PEP School

PEP Newsletter - 2015
Mother’s Day, Super Heroes, End of the Year Celebration
Theme of the Week
May 4 - 8
May 11 - 15
May 18 - 21
Letter of the Week
Mother’s Day
Super Heroes
End of the Year Celebration
Letter X
Letter Y
Letter Z
Muffins with Me:
Tuesday/Thursday parents are invited to come to the Social Hall Thursday, May 7 at 9:00 a.m. to
enjoy muffins and a beverage with your child for approximately the first 15 minutes of class time.
Mother’s Day Tea:
Each child in these classes may invite someone special to their class tea party.
MWF AM Class Tea for Two, Friday, May 8, 10:30 a.m.
MWF PM Class Tea for Two, Friday, May 8, 2:30 p.m.
The children will be busy making the decorations, preparing food and practicing manners. We want this to be a
special time. Sorry, but we only have room for one adult per child to attend the tea. There is a sign-up sheet posted on
the hall bulletin board so we know who will be attending the tea with your child. Please, no siblings.
Mother’s Day:
We wish all of our PEP moms and grandmothers a very happy Mother’s Day. All PEP classes have
been working on a special Mother’s Day gift that will be given to you before Mother’s Day.
Summer Birthday Celebrations:
On May 11 & 12, we will celebrate all children’s summer birthdays with a
piñata party. There is a sign-up sheet for parents of those children who have summer birthdays to bring goodies for our
piñata. Our snack that day will be ice cream left over from our Ice Cream Social. If you have any questions, please let us
End-of-Year Programs on the Last Days of School: Refreshments will be served following each
program in our preschool play yard. Class will be over at the end of the program. Please don’t forget to sign
your child out on the sign-in/sign-out sheet.
MWF AM Class Program, Wednesday, May 20, begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Church Sanctuary.
MWF PM Class Program, Wednesday, May 20, begins at 2:30 p.m. in the Church Sanctuary.
Tu/Th AM Class Program, Thursday, May 21, begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Church Sanctuary.
Lunch Bunch Note:
There will be no lunch bunch on Friday, May 8, Wednesday, May 20 and Thursday, May 21.
Registration Information:
If your child is registered for the 2015/16 school year and/or Summer School, you
should have received a letter of confirmation. If you have any questions, please see Mary Lou in the PEP office.
To Our Parents with Love:
We will soon be in the last month of our 2014-2015 school year and can’t believe it is
here already. We thank you for sharing your child with us. We feel very fortunate that you chose PEP for your child’s
early childhood education. What fun it has been to see each child’s growth and development throughout the year!
Many thanks for your support, interest and participation. We appreciate all you have done this year to make our PEP
program special for the children and the wonderful support and kindness you have shown our staff!
Thank you for choosing PEP School for your child’s Early Childhood Education!
Miss Renée - Director & Teacher
Miss Cara, Miss Cindy B. Miss Cindy T., Miss Karin - Teachers
Mary Lou Gantt - Secretary
May at a glance:
MWF AM Class
 Every Monday is Letter/Sharing day.
 Every Wednesday is Bible Story day.
May 1 - Wacky Dress up day
May 4 – Letter X day
May 8 – Mother’s Day Tea begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall.
May 11 – Letter Y day
May 15 - Super Hero dress up day. June tuition is due today.
May 18 - Letter Z day
May 20 – End-of-Year Program begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Last day of school.
May at a glance:
MWF PM Class
 Every Monday is Letter/Sharing day.
 Every Wednesday is Bible Story day.
May 1 - Wacky dress up day
May 4 – Letter X day
May 8 – Mother’s Day Tea begins at 2:30 p.m. in the Social Hall.
May 11 – Letter Y day
May 15 - Super Hero dress up day. June tuition is due today.
May 18 - Letter Z day
May 20 – End-of-Year Program begins at 2:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Last day of school.
May at a glance:
T/TH AM Class
 Every Tuesday is Bible Story Day
May 7: Muffins with Me 9:00-9:15 a.m. in the Social Hall.
May 14 - Super Hero dress up day. June tuition is due today.
May 21: End-of-Year Program begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Last day of school.