Health Oct.- November Lesson Plans Oct. 10th: Start Movie Sybil Oct

Health Oct.- November Lesson Plans
Oct. 10th: Start Movie Sybil
Oct. 11th: Movie Sybil
Oct.12th : Movie Sybil
Oct. 13th: Movie Sybil,
Oct. 14th: Ch. 4, Suicide: talk about signs and ways to get help
Oct. 17th
Oct. 18th:
Oct. 19th:
Oct. 20st:
Oct. 21st:
Oct. 25th;
Oct. 26th:
Oct. 27th:
Oct. 28th:
How to get help for Mental Health: Work on Chapter Review
Take Ch. 4 test.
Start Chapter 12, Check your wellness, 6 basic nutrients Lesson 1 Review
Video on nutrients
Current Article
The new food guide pyramid/ My
Hunger and Malnutrition
Chapter 12 review
Test over Chapter 12/ Current Article
Oct. 31st: Chapter 13, Making Healthy Choices
Keeping a food journal/bring in a healthy recipe
Nov. 1st: Share healthy recipe/ planning a balanced diet
Nov. 2nd: Discuss Fast Foods/analyze calories
Nov. 3rd: Movie: Supersize Me
Nov. 4th: Movie
Nov. 7th: Finish Movie/ Current Article
Nov. 8th; Fad Diets Lesson 2
Nov. 9th: Media Center – Fad Diets
Nov. 10th: Present Fad Diets
Nov. 11th: Current Article
Nov. 14th: Lesson 3 Special Diets
Nov. 15th: Food Labels
Nov. 16th Test over Chapter 13
Nov. 17th: Trip to Grocery Store
Nov. 18th: Current Article
Nov. 21st: BMI- pick out topic for final
Nov. 22nd: Anaylize School lunch menu
Nov. 28th: watch Food Inc
Nov. 29th: Movie
Nov. 30th: Movie
Dec. 1st : Library Day to work on project
Dec. 2nd: Current Article
Dec. 5th: King Corn
Dec. 6th: King Corn
Dec. 7th: Start Chapter 17 Exercise, Rest, and Recreation Read Lesson 1
Dec. 8th: Lesson 2 finding an exercise program/ create own program
Dec. 9th: Current Article
Dec. 12th: Lesson 4 Sleep
Dec. 13th: Chapter review
Dec. 14th: Take Ch. 17 test