Oedipus passage 2

Oedipus passage 2
Connor Ormond
1. . In light of his actions in this scene, what kind of person does the Choragos seem to be?
What might his function be?- Rational and kind
2. What seems to be the state of mind of the Chorus now?- they have purpose again,
something to hope for, hopefull, but also confused
3. With whom does the Chorus seem to side: Teiresias or Oedipus?- They will side with
Oedipus because he saved them from the sphinx
4. What is Oedipus’ attitude toward Creon? Identify two lines that reveal Oedipus’ state of
mind.- He belives he has betrayed him
5. How are Oedipus and Creon related?-brother in law/uncle
6. Of what does Oedipus accuse Creon? What argument does Creon use to argue that he
has no plans to take over the throne?-that he would have done it already
7. Which character seems more reasonable in the argument: Oedipus or Creon? Why?creon uses reason, while Oedipus just lashes out, and defensive
8. Who comes in and breaks up the fight?- jocasta
9. What is your first impression of Jocaste? Identify two lines that support your response.A wise and kind person
10. What seems to be the function or purpose of the Choragos in this scene? What is he
like?- Peace maker
11. Why does Oedipus finally back off in his argument with Creon?- A messenger arrives
12. What proof does Jocaste offer than mere mortals cannot foresee the future?- That if they
could they would rule.