly egotistical, and indeed he knows it is. But with all good, there is some bad. It is
Having suppressed much of his anger and emotion in Jedi training, Ferlin is heavily interested in
listening to music, especially the heavy sound from Corellia called “grunge.” The angst behind it
symbolizes everything the socially frustrated Ferlin left behind as he began his training. As a
Yalik Master, he has realized that he can embrace a small part of that frustration and hope that
he can overcome his lack of social skills and his lack of friends. Hopefully, someday, he may
even get laid. Who knows? All in all, he has a sense of arrogance about him that is more
expressed in actions and in sarcasm than in words.
Objectives: He’s not sure. He is wandering the galaxy looking for his purpose, though as of right
now, he sees spreading the view of the Yalik as something fairly important. He doesn’t like the
Jedi morality clouding people’s personalities. He also tries to ensure the quality of life for all, but
provide swift justice for those who are evil.
Quotes: “I call upon the ultimate judge…nature.”
Lightsaber: 6D
Dodge: 5D
Melee Parry: 4D
Melee: 4D
Bodybuilding: 4D
Brawling: 3D
Persuasion: 7D
Investigate: 5D
Sneak: 5D
Forgery: 5D
Hide: 5D
Bargain: 5D
(S) Falconry: 9D
Languages: 6D
Willpower: 7D
Intimidation: 6D
(S)Sch-Jedi: 5D
Lightsaber Repair: 3D
Security: 3D
First Aid: 3D
Beast Riding: 4D
Fighter Piloting: 3D+1
Control – 7D
Sense – 8D
Alter – 7D
Move: 10
Credits: Whatever
DSPs: 0
FPs: 2
CP’s: 8
-- Special -- A master of deception and perception, he gets ½ the character points to willpower, intimidation,
and all perception skills.
- A falconer for years, taught by his father, grand father, uncle and other galaxy class falconers,
he learns his falconry skill with ½ character points (on top of specialization)
- Being a falconer, he has several birds that travel with him. They are all trained specifically by
him, and his Jedi powers have allowed him to train them that much better. So even though he is
not quite as good as his family yet in falconry, he can keep up using the Force. These birds are
often his method of intimidation or even attack. The birds are trained to kill when necessary.
Ranging from a fairly small hawk type creature to a highly carnivorous bone-tailed Alderaanian
falcon, he has many birds for many reasons….but he loves them all. All three understand basic
commands that can be issued verbally or through the force…these include the notions of
attacking, helping Falin to escape imprisonment, etc… His 3 favorite birds are:
1 – Maldor (Bone tailed Alderaanian Falcon) – This bird is known for its powerful claws
and jaw lined teeth. With a wingspan of 4 feet, and all black feathers, it looks remarkably aweinspiring. Because this bird has been so well trained, it obeys only Falin Max, and is very calm in
public. It rests on his arm or shoulder with no problem. However, when he orders it to do
something, the bird springs to life, often being used to scare off an enemy. It seems to have
picked up the most basic concepts of actual intimidation from Falin, not to mention the natural
fright that would be encountered by seeing the beast flying at you. The bird is not too frightening
in public, as it never leaves its master. It is a highly intelligent animal as well, as far as animals
are intelligent. She seems to have a special bond with Falin.
KNO +1
(S)Brawl-Claws: 5D
(S)Brawl-Teeth: 5D
Intimidation: 1D
Brawling Parry: 5D
Dodge: 4D+1
Move: 20 (flight) / 5 (walking)
CP’s: 3
Claw / Teeth: Both are 5D damage.
2 – Ignus (Tear Bodied Battering Hawk) – one of the ugliest birds known to the galaxy,
this hawk does not appear to be vicious at all, and for good reason…it isn’t. It almost seems to
defy physics with its massive head and upper body tapering down to a smaller lower torso.
However, this is all with great purpose. In terms of density of material, the head and tail weigh
the same due to a large metallic deposit in the lower part of the bird. The deposit can be shifted
by muscles, however, and its head used as a battering ram from above. While this proves to be
not effective in an all out attack, it is a great method for disarming a foe. The bird drops in from
the side or above and hits the hand of the enemy with such force that the hand is severely
bruised or broken. The end result is that the weapon is usually tossed aside. While the bird is
very dense, it is also very strong and agile for a bird of its mass. With a perfect, acute sense of
vision, it spends much of its time flying hundreds of feet above Falin’s body, watching over him.
(S)Brawl-head: 6D
Dodge: 3D
Move: 12 (normal flight) / 20 (dive bomb) / 2 (walking)
3 – Tweety (Red backed Corellian Hummer) – Possibly the most beautiful small bird in
the world, Tweety is housed where Falin’s lightsaber used to be. Content to sleep most of the
day away in Falin’s specially designed container, Tweety is lazy! However, when called to duty,
he is highly beneficial to Falin. Able to fly silently, he is often able to steal prison keys, fly past
security measures, including laser beams, and free Falin.
Lifting: 3D*
*This is obviously relative to the bird’s size
Move: 22 (flight) / 5 (walking)
--Equipment -1 – Lightsaber: damage 5D
2 – Special bird cage (for Tweety)
3 – Black cloaks
4 – Dagger: damage STR+1D
5 – Modified Y-Wing: +1D more to shields, +1D to maneuver, +1 to space, no torpedo tubes, bird
cages added, permanent false R2 based computer replaces the R2 unit that is needed. While the
speed of some navigational computations is compromised, atmospheric speed seems to be faster
(no one can explain why), and there was room for the bird cages.
Force Powers. * - Denotes automatic DSP
^ - Denotes formerly auto DSP…not a DSP for Yalik unless done out of pure
anger, hatred, etc…
Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Accelerate Healing
Control Disease
Control Pain
Detoxify Poison
Enhance Attribute
Force of Will
Hibernation Trance
Instinctive Astrogation Control
Reduce Injury
Resist Stun
Short-Term Memory Enhancement
Beast Languages
Combat Sense
Danger Sense
Instinctive Astrogation
Life Detection
Life Sense
Life Web
Magnify Senses
Predict Natural Disaster
Receptive Telepathy
Sense Force
Sense Force Potential
Sense Path
Weather Sense
* Injure/Kill
Lightsaber Combat
Projective Telepathy
* Aura of Uneasiness
Accelerate Another's Healing
Control Another’s Disease
Control Another's Pain
Control Breathing
Detoxify Poison in Another
^ Electronic Manipulation
* Feed On Dark Side
* Force Lightning
^ Inflict Pain
Transfer Force
Dim Other's Senses
Lesser Force Shield
Affect Mind
Battle Meditation
^ Control Mind
Enhanced Coordination
Force Harmony
^ Memory Wipe
Projected Fighting
^ Telekinetic Kill