Didaktisches_Material1.doc - Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg

PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
Ann Jaramillo: La Linea
La Linea is about 15-year-old Miguel’s dangerous journey from Mexico to California,
where he hopes to be reunited1 with his parents.
On his fifteenth birthday, Miguel does not get any present; instead2 he gets a handwritten note from his father saying: “It’s been six years, eleven months and twelve
days since I left to go north across la linea3. It’s time for you to come. Go see Don
Clemente. He’ll help you.”
Don Clemente, the rich landowner in Miguel’s Mexican village, does help him by
giving him money, advice4 and above all, the name of a coyote (a guide) leading him
through the dangerous terrain. However, he is secretly followed by his sister Elena,
who destroys the well-laid-out plans for the border crossing.
Although he tries to send her back, he cannot get rid5 of her resolute, determined
13-year-old sister. Together with Javier, a family father trying to cross the border after
several attempts6, they walk through the desert, suffering from lack of water, food,
shelter7. And then there is not only “La Migra”, the official American border patrol8
trying to arrest and send back illegal immigrants, but also the militia, a private armed9
American citizen10 group, who want to catch Hispanics to protect in the southwest
border of the US.
Excerpt from the novel (chapter 5):
By Sunday noon, everyone knew Don Clemente had returned from la capital. You
couldn’t miss his new black Mercedes among the thirty-year-old beat-up, patchedtogether11 VW beetles and Chevy Novas. Most of us didn’t have cars at all.
I walked to Don Clemente’s compound12. It was no longer a house. He’d added two
stories13, a fancy tiled courtyard14, a three-car garage, gates all around, a security
system. They said there was even a swimming pool, inside. Don Clemente made his
money off people like us who needed him. (p. 17)
“I’ve heard from Domingo,” he announced. “Tu padre,” he added, as if I might have
forgotten Papá’s name.
“He’s sent money and asked me to make arrangements for you to go.” Don Clemente
pushed the papers across the table to me.
to reunite - wiedervereinigen
instead - statt dessen
La línea (Spanish) - border
advice - Ratschläge
to get rid of - loswerden
attempt - Versuch
shelter - Schutz
border patrol - Grenzschutztruppe
armed – bewaffnet
citizen - Bürger
beat-up , patched-together – verbeullt, zusammengeflickt
compound - Grundstück
story - Etage
a fancy tiled courtyard – ein elegant gefliester Hof
PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
“Everything you need is there. It’s becoming more complicated to make the journey.
You must follow the instructions I’ve provided15. Unfortunately, I can no longer vouch
for everyone who assists16 in my operation,” he explained. “I’ve had to 17rely on some
polleros whose reputation18 you should fear.” (p.18)
Scene 1: Miguel’s birthday
Appearing characters: Miguel, Abuelita, Elena
List of props: two tables, chair, soup bowl, spoon, wooden board, knife, bowl
Abuelita is cooking in the kitchen. Miguel sits at the table and stirs19 in his bowl
without eating.
Eat Miguel, eat.
Miguel responds, eating, grunting.
Sorry I couldn't get you a present, you know how our situation is. At
least something from the heart: Happy Birthday my dear grandson!
She hugs20 him.
Gracias, Abuelita.
Actually, I do have something for you.
Abuelita hands over the letter.
Happy Birthday, Miguel, my son. It’s been six years, eleven months,
and twelve days since I left to go north across la línea. It’s time for you
to come. Go see Don Clemente. He’ll help you. Papa.
Miguel is excited and happy. He hugs Abuelita.
Abuelita. That means I’m going. It’s my turn21, finally.
You know that you have to tell your sister.
I know but you know her. I don't want to be the one to tell her. She'd
have one of her famous tantrums22 and cry for hours.
to provide instructions - für Anweisungen sorgen
to assist in one’s operations - Hilfestellung leisten bei den Plänen
to rely on polleros – sich verlassen auf Führer
reputation – Ruf
to stir - rühren
to hug umarmen
It’s my turn - jetzt bin ich dran
tantrum - Wutausbruch
PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
Miguel leaves stage; Elena enters grumpily.
Happy birthday.
What's going on here?
Not to worry. He’ll talk to you later. Eat Elena, eat.
Scene 2: Elena and Miguel in town eating ice cream
Appearing characters: Miguel, Elena
List of props: bucket/bowl, grains, mirror, two ice cream cones
Elena is feeding the chicken. Miguel enters searching for her.
Elena! Elena?
Hey, give me this. I want to take you out for some ice cream.
Elena with squinting eyes
Yeah, sure. First of all, where did you get the money from? And
secondly why would you buy ice cream for me? Pulls away the bucket from him
Well, first of all: it’s none of your business23. (taking back the bucket)
second of all, why can’t a brother buy some ice cream for his sister?
Elena with squinting eyes
Alright. But give me a minute to get ready.
You look trashy24, cover up, you’re dishonoring our family.
Who are you to judge? You’re only 18 months older than me…
Elena fumbles out a photo.
Look, Miguel. Mamá sent a photo.
Who’s that?
It’s our twin sisters, Liliana and Maria. They’ll turn three soon and we
still haven’t seen them.
It’s none of your business – es geht dich nichts an
trashy - billig
PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
Miguel holds the picture and stares at it
We’ll see them soon. I promise.
This means you’re leaving, right? Stop pretending25 I don’t know, I’m
not stupid.
Well, Elena, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you…, but you know papá’s plan.
Papá first, then Mamá, then me and then you. It won’t be long, then
we’ll all be together, as a real family. Come on, Elena.
MUSIC. Miguel and Elena walk towards plaza and get ice-cream.
This place is dead! Who’d want to stay anymore? Everybody is leaving.
I want to go with you!
Elena, you know that is not possible…
Elena in rage, frustration, throws down her ice-cream in front of Miguel’s feet.
It’s not fair, Miguel, it’s just not fair!
Elena runs away.
Hey, what are you doing here?
Scene 4: Miguel’s going-away party
Appearing characters: Miguel, Abuelita, Lalo, Chuy, Elena, Person 1-3
Props: dishes, cups, bottles, some food
Miguel, his friends Lalo and Chuy, Elena, Abuelita and some other friends and
relatives sit together, chatting and laughing. It is the last evening before
Miguel’s departure. MUSIC
(laughing) Miguel, you know that the Americans just stuff themselves
with fast food… So enjoy your last proper26 meal, amigo!
Haha very funny, Lalo! Gets up and hugs Abuelita
But indeed everything is so tasty27 tonight, thanks Abuelita for such a
great meal.
(touched by his words) Oh, you’re welcome Miguel…
to pretend – so tun als ob
proper – richtig
tasty - gut schmeckend
PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
The others claps, then continue chatting and eating.
Person 1
stands up and leans towards Miguel Juanita’s husband never
returned… We never heard a word from him. Some say he was lost in
the desert. Others say, he found a new wife up north.
The guests look up from their plates, listening to the story.
Person 2
stands behind Miguel, speaking
A friend told me that his nephew was kidnapped up north, right on the
border. They drugged him and when he woke up, he had stitches28 in
his stomach. (dramatic pause) They took out his kidneys29 and sold
Gasps of horror
gets up and hits one hand on the table
Ha, you can’t live with both kidneys gone. That’s impossible!
Miguel and some people laugh relieved.
Person 2
(without reacting to what Chuy said)
And there was a woman…; bandits took her baby and stole it!
Everybody looks at the ground, affected by what has been said.
reaches out for Miguel’s hand and squeezes it gently.
Person 3
Person 2
Miguel, and be aware of La Llorona, the weeping woman… (dramatic
pause) She’ll try to lure you away from the path30. You have to cover
you ears so you don’t hear her wailing31. Don’t make the mistake and
follow her! (looks Miguel right in the eye) Those who don’t resist32 her
are never found again. Their bodies dry up and fly away with the wind.
Also, watch out for the chupacabras, the vampire-like creatures! They
catch you and suck all the blood out of your body, until there is not a
single drop left.
Miguel view gazes off into the distance, he looks thoughtful.
Well, I don’t believe in La Llorona or the chupacabras… But there are
other dangers, real dangers in the desert. You can be poisoned33 by a
Stitches in his stomach – Stiche im Bauch
kidney - Niere
to lure s.o. away from the path – jdn. Vom richtigen Pfad abbringen
to wail - jammern
to resist – Widerstand leisten
to poison - vergiften
PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
snake or by a scorpion. What if that happens?
There is a deep silence for a few moments
Hey, how does everybody like my homemade tortillas? Aren’t they so
You fool, your mum made them. You can’t even cook fried eggs!
Everybody laughs
Key vocabulary
la línea – border; la migra – Grenzpolizei; coyote – Schleuser; cockroach, worm,
bastard - Schimpfwörter für Juanito; poisonous snakes – giftige Schlangen; to take
out kidneys – die Nieren entnehmen; to drug s.o. – jdn. mit Drogen vollstopfen; to
lure s.o. away from the path – vom Pfad weglocken; to resist – widerstehen; sissy –
weinerliches Mädchen; to skip school – Schule schwänzen; don’t be upset –ärgere
dich nicht; incident – Ereignis; traffic accident – Unfall; I owe you – ich schulde dir
etwas; the trick works – der Trick funktioniert; cargo train – Frachtzug; you’ll make it
up north – du schaffst es in den Norden; to lose limbs – Körperteile verlieren; to
save one’s own life – sein eigenes Leben retten; we’re lucky actually – wir haben
tatsächlich Glück; mature – reif, erwachsen; we need a ride – wir brauchen eine
Mitfahrgelegenheit; train derailed – Zug entgleist; market stall – Marktstand; I was
delayed – ich habe mich verspätet; irritable – reizbar; to take advantage of the full
moon – den Vollmond ausnutzen; moisture – Flüssigkeit; desert - Wüste; we have no
choice – wir haben keine Wahl; giant, gigantic – riesig; to have faith – glauben,
vertrauen; militia – Bürgerwehr
Read the words aloud
Put them into different categories and/or make a mind map with these words
Previewing task
(from Heiko Kist’s highly recommended La Línea Teacher’s Guide)
How to survive in the desert?
- Pyramid Discussion -
Think about how Miguel, Elena, Javi and Moises can survive in the desert. Which
things are important when you cross the desert?
Write down at least five ideas. Then decide which one is the best and say why.
Now talk to your partner. You have to agree on one solution. Then talk to another
group and also agree on one solution. This process continues until two big
groups remain.
PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________
Post-viewing tasks
La Linea is about ……………………………………
On his fifteenth birthday, Miguel ……………………………………………………..;
instead he gets a hand-written note from his father saying:
………………………………………………….It’s time for you to come. Go see Don
Clemente. He’ll help you.”
Don Clemente, the rich landowner in Miguel’s Mexican village, helps him with
He plans on going all by himself, but he is secretly followed by his sister Elena, who
Although he tries to send her back,
Together with Javier ……………………………………………………………………. they
walk through the desert, suffering from ……………………………………………….
They have to overcome many dangers: ……………………………………
PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
Relate yourself to the Mexican teenagers
Miguel, Elena and me
Compare your life with Miguel´s and Elena´s life.
Fill in the chart with information from the chapters and your own experiences.
relation to
parents and
Chores (jobs
for children
to do at
PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
Personal opinion
I liked/ disliked the story/the acting/ the music because
The scene(s) I liked best was …………
because …………………
The character I liked best on stage was ……………………………. because
PH Playmates
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg
Stand 29.10. 2011
Music ……………………………………………………………………………..
The music piece I liked best was