GATTACA Movie Worksheet: DNA & Discrimination

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________ Period: ________
1. What are they showing you within the names during the credits?
2. What is significant or important about the title, GATTACA?
3. List 5 of the human parts/ products in the movie which can be identified by DNA testing.
4. Where is Jerome’s mission going?
5. What was the life expectancy of the guy pretending to be Jerome?
6. How is Vincent’s brother Anton different than Vincent?
7. What was the one thing Vincent was able to beat Anton at?
8. Why is Vincent being discriminated against?
9. What happened to Jerome? Why is he in a wheelchair?
10. What do they do to make Vincent taller?
11. What did Vincent/Jerome need to dispose of each day?
12. What did Vincent/Jerome leave at the crime scene?
13. What did Irene use Jerome’s hair for?
14. Why does Vincent/Jerome need a fake heartbeat?
15. Why does Irene give Vincent/Jerome one of her hairs?
16. Why is Vincent a suspect?
17. Why is the piano player different?
18. Why does Vincent/Jerome get rid of his contacts?
19. Why can’t Jerome cross the road?
20. What was the 2nd piece of evidence that Vincent left behind?
21. How does Vincent/Jerome get past the blood test?
22. Why does Irene have to take pills?
23. How does Eugene get up the stairs?
24. Who was hiding downstairs when the investigator visited the house?
25. What evidence was used to catch the murderer?
26. Who was the investigator?
27. How did Vincent beat Anton?
28. Did the doctor know about Vincent? Explain.
29. What was in the card Eugene gave to Vincent?
30. What happened to Eugene/Jerome?
31. A spiral staircase appears periodically in this movie. Why is it symbolic?
32. Describe 2 preparations Vincent had to do everyday to pass as Jerome Morrow at GATTACA.
In each case, explain why he had to do that.
33. If you decided to have a child one day and are given the opportunity to select for special
traits, would you do so? Explain why or why not.
34. What are the positive AND negative aspects of the world showed in this movie? List at least
two positive and 2 negative aspects.
35. What does the movie GATTACA say about DNA determining a person’s potential?