Autonomous Feral Robotic Dogs Partner Organization: Xdesign group, Yale University Cornell Feral Robotic Dog Team Deanna Laufer, Jeannette Harduby, Heather Nelson, Tam Ngo, Xin Meng Sonia Shi, Zheshen Zhuang, Cornell University -- CEE 492 October 19, 2004 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Cornell Feral Robotic Team plans to convert several toy robotic dogs to be used as publicity and awareness for contaminated sites in the Ithaca area. The team plans to purchase 5-6 dogs, and then mechanically and electronically modify them according to instructions from previous work done at Yale University under Natalie Jeremijenko, our partner organization. The dogs will be programmed to function in pack behavior. They will incorporate gas sensors in order to measure contaminant concentrations as they move. The type of gas sensor used will vary depending on the contaminants that are thought to be present at each site. Furthermore, the team will incorporate LCD screens into the dogs for contaminant concentration display. The Cornell Feral Robotic Dog Team has and will continue to research contaminated sites in Ithaca in order to find an ideal site to test the performance of the altered dogs. Public release of the dogs will not happen this semester. The team also plans to get local high school students involved with the project to increase awareness and education. The anticipated benefits of this project are not only increasing public awareness, but also to push for proper clean up of contaminated sites. 1 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Project Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. Introduction 2. Objectives and Scope 3. Anticipated Benefits 4. Background 5. Work Plan 6. Conclusions II. Project Planning Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 III. Resources and Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 IV. Team Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 V. Team Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 VI. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 VII. Appendix: 3 Resource Pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Introduction The purpose of this project is to further the work done by students at Yale University under the supervision of Natalie Jeremijenko. Feral robotic dogs are used to make the public aware of contamination in their community. This is important because with increased public awareness, changes can be made. There will be a greater support for site remediation, and a greater understanding of how important it is to prevent site contaminations. Our objectives in this project are to modify two to three robotic dogs for use in contaminated sites in the Ithaca area. The team will incorporate appropriate chemical sensors according to the contaminant area chosen, and LCD screens to display the contaminant concentrations. The following pages describe the objectives and scope, anticipated benefits of the project, and background information on work previously done by our partner organization. Also included are a detailed work plan, schedule, and a list of resources and needs for the project. Finally, there is a description of the team’s organization and background with each person’s skills. 2. Objectives and scope The main objective of this project is to build one or more autonomously mobile robotic dogs that will be able to detect containments in the environment in chosen locations. Encompassed within that greater objective, are several smaller goals by which we have divided our group. Some of these current objectives include: 1 1. Modifying the robotic dogs to move autonomously on wheels, so that they are more adapted to rough terrain. 2. Wiring the dogs to contaminant detectors so that the dogs can “sniff out” the contaminants and move in the direction of greatest contaminant levels. 3. Wiring the dogs with LCD’s to display the contaminant levels. 4. Programming the dogs to communicate with each other through transmitters and receivers. 5. Programming the dogs with “pack behavior.” 6. Researching local sites in Ithaca that can be used for testing, and researching which kinds of contaminants we can detect with small sensors. In this current term of the project, we hope to accomplish the above goals and have at least two dogs that are mobile and programmed with sensors. We expect to be able to test the dogs with the new modifications, but we do not expect to unleash the dogs on the contaminant sites until the spring, when the sites may be more traversable and we can involve others in the release to make it a more public endeavor. Longer term goals for this project include: 1. Taking the dogs out to several predetermined sites in Ithaca and testing for contaminants. 2. Setting up a toy drive so that local children can donate their old dogs to save money for the project. 3. Involving the community in the project, and possibly involving high school students in the building and testing of the dogs. 2 4. Making the public aware of contaminants we may find with the dogs. Though the locations we wish to test may be more easily tested with handheld or other sensors, by using the dogs we are attracting greater attention to our project, and will hopefully be able to increase awareness of pollution and contaminants that are located in the area. 3. Anticipated benefits From the research we have conducted so far on contaminated sites in Ithaca, we have determined that there are at least half a dozen sites in somewhat public areas that contain pollutants including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). One such VOC is coal tar, a pollutant that has already been located at one release site in Ithaca. By detecting the presence and levels of pollution in the area with the robotic dogs, we hope to make the public more aware and concerned so that some of these pollutants can be cleaned up and treated properly. We would also like to raise awareness to ensure that chemicals and pollutants are no longer disposed of in a dangerous manner. Ensuring proper clean up and disposal of contaminants makes the whole community and environment cleaner and safer. Additionally, as part of our longer term goals, we would like to include local high school students and give them the opportunity to work on such a project. Involving other students in our work will give them a chance to learn from and contribute to a hands-on engineering project that they may not otherwise have the opportunity to do. We would like to instill an interest for problem solving and community service to the students in a way that they will find appealing and enjoyable. 3 4. Background The Cornell Feral Robotic Dog Team’s project will be a natural extension and exploration of the work done thus far at Yale University under Natalie Jeremijenko. Students at Yale are at the forefront of the project, buying publicly available toy dogs and modifying them to detect contaminants in the soil. After the moderate alterations, the dogs are released to a media and community frenzy as they “sniff out” pollutants. Publicly sold robotic dogs were selected for their use in the project because they are the “most inexpensive source of compatible motors, actuation, and sensing mechanisms available” costing from only $15-$200 for the complete modification (Yale Mission Statement). In addition, because the dogs are imitating a familiar behavior by “sniffing something out,” their behavior seems almost natural to community participants. They provide information simply by their movement toward higher levels of contamination and therefore, spectators watching the releases can interpret this data “without the technical or scientific training required to be comfortable interpreting a EPA document on the same material” (Yale Mission Statement). Students have explored the ease of making modifications on various dogs including the Jimmy Neutron Goddard available from KB Toy Stores, the I-Cybie made by Tyco, and the Wow Wee Mega Byte. Because Yale has striven to build a networked community, these students have made the details of these modifications readily available online in a step-by-step instructional format, illustrated with photographs and lists of the necessary equipment and tools. Here at Cornell University, we will attempt to follow their instructions to evaluate their completeness and straightforwardness and to add to the online database of archived information. 4 After Yale students completed the mechanical modifications, they began electronic alterations. The students determined that outfitting the feral dogs with two oppositely placed sensors gave two contaminant level readings in two different directions so that the dog could compare the readings and move toward the higher one. Although one sensor is sufficient if it is or if it can be made highly directional, the students showed that equipping the dog with two sensors was easier and more effective. The final step in the feral robotic dog project was the release of the modified dogs. Groups have released the dogs in many areas of the country. For example, in June of 2003, there was a release at the Bronx River area of New York City at the East 173rd Street Works, a former gas plant. This was the culmination of a three month after-school program with the Bronx River Art Center for children from 12 to 16 years old. The dogs were equipped with Figagaro sensors to detect volatile organic solvents and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In another instance, the feral dogs were released on March 12, 2002 at Baldwin Park in Orlando, Florida, the future home of the Baldwin Park Middle School. The proposed school site is adjacent to an old naval landfill where there is known dry-cleaning fluid contamination. Fourteen students, who were sponsored by the Florida Film Festival, modified these dogs with Figagaro sensors to detect volatile organic solvents. Dogs have been released by other groups in many areas of the country including Lake Ivanhoe in Maitland, FL, the Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island, NY, and the Snake River area of Boise, 5 ID. Here at Cornell we will attempt to organize our own release at a yet-to-be-determined site in the Ithaca area. There are several pollution sites in the Ithaca area that would be suitable for testing the functionality of the modified feral robotic dogs. The most prominent ones are from scrap oil released by the former Morse Chain plant in the 1960s. Emerson Power Transmission, the present owner of the plant, discovered decades-old remnants of solvent spills around the factory in 1987. The former Morse Chain plant had generated and released 50 tons of scrap metal per day in the 1960s, which included 300 gallons of cutting, lubrication, and quench oils which have leached into the ground over time. Also prior to 1983, Morse used trichloroethylene (TCE) to strip grease from chains and other metal parts. Emerson's investigations in 1987 revealed that TCE had leaked into the soil and groundwater from an underground fire water reservoir on the property. This problem was reported to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Between then and now, multiple efforts have been made for the testing and cleanup of the sites, and the problem seemed controlled. However, the case was reopened in July 2004 due to positive results from a vadose zone test, testing the area between the soil surface and the permanent groundwater table. The reopening of this case suggests that these sites may be appropriate testing grounds for our robotic dogs. 5. Work plan To achieve our stated objectives, we plan to: purchase dogs, parts, and tools and modify the dogs for all-terrain use; select a site and a contaminant on which to focus; compare sensor types, 6 configurations, and working distances to determine a sensor type for this contaminant, purchase it, and integrate it with the dogs and with an LCD display; experiment with communications setups and create computer models for relative positioning and tracking. We have selected our dog types by considering previous work accomplished at Yale University and our own budget and resource concerns. We have purchased one dog and intend to purchase others from eBay. Using the documentation for Yale University and consulting websites and other people, we have produced price lists for materials and equipment that we consider necessary for the project, and intend to purchase these supplies from already determined vendors. Modifying the dogs will be based on projects from Yale University and other universities when possible, at least until we are sufficiently comfortable with the process that we can make up our own modifications. Depending on how closely we can follow the specifications for the Yale University prototype and on how difficult it is to transfer these or other modifications to our other dogs, this step may either be very trivial or very time-consuming. We will continue to look at local newspapers and archives to find articles on contaminated sites of interest. We have designated a researcher to contact representatives from companies such as New York State Energy and Gas (NYSEG), in order to find out about site contaminants and research permissions. We will combine this information with site visits and with our determination of plausible sensor types to select a site and a contaminant. Integrating the sensor and an LCD display to a dog will follow previous projects when possible, or follow ideas drawn from the Robocup team, electronics books, or other independent sources. This may require a significant amount of outside research. 7 We expect setting up a communications system between the dogs and implementing pack behavior to be complex. We are currently researching the cost and operation of systems such as radio frequency, ultrasonic, and infrared communications. The setup will likely use direct communication between dogs to combine distance triangulation with sensor reading communication in order to actuate motion towards areas of high contamination. By the end of the semester, we would like to have constructed at least a reasonable model of a communications system and its necessary materials, and possibly a computer simulation of the theoretical system in action. In addition, we may use advertisements in the Ithaca Times and the Cornell Daily Sun, emails to student mailing lists, flyers in downtown Ithaca, and posters on campus bulletin boards in order to set up a dog drive. 6. Conclusions Our final objective in this project is to have an autonomous robotic dog that can detect chosen contaminants in the environment with pre-fitted sensors. We hope to accomplish this goal by splitting up the project into smaller objectives and assigning our group members accordingly. These smaller goals include fitting the dogs with wheels, programming the dogs, fitting them with sensors, and researching contaminant sites in Ithaca. We hope to make this project sustainable for future groups and eventually incorporate the community in a more direct way. This will increase awareness of contaminants in the area to the community and hopefully bring about resolutions for pollution cleanup. 8 PROJECT PLANNING SCHEDULE 9 RESOURCES AND NEEDS 1) Lab Facilities-We are requesting a room or small space to store our project and to conduct the mechanical and electrical alterations needed, preferably with a computer. 2) Dogs-We are requesting funds for 6 dogs, totaling $182.50 3) Batteries for the dogs, approximating $76.00 4) Tools for modifying the dogs-an exacto knife, table vice, Allen wrench set, hand drill, drill index, hack saw, box cutter, small Phillips head screwdriver, small flat head screwdriver, wire cutters, pliers, calipers, and small clamps, totaling about $150.00 5) Motors, wheels, and miscellaneous parts costing about $200.00 6) Communication parts for the dogs of at least $100.00 per dog ($300.00 total). 7) Contaminant sensors, two per dog at $15.00 each ($90.00 total). 8) Electronics equipment (circuit boards and microcontrollers), about $200.00 See Appendix: Resource Pricing for detailed price information. 10 TEAM ORGANIZATION 1. Project organization TEAM LEADER Deanna Laufer MECHANICAL SITE RESEARCH SENSOR RESEARCH ELECTRONIC INTEGRATION COMMUNICATIONS Deanna Laufer Jeannette Harduby Others as needed Sonia Shi Heather Nelson Jeannette Harduby Heather Nelson Deanna Laufer Zheshen Zhuang Tam Ngo Zheshen Zhuang Tam Ngo MECHANICAL RESEARCH SITE DETERMINATION Deanna Laufer Jeannette Harduby Tam Ngo Zheshen Zhuang All 2. Additional team roles Team Leader Minutes Scheduling Weekly Reports Design Notebook Partner Liaison Local Liaison Website Editing 11 Deanna Laufer Jeannette Harduby Sonia Shi Heather Nelson Zheshen Zhuang Deanna Laufer Sonia Xi Tam Ngo Tam Ngo TEAM BACKGROUND Deanna 2 – 3 years of programming experience in C++, Java, and Matlab Electrical wiring experience building simple circuits on circuit boards Spent a significant part of last summer conducting research and compiling a reference document for future use Tam 2 years of programming experience in C++ and Matlab Experience with ray-tracing and 3D modeling software Minimal experience with LabView data collection software Jeanette Student in Civil and Environmental Engineering Has explored environmental pollutants and contamination Worked with programs and sensors to design a waste water treatment plant Heather Has experience with Stella and LabView Student in Civil and Environmental Engineering Worked with programs and sensors to design a waste water treatment plant Sonia 12 Student in Biological and Environmental Engineering Has experience programming in Java and Matlab Worked in a design group Zheshen 13 Student in Electrical and Computer Engineering Experience in programming in Java and Matlab Experience working with microcontrollers with the Cornell Snake Arm Team REFERENCES Information: Directions for altering a Megabyte Robot dog made by Xdesign group and links to other resources., GPS, guided missiles, radio transmission, infrared sensors, servos, motors, and radio control vehicles. Interview, Prof. [THE COMMUNICATIONS GUY THAT ZHESHEN TALKED TO], September 21, 2004 Communications. Interview, Geoffrey Eadon, September 25, 2004 Electronics and communications. Purchasing: 14 APPENDIX: RESOURCE PRICING 1. Needs 1.1. Lab facilities We are requesting a room or small space to store our project and to conduct the mechanical and electrical alterations needed. Also, a computer would be valuable for transferring the programs to the dogs. The necessary software and platform will be determined by the modifications that we make on the dogs and by what we are able to achieve with respect to communications and pack behavior. We anticipate needing at least Windows 95 with MATLAB, C++, and Microsoft Excel. An internet connection would be a helpful resource for programming and debugging. 1.2. Robotic Dogs We would like at least 5 – 6 dogs to perform alterations on in case we change plans midway or come across unexpected obstacles. We intend to purchase all of the dogs through eBay since they are no longer available in retail, so we do not have exact prices rather than approximate ones. Megabyte Dog 1: $12.50 Megabyte 2: $20.00 Megabyte 3: $20.00-30.00 I-Cybie 1: $25.00 I-Cybie 2: $45.00 I-Cybie 3: $50.00 (already been purchased) Note: the above prices include regular shipping, but may increase if we need expedited shipping. 15 1.3. Batteries Each Megabyte dog runs on 4 C-size batteries and 3 AA batteries. During the testing process, we are estimating that we may need approximately 36 C batteries and 36 AA batteries. 1.4. 36 Energizer C batteries: $50.00 (8 pack for $9.99) 36 Energizer AA batteries $26.00 (24 pack for $12.99) Tools According to the mechanical modifications page made by the students at Yale, ( they needed the following tools: Exacto knife, table vice, Allen wrench set, hand drill, drill index, hack saw, box cutter, small Phillips head screwdriver, small flat head screwdriver, wire cutters, pliers, calipers, and small clamps. Though we hope to acquire a lab which will have most of these tools, we may need to buy some on our own. Exacto knife: $5.20 Hand drill: $59.62 Hack saw: $19.71 Standard pliers: $9.10 Dial calipers: $28.97 Steel C clamps: $13.10 each (All prices from 1.5. Motors, wheels, and parts The following materials are from the same Yale University documentation. Steel Wire SMW-125: 16 $9.25 - $15.25 ( 3 Collars With Set Screw: $0.60 - $5 ( .03 vinyl or polystyrene: $30 (price for large package of sheets) 2 feet of 1/4" white delrin square rod: $5 - $12 Black Oxide #4/40 sheet metal screws: 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4: $5-10 for 100 per size ( 1 x 3" x 0.75" Foam Rubber Tire NFT-07: $5.36 2 x Deluxe 3.5"D x 1.75"W Off Road Robot Tire TRC-01: $20 each 2 x 6mm Mounting Hub for Above Rim HUB-05: $10 each 2 x 7.2vdc 152rpm, Gear Head Motor GHM-04: $22 each In addition, a motor house assembly, a rear axle, and knees with wooden blocks are mentioned, with a probable price total of under $50. Extra or substitution parts may include: simple gear motors: $5-10 each servos: $15-20 each, for wheel, antennas, and/or sensors multiple servo controllers: $20-40 3" wheels: $7 for two (Approximate prices from and 1.6. Undetermined communications needs These may include infrared, ultrasonic, and radio frequency transmitters, receivers, antennas, and 17 sensors, along with their control substrata. An approximate, conservative price range would be $100 per dog. 1.7. Undetermined contaminant sensor needs These needs will depend on the type and model of sensor that we select, and may run anywhere from $20 - $200 per dog. LCD displays can be bought separately for approximately $7. 1.8. Electronics equipment DC Power Supply $90 Multimeter $6 Soldering kit $22 Microcontrollers $6 each (2) MegaAVR development board $48 each (2) LCD display $8 each (2) Breadboard $7 each (2) 2. Resources 2.1. Background information resources We can obtain contact information to student and faculty groups and researchers at Yale University and other institutions through our faculty advisor, Dr. Park Doing, and through internet searches. Background information is also available over the internet. 18 2.2. Mechanical, electrical, software, and communications resources Other resources can be found in the appropriate departments at Cornell University, including faculty, students, and project teams such as Robocup, as well as the Cornell University Library system, and robotic dog project documentation available on the internet. 19