July 10, 2011 - St. Mary Magdalen Parish and School

Due to a lack of priests, we will only have 6:30 AM
Mass during July and August on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Mass intentions
scheduled for Mondays and Fridays will be
transferred to other available 6:30 AM Masses.
8:30AM Matt Mullin
5:30PM Bob Russell
SUNDAY, July 10
7:30AM Eleanor Capista
10:00AM Dr. Nicholas Pagliei
11:30AM Michael Ciavardini
5:30PM Patricia DeJesse
MONDAY, July 11
6:30AM Communion Service
8:30AM Gerald McFadden
TUESDAY, July 12
6:30AM Dr. Albert Andresen
8:30AM Anthony D’Angelo
6:30AM Matt Mullin
8:30AM Anne B. Rafferty
6:30AM Sick of the Parish
8:30AM John Moran
FRIDAY, July 15
6:30AM Communion Service
8:30AM Susann Tervalon
8:30AM Margaret Mary Buchy
5:30PM Namao Magnanini
SUNDAY, July 17
7:30AM Mary O’Reilley
10:00AM Dr. Francis Lazorik
11:30AM Marie Juliano
5:30PM Michael Ciavardini
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A
Jesus’ Parables - July 10, 2011
First Reading: Isaiah 55:10-11 God Provides
Second Reading: Romans 8:18-23 Creations Awaits
Mt. 13:1-23 or 13:1-9 The Parable of the Sower
Gospel Summary – While we call this Gospel, “The
Parable of the Sower,” it is much more about the seed
than the farmer. Although there will be obstacles to
telling others the Good News, the message will be
received by many. Some of the sower’s seeds fell on
rocky ground, on paths where people walked and among
thorns. While these seeds probably won’t take, the seed
that fell on good soil has the chance of reaping a
tremendous harvest. Reflection for Families – We meet
many obstacles and sometimes feel our children simply
don’t hear us. But the seed that falls on good soil (and
our children are good soil) will produce an enormous
yield. We need only not to be discouraged nor give up
in the face of obstacles.
Bringing the Gospel Into the Family – This is a great
Gospel to show children literally its meaning. Plant
seeds in the types of places described in the Gospel-on
rocky ground, paths where people walk, weed or thorn
patches, and on good, fertile soil. Check the locations
every day or two and notice what is happening. As a
family, make connections between what is happening to
your seed and seeds described in the Gospel. Continue
the observations by connecting the seeds to your own
lives. What does his lesson mean to your family? How
are you like the seeds?
Because the word became flesh and dwelt among us,
both the seed and the Sower is Jesus Christ. How are
you responding to the gift of faith in Jesus within
your heart and among your relationships of
responsibility? The way Jesus loves and forgives us
is the way we are commanded to love and forgive our
family, friends and foes.
Flowers in the Chapel – Patrick Cotter
Bread, Wine & Candle –
In memory of Anthony D’Angelo
I always thought Sister Cecil Gabriel, my seventh and
eight grade teacher, exaggerated and embellished her
witness stories. After thirty five years of priesthood, I
have witnessed so many miracles and God-incidences. I
thank God for Sister Cecil who blessed me with spiritual
wisdom. She stood four feet tall, but to all of us she
proved a giant in empowering us with a backbone, funny
bone and wishbone.
Changed from Thursday to Friday
Friday, July 22 at 7:30 PM
On the Feast of St. Mary Magdalen, we
will have a Healing Mass at 7:30 PM on
Thursday, July 21st. We invite all to come
and pray for personal and communal healing
for all suffering from spiritual, emotional,
social and physical illnesses and fears.
Family, friends, her Franciscan Community, and
especially her students stand in praise of God and thank
Sister Cecil for helping us develop a backbone, funny
bone and wishbone. The one spiritual insight from her
still delights my soul. In seventh grade she explained
the First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart. If we
participated at Mass for the nine First Fridays, we would
be guaranteed a place in heaven with all the angels and
saints. I figured this was an offer I could not resist,
especially to amend my sinful ways. It took me two
years to fulfill this commitment to the Sacred Heart.
What started as a quick way to heaven became a lifelong
love affair with Jesus as my personal Savior and the God
–Man who has blessed me to be his priest and disciple.
“I tell you the truth, unless you become like a little
child, you can not enter the kingdom of heaven”
A four year old boy, Colton Burpo, has a life after death
experience and reveals the reality of heaven connected to
us through personal experience you can not dream or
imagine. This is awesome spiritual reading for all,
especially for those who do not believe our loved ones
and Jesus are still in spiritual union with us. Colton
Burpo will renew your faith in our Catholic Doctrines of
heaven, the Communion of the Saints (Colton meets his
grandfather), the role of angels, the sanctity of human
life from conception (he meets his little sister who died
due a two month miscarriage that he never knew). The
last chapter will increase your faith.
A Backbone: She challenged us to trust in God for the
grace to be and do our best each day with the unique
talents. Whenever I was not working to my potential,
my parents were called in to partner with her in making
sure I did not misuse my gifts. She taught us that report
marks were important, but even more important were the
character marks for conduct, responsibility, and
FAMILY? As he left the Constitutional Convention,
Ben Franklin was asked, “What kind of government
have you fashioned?” He responded, “A republic – if
you can keep it.” Franklin insisted that a chaplain be
assigned for the divine grace and strength of our Creator
who endowed us with the certain unalienable rights, life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This past week, the
Veteran’s Administration declared that at funerals, we
are not to mention God or Jesus Christ as part of our
prayer for the repose of the men and women who died to
preserve our freedom of religion. When we pray, who
are we supposed to pray to? Secretary of State, Hilary
Clinton, proudly announced that she was instrumental in
Lady Gaga doing a concert in Rome’s Circus Maximus
to promote Gay Rights. That is the theatre where first
Christians were martyred for the sanctity of life and
marriage. The truth sets us free, but first makes us
A Funny Bone: She knew we were sinners and frail, but
she told us to laugh at our mistakes and use them as
stepping stones to building a better future. She stressed
that prayer, mass, and reception of the Sacraments of
Reconciliation and Holy Communion were the necessary
ingredients for wonderful relationship with God and
others. Like my Mom, Sister's mind had spiritual radar
which easily detected any evil spirit and she exorcised
them immediately with a word of caution or instant
A Wish Bone: Balancing our divine calling to holiness
and our battle with temptations, Sister Cecil
demonstrated by her Franciscan spirit and devoted
lifestyle that charity to others daily motivates us to
overcome selfishness and enjoy the friendship of Jesus
who came to serve and not be served. Through her
littleness and powerlessness, she enabled us to wish
beyond our imagination and discover that Catholic
education opens horizons where most of us became more
than we ever dreamed.
As we celebrate the blessing of the Eucharist, the
spiritual communion that nourishes all believers, pray
that we may pass on the gift of faith to our children. Is
your life with Jesus helping you become a more loving
person? The wheel diagram: The
Christian life can be pictured as a
wheel. The rim of the wheel
represents the Christian’s daily life.
The hub of the wheel is the source of
power and direction for the whole
wheel. It holds the wheel together.
The hub of the Christian life is Christ himself (on the
throne, the center). In order to transmit the power and
direction from the hub to the rim, spokes are needed.
Some spokes in the Christian life are prayer, study,
service, and community. These are means to put our
whole life in contact with Christ, so that he can
transform it with his power and directions.
Sister Cecil Gabriel went home to God on June 27, 2011
celebrating 101 years of life and love while still praying
for us at Assisi House in Aston. To us she is forever
young because her love for Jesus and others, along with
her Franciscan Spirit enabled and encouraged others to
develop a back bone, funny bone, and wishbone. May
we honor her by imitating her virtues and pray that like
her, we can pass on Jesus to others. Love, Msgr. Ralph
WEDDINGS need to be arranged 6 months ahead. You
need to be a practicing Catholic and registered. At least
one partner must be a practicing and active member of
our parish or their parents. Please call Msgr. Ralph.
Call Peter or Mary Zurbach to sign up for Baptismal
class for all parents. Next Pre-Jordan is September 7,
2011. Sponsor Eligibility Letters from the parishes are
needed three weeks before the Baptism. We ask you to
come for instructions before you give birth so that you
can be prepared in choosing your date and sponsors. We
remind all parents and Godparents that they must be
registered and practicing Catholics. Godparents must be
16 years of age and have received the Sacrament of
We invite all people to register in the SMM Offices. If
you come to church every week, but have not filled out a
registration form, you are not registered. You will need
to fill out a registration form, which can be obtained at
the offices or from one of the priests. Registration helps
us to serve you when issuing letters in connection with
sponsorship of Baptism, Confirmation or Matrimony.
Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage are all sacraments
which are taken very seriously. In order for you to
receive a sacrament or play a role in someone else’s
reception of a sacrament, you will need to be an active
parishioner. When someone is asked to be a godparent or
to sponsor someone’s Confirmation, a Letter of
Eligibility is required from our Parish testifying that the
godparent or sponsor is an active parishioner. A Letter of
Eligibility is asking the priest to sign and acknowledge
that the person is at least 16 years of age, confirmed,
celebrating the sacraments regularly, and, if married,
married in the Catholic Church. This person must be
registered and an active member of the parish. This is the
standard practice that all churches follow.
If you move, we would appreciate a call to the Offices so
your records will be up to date.
A time to die… Our sympathy and prayers are extended
to the families of our SMM Faith Community who have
died and all the victims of war, and the 4,100 daily
A time to heal: PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK &
OUR SOLDIERS in harm’s way: Fr. James Hughes,
Flo Albrecht, Baby Vaughan, Nina and Alfonzo Baldi,
Farnsworth Bisbee, Jean Brennan, Bernie Brill, Giana
Campbell, Antonette Carlino, (cousin) Ralph Chieffo,
Dave Clark, Nancy Clay, Fran Cook, Sean Cosden,
Regis Cronin, Paul Daniels, Chris DeFino, Michael
Delaney, Carol Desko, Anna DiDonato, Gennela
D’Orazio, Gina DiMarino, Carla Donato, Tim Dowd,
Kathleen Durham, Bobbie Edwards, Stephanie Egan,
Bernadette Farrell, Robert Franklin, Rev. John Freeman,
Katie Gallagher, Bill Greto, Helen Hartman, Joan
Husted, Junka Husted, Elliott & Henry Johnson, Lucille
Konecny, Caren Pappano Ladd, Lucy Lanzellotti, Joe
Malloy, Leo Maloney, Joe MacDonald, Debra Marcoux,
Peggy Matthews, Rev. James Melle, Carmella Messina,
Al Mestichelli, Larry Minisci, Anne Miniszak, Pat
Miniszak, Eustace Mita, Jr, William O’Brien, Denis
O’Brien, Andrea Orsini, Carolyn Paulson, Bryana
Perea, Thomas Preising, Bill Purner III, Bob Ruggieri,
Adeline Ruggieri, Carol Schwartz, Phyllis Scott, John
Shea, Dan Shellington, Mark Storti, Laura Tomasetti,
Joann Trolio, Anthony Truscello, Louise Veit, Tom
Ward Sr., Larry Weathers, Dr. John Weigele, Francis
Call Msgr. Ralph, if you need a priest to offer the
Sacrament of God’s Healing Love – cell 610-389-9541.
Delco IHN now has a website!
Please go to
www.dcihn.org and check it out. The website contains 2
informative videos for anyone wishing to make a
donation. Find out more about this ministry and ways
you can help. The families will be back at SMM the
weeks of July 17 and August 28. If you would like to
help out, go to www.mysignup.com/smmihn. The sign
up sheet for August will go up later. Feel free to drop off
your donation at any time if Sunday is a hardship. Please
VACATION. Donations by mail can still be sent to
DCIHN PO Box 2384, Chester, PA 19013.
Join us every Tuesday in the chapel at 7:15PM to pray
the Rosary. What a wonderful way to enjoy the blessing
of Jesus & Mary through all our joys, sorrows & glories.
James & Sonica Kearney & Family, Nicholas & Aja
Sannelli & Family, Nicholas & Elizabeth Zammer &
See Msgr. Chieffo for a Registration Form after Mass or
stop in our Parish Offices in the lower level Mon
through Fri 8:30AM-4:30 PM. Offices close for lunch
Noon-1PM. If you would like your family and home to
be blessed, please call the parish office. If you are
parish activities, contact Joanne Hinkle at 610-892-3998.
All are invited to attend every Tuesday evening at 7 PM
in the lower BVM Ministry Room. Call Karen Kelly at
Our small Faith Sharing group is more a discussion
group with your fellow parishioners using the current
Sunday Mass readings as a kick-off point. Meetings are
kept to an hour in a relaxed, sociable setting. Facilitators
and times of meetings are listed below. Please call
Bonnie Clark (610-353-7930) or one of the facilitators.
Mon 1:00PM: Betty Mulhern 610-353-5035.
Twice monthly: Sue Mita 610-566-4819
Tues 7:30PM (2x a mo): Mary Ann Foster, 566-1399.
Wed 7AM Men’s Group: Don Saleski 610-566-3492 in
Church Gathering Room.
Monthly, Wed: 9:30AM, toddler’s welcome: Jeanne
Barker 610-627-1009.
Thurs. 3 PM: Eleanor O’Rourke, White Horse Village
Thurs 7:30PM: Bonnie Clark (2nd& 4th wks) 610-3537930. If you would like to start a group, call Msgr.
One of the most difficult challenges our church faces
these days is that of the clergy sex-abuse scandal. No
one wants to talk about it, and no one wants to encounter
it in the daily news. Most of us wish it would go away.
But it happened and was, in many cases, mishandled
over decades, and now it’s as if we’re living with a
series of aftershocks. While the incidence of new
offenses has finally slowed, revelations of obfuscation
and cover-up continue to surface and more and more
dioceses face the uncertainty of bankruptcy.
The book of Genesis bears some interesting parallels
with this ongoing scandal in the church, and perhaps it
can offer us a path through the difficult times that may
still lie ahead. Scripture scholars tell us that even within
the Scriptures themselves, the terrible sin of Sodom and
Gomorrah is variously interpreted as homosexual
activity, social injustice, and disregard for the poor or
general immorality. Likewise, experts and ordinary
Catholics alike will offer a wide variety of reasons for
the sex-abuse scandal. In both cases, however, we know
that a terrible violation of the human person is at the
heart of the sin. Even Jesus warns us that God
condemns anyone who abuses or even gives scandal to
children: “It is better for that person to hang a millstone
around his neck and be thrown into the sea.”
SMM Employment Network presents:
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Looking for a job? Contact Paul & Barb at 484-4204246 0r e-mail them at smmemploy@gmail.com.
Abraham rightly argues with the Lord himself that it’s
not fair to punish the good along with the wicked. He
knows, as Moses and Jesus will later affirm that God’s
very nature is marked by mercy and forgiveness. But, as
the story unfolds, we discover that a third trait of the
divine is always justice. And, in fact, Abraham proves to
be overly optimistic in his assessment of his neighbors.
Not even ten righteous men will be found in the two
cities. Thankfully our situation is far from being this
dire. There are many, many good men at all levels of the
church’s hierarchy, and we pray that they are working
toward some kind of justice for all involved in this
terrible scandal.
We are grateful for the many volunteers. Pray and
participate and enjoy the blessings of sharing your love.
Please email or call the Healing Ministry and the HOPE
Program and volunteer. Step out in Faith that He is
Leading you. Your Sister in Christ, Anita Morro R.N.
B.S.N. Healing Ministry: anitasmm@verizon.net 610566-8821 ext #121 HOPE Meal Program:
nvernahope@comcast.net. Blessings, Anita Morro
In the Gospel, Jesus tells those who would follow him to
offer no excuses in their commitment to the way. We
will do well to heed his words.
To commit to a Holy Hour please contact Monica 610891-9483 or Shelly 610-353-7739. We are in need of
Adorers on Tuesday @ 2AM. & Saturday @ 1AM. We
are grateful to all our adorers and all who pray for us.
Let us be vigilant and prayerful as we all do our part in
protecting and promoting a safe environment for all our
children at home, school, church and play. Only a good
Christian conscience and the grace of God can give us
the grace to overcome sin and enjoy the blessing of
respecting the presence of God in all our children.
Caitlin Watson, SMM Class of 2002, graduated from
Penn State with a degree in Elementary Education and
writes, “Without SMM and the wonderful teachers and
administration, I do not know if I would be where I am
today! Having the experience I did at SMM definitely
influenced my decision to become an educator to help
our youth grow into outstanding individuals.” Chase
Watson, SMM Class of 1997, is playing hockey
professionally after graduating from Providence.
Brett Watson, SMM Class of 1999, graduated from the
University of Massachusetts-Amherst and is working for
JP Morgan.
We are grateful for your generous donations to Catholic
Charities this month. Know you touch many lives by
your kindness. Our SMM Charity Board distributed
$76,634.00 to a variety of charities from the 5% taken
from our weekly collections and special gifts for
Orphanage in Kenya, BVM School, Darby, Mother of
Sorrows School, Philadelphia, Interfaith Hospitality,
Sisters of St. Francis, Bethesda and future SMM
St.Vincent DePaul Conference
July 3rd - $18,252.00
Last Year –$14,719.00
The Endowment benefits our school, PREP, Youth
Ministry, and adult formation class.
at the corner of church, be careful! Bus pick up is at
9 AM- 9:15 AM from Lima Estates and pickup is at
9:20 until 9:30 AM from Sunrise at Granite.
Jeff Dowd, SMM Class of 1990, is realtor with
Zommick McMahon Commercial Real Estate for over
the last 10 years. He has sold and leased numerous
industrial, retail and office space transactions in the
Delaware and Chester County areas.
Congratulations to these SMM graduates as they
followed their dreams! The following received honors
at Villa Maria Academy for the Second Semester:
Distinguished Honors: Leah Lombardi First Honors:
Madeline Inglis, Julianna Ricco, Ellen Wilson and
Brenna Donato Second Honors: Johanna Lenahan,
Michelle Dunn, Gianna Ciro and Celine Lombardi
we’re very proud of you for your achievements.
From Mrs. Burke’s Desk…
This week we were notified by the Middle
States Commissions on Elementary and
Secondary Schools that they have
reviewed and accepted our Mid-Point
Review. The report was found to be
complete and showed evidence of faithful
implementation of our strategic plan for growth and
improvement. We will continue to conduct and maintain
Annual Reviews of the progress on our goals. Our work
to maintain our accreditation is on-going. Have a safe
and peace-filled summer! Celebrate God each week at
Mass…we will see you in September! Registration
information: 610-565-1822. Celebrate our vision for
learning…moral awareness, academic excellence,
responsible citizenship, and cultural development.
HEART: Highest Honors: Lauryn Elia, Stephanie
Finley, and Lauren Grajewski. Honors: Katarina
Kinslow and Marcela Marino.
Merion Mercy Academy: Distinguished Honors:
Alexandra LaMonaca, Alyssia LaMonaca, Maura C.
Murphy, Christina M. O’Shea, Mary A. Hope and
Tammy H. Le. Honors: Clare M. Brabson, Jennifer
C. Grugan, Jennifer A. Heinerichs, Kathryn M.
Welliver, Sarah E. Byrnes, Taylor M. McElwee and
Kathryn Natale.
Congratulations to Evan Barr for achieving Second
Honors at Bishop Shanahan High School.
SMM ALUMNI NEWS: The Cabrini College Class of
2011 voted Dolores Weathers, SMM Class of 2003, as
the graduate who best fulfilled the ideas of the college.
She received the Mother Ursula Award at the 2011
Commencement Ceremony on May 15 for Academic
Achievement, Extra-curricula Activities, Leadership and
Service. Each year, Cabrini’s graduating class votes on
the recipient of the Mother Ursula Award. Dolores
earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science
and Health Promotion. She was a member of the
women’s lacrosse team for four years, and tutored
anatomy and physiology, and exercise science and health
courses. She also volunteered at the Drexel Neumann
Academy in Chester tutoring elementary students.
Alumni remember to save the date: November 12, 2011
for an All Class Reunion for those who attended SMM
School from 1963 to 2003. Information will be emailed or mailed to those who we have registered in the
association. If you wish to stay in contact simply e-mail
presidentsmm@verizon.net or call Miss Miniszak at
610-566-8821 at ext. 122. Also, we would love to hear
about our former students about what is happening in
their lives. Please e-mail us!
ANNIVERSARY- plan to help celebrate our parish!!!
Petition: Lord, grant me the grace to be generous and
trustful concerning your plan for me.
Registrations forms for the 2011-2012 Prep Program
have been mailed to all current Prep families.
Registration forms are also available in the Church
Narthex. Prep families are asked to check for an e-mail
from Deacon James about home visits. Please call with
any concerns or questions at 610-565-5782. Have a great
1. Jesus Needs Apostles: A condition for the Kingdom to
grow is that it have protagonists. Christ refuses to be a
one-man show. We honor and bow before the divine
choice expressed in Christ’s desire to let his victory be
realized through others, beginning with the Twelve. In
the Twelve we find the model of every call of Christ to
build his Kingdom, to spread the faith by word and deed.
If there is no response to his call, there is no Kingdom.
Have I meditated on my call often? Do I see it linked to
my family and to my workplace? Have I responded to it?
2. The Calling: Many were on the mountain that day.
Many were drawn to him and longed to be close to him,
but only 12 received the explicit call to be Apostles. The
sense of predilection is in every vocation and every
mission from God. What we are chosen for in life, no
one else can fulfill it. We are called by name, meaning
that Christ knows us well when he calls, including all
our defects and weaknesses. He did not ask the Twelve
for their preferences, look at their SAT scores, or
scrutinize their résumés. The choice of God, revealed in
prayer, is sovereign and omnipotent in action. The
Twelve cannot think there has been some mistake or
some miscalculation. The voice of God, who neither
deceives nor can be deceived, is speaking.
3. A Free Response: Christ called freely, and in freedom
the Twelve responded. He did not bring down angels
from heaven to overwhelm them to cooperate, he merely
prayed to the Father. As Lord of the harvest, he has
called each one of us. Our vocation as an apostle is not a
question of our wanting to be one. It is not a question of
our talents or compelling feelings for this or that, but of
our faith-driven awareness of God asking and our
responding. Why are we where we are now in our
vocation in life? In our particular marriage? In a
particular lay movement? We can never know fully, for
only God knows the depths of his own wisdom. This is
the first mystery of the Kingdom that touches each one
of us personally: God called, he willed it, and we said
“yes.” This is the only answer an apostle must seek.
Anything else slows down the mission and interrupts the
dialogue of love and service to the mission.
Conversation with Christ: Lord, I want to affirm that all
my work today is going to be my response to your call to
be your disciple and a light to others in this world. I
resolve never to doubt the special and perfect nature of
your plan for me. May my heart always be confident and
generous in responding to your voice.
SMM CYO in need of coaches. We are in need of
JV field hockey coach and JV volleyball coach. If
interested, please contact Maureen Rennie
mwardrennie@gmail.com or 610-405-2407.
Our Jesus Rocks! Bible Campers Raised Funds for the
Needy of our Community. Thanks to the generous hearts
of our campers, we will be donating $59.05 to the
Interfaith Hospitality Network. Our campers collected
their loose pennies, Nickels, dimes and quarters and
brought them smiling to our collection jar. The donation
will be made in our campers’ names to help the needy of
our community. Way to go, Campers! Jesus continues to
rock in our hearts this summer!
Choosing an Apostle Matthew 10:1-7
Jesus summoned his 12 disciples and gave them
authority over unclean spirits to drive them out and
to cure every disease and every illness. The names
of the Twelve Apostles are these: first, Simon called
Peter, and his brother Andrew; James, the son of
Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and
Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the tax
collector; James, the son of Alphaeus, and
Thaddeus; Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot
who betrayed him. Jesus sent out these twelve after
instructing them thus, “Do not go into pagan
territory or enter a Samaritan town. Go rather to the
lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, make
this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at
Introductory Prayer: Lord, I bring myself into your
presence knowing the zeal of your heart for souls. The
glory of your heavenly Father can shape my own heart. I
am confident that, just as the Twelve lit the flame of
their love for their mission from the furnace of your
divine love, I can ignite all that is lukewarm and tepid in
my own soul today. I desire to fulfill more perfectly the
mission you have given me.
Resolution: I will take the hardest part of my day and
embrace it with greater joy out of love for the one who
has called me. Fr. George Grima
Summer surely is flying by. Next Sunday, the 17th is
Casserole Sunday. Don’t forget to pick up a recipe
booklet and a few tins. Sincere thanks and appreciation
to those of you who have been remembering the folks at
Bethesda. They are grateful-not only for the food-but
knowing that everyday the casseroles represent prayers,
love and concern for them. It makes them feel special
and important and words are inadequate to express the
hope that it brings them.
Don’t take a summer vacation from enriching your
marriage. God wants to be part of you marriage all
summer long. Bring a breath of fresh air to your
relationship. . Our next weekend will be July 29 – 31,
2011. Early registration is highly recommended. For
more info, call 1 800 456 8330 or visit our website at:
A flaw of old age is that it does not last long enough.
Age is an issue of mind over matter; if you don’t mind, it
doesn’t matter.
Old age is not a hindrance to men chasing women; they
just have trouble remembering why.
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
Forty years isn’t old if you are a tree.
Old age begins when you realize that forever is not as
long as it used to be.
It’s nice to have birthdays, they make you live longer.
We meet the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in
the St. Francis Room. Contact our Grand Knight Steven
Visek at 610-565-0231 or visit our parish website. We
were happy to sponsor the Easter Egg Hunt and assist at
the parish picnic. We look forward to our Pancake
Breakfast on October 2. Come and be a Catholic Knight
practicing faith and building a stronger culture of life.
HOPE accepts prayer requests to show our parish
spiritual support during difficult times. Contact Maria
Flannery at 610-565-3144 for your prayer request and
also to be a prayer warrior for SMM. Lift up your fears
and anxieties to God and receive his gracious peace. All
calls are confidential.
800 AM Radio from 5 PM – 6 PM Call 610-527-2906
for your comments and questions. We thank you for
donating $600 for the program from our Healing Mass
last month. Please tune in and learn about our Faith.
Come to me all who labor…Since every heart
innately yearns for God, this Gospel passage ought to
be prized above all others, for it teaches us the secret
for satisfying that yearning. To encounter God
requires only one thing. Not intellectual prowess,
worldly excellence, or sophisticated achievements,
but simplicity. God gives himself to those who are
“mere children” – to those who are childlike. The
mark of children is not innocence; most often they
are quite mischievous. It is not ignorance, for they
often surprise us with their insights and thoughtful
questions. Nor is it helplessness, for many of them
are streetwise survivors, as often seen in situations of
poverty and war.
at the corner of church, be careful! Bus pick up is at
9 AM- 9:15 AM from Lima Estates and pickup is at
9:20 until 9:30 AM from Sunrise at Granite.
The mark of the child is trust. Children readily put
their trust in those given charge over them until that
trust is violated. It is natural for children to depend
on their parents, to follow unquestioningly their older
siblings. They have not yet developed the average
adult’s haughty air of self-sufficiency. By word and
example as for example in the Garden of
Gethsemane, Jesus teaches us that intimacy with God
requires trust above all. Faith is trusting that what
God reveals is true; hope is trusting that what he
promises will come about, love is trusting that what
he asks us to do is what we should do. If we put our
trust in God, and not in ourselves, we will find God.
Many thanks to the people and companies who assisted
us in making our new school sign come to life.
Judge Anthony & Carolyn Truscello, Nick Merlino,
Gricco’s Auto Services Inc, Gaetano Fizzano, A-Jon
Cement, Carl Galantino, Joseph Conan.
Saturday, July 16
5:30PM – M. Goldhorn, J. Conroy
Sunday, July 17
7:30AM – A. Gargano, S. Newby
10:00AM – Trang Le, D. Rennie, C. Keith
11:30AM – L. & C Croquette
5:30PM – C. Toddy, M. Nolen
When you can not understand His ways with your
mind, trust Him with your heart!!