-SAMPLE Preparation OutlineType of Speech: INFORMATIVE
Title/Topic: International Travel on a Shoe String
General Purpose: TO INFORM
Specific Purpose: To inform college students about resource which make international travel more
accessible and affordable.
Central Idea: Traveling overseas is a great way for college students to expand their educational and
experience base and is affordable via student travel centers, cheap housing, and alternative travel options.
A. Going overseas to “find yourself” has long been the dream of many college-age students.
1. The tie-dye trail to India began in the 60s.
2. Euro railing was the trend of the 80s.
3. Today SE Asia is the destination of choice.
B. The Internet and eco-tourism have now made this fantasy for the rich a reality for all.
1. There is easier access to discounted transport options.
2. Alternative accommodations make housing less expensive.
There are many travel centers that cater to the budget traveler.
A. Travel Agencies like STA Travel & Council Travel focus specifically the under 26- traveler
with special packages and airfares.
B. International Youth Hostel Association provides a network of accommodations for less
than $25 a night around the world.
C. Youth travel groups like Contiki, Haggis and others provide cheap bus tours in other
countries that include transport, food and accommodations.
There are more options than just hotels that provide colorful and cheap accommodations.
A. European Bed & Breakfasts often offer inexpensive rooms where guest stays and enjoy
wonderful home-cooked breakfast and accommodations inexpensively.
B. Youth hostels provide dorm-style rooms where travelers can gather together.
C. Home-stay organizations such as WOOF provide opportunities for people to stay with a
family and experience culture up close by exchanging work for room and board.
IV. Other alternative travel provide ways to make the buck stretch further.
A. Camping and backpacking are widely available in Europe, Asia and the South Pacific for
just dollars a day.
B. Visiting “communities” allows you to connect with like-minded groups and share in
community life for an average of $8-$20 a day.
C. Exchange student programs can cost the same as attending your home university/college
and allow you to learn in another country.
V. Conclusion
A. With a little budgeting and planning you can make your dreams of international travel a
B. Expanding your horizons does not have to break the bank.
www.counciltravel.com, viewed Jan. 13, 2003.
Ratcliffe, Lucy., ed. The Rough Guide to Europe. New York: Oxford Press, 2002.
Lonely Planet Europe on a Shoestring. 2nd ed. New York: Harper Books, 2001.
-SAMPLE Speaking NotesTitle/Topic: International Travel on a Shoe String
A. Going overseas to “find yourself” has long been the dream of many college-age students.
1. Tie-dye trail (60s & 70s)
2. Euro railing (80s & 90s)
3. Backpacking (Now)
B. The Internet and eco-tourism have now made this fantasy for the rich a reality for all.
1. Discounted transport
2. Alternative housing (hostels, communities, camping)
Travel centers
A. STA Travel & Council Travel focus on under 26- traveler
B. International Youth Hostel Association--$25 or less
C. Youth travel groups like Contiki, Haggis and others--cheap bus tours
Cheap accommodations
A. Bed & Breakfasts
B. Youth hostels
C. Home-stay organizations (ex: WOOF)
IV. Alternative travel
A. Camping and backpacking
B. Communities
C. Exchange student programs
V. Conclusion
C. Budgeting and planning = international travel a reality.
D. Expanding your horizons does not have to break the bank.
--SAMPLE PREPARATION OUTLINE-Title- Don’t Be a Dope, Wash With Soap!
General Purpose- To Persuade
Specific Purpose- To persuade the class to wash their hands throughout their day, especially after using
the restroom.
Central Idea- Washing your hands and using hand sanitizer will help reduce the spread of germs and
I) Introduction
A) Our common practice of hand washing today seemed odd during the 19th century until
researcher Dr. Hani Semmelweis made a connection between disinfected hands and the spread of
1) He discovered by using a lime solution to disinfect the hands would keep disease from
2) Today we call this hand washing; it saved lives back then and continues to do which is
why everyone should remember to do it.
B) What we say and what we do are 2 different things.
1) According to the American Society of Microbiology, a phone survey was
conducted and 96% of people claimed to wash their hands after using a public
2) An Observational study was them conducted and the results differed.
a) Only 85% of people were actually shown doing so.
b) Preventable colds are still being caught due to pure laziness.
II) Where are the germs lingering?
A) According to Microbe World.com, people carry millions of species of bacteria on our hands
daily, most are harmless, however one can contract an illness as quick as you get as few as 5
B) Think of all the things you touch on a daily basis.
1) Your keys, phone, a door handle, etc.
2) Although people don’t stop and think about all the germs on those common items they
are crawling with bacteria just waiting to infect a healthy individual.
III.) Why is hand washing so important?
A) According to the Rhode Island Department of Health, poorly washed hands are
one of
the most common ways to spread disease.
1) These diseases include the flu, common cold, diarrhea, and many other
internal complications.
B) These diseases are contracted by handling food, touching door knobs, shaking hands, and
putting your mouth on a telephone.
IV) The proper way to wash your hands provided by the Mayo Clinic!
A) Wet hands with warm water
B) Lather with soap
C) Rub hands vigorously for 20 seconds--Under nails, wrists, between fingers
D) Rinse well
E) Dry hands with a clean towel and try to turn off the water with your towel.
V) If hand washing is so simple why don’t people do it more frequently?
A) According to the Associated Press there are a few reasons why individuals avoid
washing hands, mainly after using the bathroom.
1) Laziness. The bottom line is people are lazy!
a) While in the bathroom and no one is looking to judge them they
do their business and walk right out simply because they are lazy
and don’t feel like washing their hands.
b) Another common excuse is they are in a rush. Bottom line is, a
simple 20 second hand wash could save you from catching a cold
that could put you out of work for a week!
2) The second reason is something called the “Necessity Factor”
a) People were interviewed and actually said that if they don’t
physically pee on themselves or get fecal matter on their hands
they feel they are still clean.
b) No matter if anyone buys this excuse or not there is still
bacteria on the bathroom door and the handle of the stall.
VI) There is still 1 last solution for all those lazy individuals out there who refuse to wash their
hands after leave the rest room or when you’re out on the go…hand sanitizer.
A) Hand santizers are composed of alcohol, water, and a skin moisturizer.
1) The alcohol kills the germs by attaching the outer layer of skin.
2) The water is a filter for the strong fragrance the alcohol has.
3) The moisturizer insures the skin won’t get irritated by the alcohol.
B) Although sanitizers does not clean like soap and water it is good in moderation
you need a “hand wash” and don’t have a sink near you.
VII) Conclusion
A) One of the most common ways germs are spread is by handling contaminated objects.
B) Remember, hand washing is one of the easiest ways to prevent the spreading of bacteria to
cause illnesses.
Works Cited
Hani, DR. SEMMELWEIS' GERM THEORY. Experiment Resources, 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2011. <http://www.experimentresources.com/semmelweis-germ-theory.html>.
Guyhto, Ayanna. Top 3 Reasons Why People Don't Wash Their Hands After Using Public Restrooms. Associated Press, 7 Nov. 2007. Web.
21 Sept. 2011. <http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/437894/top_3_reasons_why_people_dont_wash_pg2.html?cat=70>.
Hand washing: Do's and don'ts. Mayo Clinic, 2 Aug. 2011. Web. 21 Sept. 2011. <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/handwashing/HQ00407>.
Weise, Elezibeth. 93% of women wash their hands vs. 77% of men. USA Today, 13 Sept. 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2011. Path:
Why hand washing is important. Rhode Island Department of Health , 2011. Web. 21 Sept. 2011.
--SAMPLE PREPARATION OUTLINE-Title- Don’t Be a Dope, Wash With Soap!
I) Introduction
A) Practice hand washing came from 19th century researcher Dr. Hani Semmelweis
1) Hospital workers using lime solution to disinfect hands reduced disease
2) Result=saved lives.
B) GOAL: To persuade class to wash their hands regularly & use hand sanitizer
II) How many people actually take the time to wash their hands thoroughly before leaving the
public restroom?
A) 96% claim to wash hands after using public restroom (American Society of Microbiology)
B) Observational study
1) 85% did
2 )Laziness=disease transmission
III) Where are the germs lingering?
A) People carry millions of species of bacteria on hands (MicrobeWorld.com)
B) Things we touch--Your keys, phone, a door handle, etc.
IV) Why is hand washing so important?
A) Poorly washed hands most common way to spread disease (Rhode Island Department of
Health)--flu, common cold, diarrhea, etc.
B) Caused by… handling food, touching door knobs, shaking hands, and touching phone.
V) The proper way to wash your hands provided by the Mayo Clinic!
A) Wet hands with warm water
B) Lather with soap
C) Rub hands vigorously for 20 seconds (Under nails, wrists, between fingers)
D) Rinse well
E) Dry hands with a clean towel and try to turn off the water with your towel.
VI) If hand washing is so simple why don’t people do it more frequently?
A) Laziness
B) “Necessity Factor” (feel clean if they don’t touch pee or fecal material)
VII) Alternative…hand sanitizer.
A) Hand sanitizers contain alcohol, water, and a skin moisturizer.
1) Alcohol kills germs by attaching to outer layer of skin.
2) Water is filter
3) Moisturizer prevents irritation
B) Does not clean like soap and water but works when there is no sink near
VII) Conclusion
A) Germs are spread is by handling contaminated objects
B) Hand washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spreading of bacteria to cause