Phoenicians and Hebrews

NAME: ___________________________ DATE: ________ Period: ___________
The Phoenicians
Group Number -
Directions: Today in class you will learn about the Phoenicians via a jigsaw puzzle
activity. Pay attention to your instructor for your group number and further details.
Group One Questions
1. The land of Canaan was considered to be a land bridge, what does this mean?
2. Why were the Phoenicians forced to become sailors and merchants rather than
3. It is believed that because of the sailing skills of the Phoenicians that they could
have explored as far as …
4. Where did Phoenicians trade?
5. What products did Phoenicians import and export?
Imported __________________________________________________________________
Exported –
6. Explain the purpose of peace treaties?
Group Two Questions
7. What type of government did the Phoenicians have?
8. The word Phoenician means “the purple people.” Why was this civilization given this
9. What is the murex and why is it important to the Phoenicians?
Group Three Questions
10. What type of religion did the Phoenicians practice?
11. The Phoenicians learned to __________________ their dead, to preserve the bodies
for the afterlife, from the _____________________ .
12. In the margin of this paper draw a picture of an amphora >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Group Three continued
13. Soldiers, shepherds, and merchants who passed through Canaan brought __________
______________________ , and culture with them.
Group Four Questions
Define colony.
Why did the Phoenicians build colonies along the coast of North Africa?
Name and give the location of the most famous Phoenician colony.
How did the idea of an alphabet prove helpful to the people of the Mediterranean
18. How was the alphabet different from cuneiform writing?
When you have extra time at a station read and highlight the reading below. Then answer the following questions.
Casting The Dye
The costal waters of the ancient Phoenician abounded in two kinds of dye-bearing
shellfish: the murex and the buccinum. In both there is a long sac or vein filled with a
yellowish fluid that turns purplish when exposed to light. Purple dying became a major
industry in Tyre and Sidon, the Phoenicians main cities, but Tyre was especially
celebrated for its dye. Although Pheonicians were secretive about their manufacturing
arts, much has been learned about the way they produced dyes.
What was the main idea of this first paragraph?
The mollusks were gathered in deep water by dropping down narrow-mouthed
baskets baited with mussels and frog meat. Once harvested, the shellfish were hauled off
to dye pits, where their sacs were removed, pulped, and heated in vessels of lead so that
the extraneous matter could be skimmed off. A mordant (fixative) was added to make the
dye color fast. The pits were located downwind of habitation since, though purple
delighted the eye, its manufacture offended the nose. The Phoenicians were able to
produce a range of colors that varied from pale pink to deep violet by mixing the murex
and buccinum fluids in differing quantities.
What was the main idea of the second paragraph?
Archaeologist have found immense heaps of empty shells at the remains of the
dye pits excavated near both Tyre and Sidon. In fact, until other methods of producing
the color were introduced, the two types of mollusk were so intensely exploited that have
become almost extinct of the shores of present-day Lebanon.
What was the main idea of the final paragraph?
Name: ________________________ Date: _____________________ Period: ___
The First Israelites
Directions: Read the following selection about the beginnings of the Hebrew people. Then answer the
questions at the bottom of the page.
The God of Abraham
The story of the Israelites and their god is written in the Bible. It states that
Yahweh, of God, mad an agreement with Abraham. Abraham and his followers were to
leave Ur and go to Canaan. There, they were to go worship and obey Yahweh, the one
true god. In exchange, Yahweh promised that they and their descendants, or offspring
such as children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on, could always live in
During ancient times, most people were polytheistic meaning that they believed in
many gods. These gods behaved like humans but were powerful. The Israelites,
however, believed that Yahweh was different from humans. He did not get hungry or
thirsty, marry or have children. According to the Israelites, Yahweh did only what was
just and right, even though he was powerful and could do whatever he wanted.
Abraham (no relation to Abraham Lincoln) and members of his household settled
in Canaan around 1800 BC. In Canaan, they raised flocks of sheep and grew wheat, figs,
and olives.
1. Name the founder of Judaism. ____________________________________________
2. Name the promise land of the Hebrews. _____________________________________
3. During a famine the Hebrews will travel to _____________________ where they will
eventually be __________________________. 4 What did the agreement with Yahweh
promise the descendants of Abraham’s followers?
The Early Israelites
Directions: Read pages 81-85 in your textbook connections to Today and complete
the following vocabulary matching.
A. Monotheistic / B. Covenant / C. Ten Commandments /
D. Torah /
E. Sabbath/ F. Canaan / G. Moses /
H. Exodus / I. Passover
______1. The Israelites believed in only one god. The Israelites were …
______2. Means “to depart.” The Hebrews escaped from slavery in Egypt
______3. Five books of Moses that contain the laws of Judaism
______4. A set of laws Jewish people believe god gave them through Moses
______5. The Israelites believed that god made a binding agreement with Abraham
______6. Holy day of rest and worship for Jewish people
______7. A Jewish holiday in which the Exodus from Egypt is celebrated
______8. The land the Israelites believed was the Promised Land.
______9. The leader of the Exodus
The Ten Commandments
Directions: Today we will watch selected historical scenes from the movie “The Ten
Commandments.” The scenes from the film will help give us a historical visual
perspective on how the Hebrews lived while enslaved in Egypt. As we watch the scenes
you will take notes and answer questions dealing with Hebrew history.
Discussion- How does the story of Moses begin?
Scene 1- Moses discovers the truth. What happened in this scene?
Scene 2- Mud pits- As you watch this scene imagine that you are slave living in
Egypt. While you watch write down at least 3 emotions that you might have felt if you
were placed in this very difficult situation.
_________________________ _________________________ __________________
Scenes 3 and 4- Why does Ramses II banish Moses from Egypt?
Scene 5- What convinces Moses to go back and lead the Hebrews out of Egypt?
Scene 6- How does Moses plan to Convince Ramses II to free the Hebrews?
Scene 7- Describe the first Passover?
Scene 8- Why does Ramses finally decide to release the Hebrews?
Scene 9-10 Exodus parts one and two- How did the Hebrews escape Ramses II?
Scene 11- Why is Moses Angry when he returns from the top of Mount Sinai?
Why can’t Moses go into the promise land with his people at the end of the movie?
Study Guide Phoenicians and Hebrews Quiz
Terms: Alphabet/ Colony / Judaism / Jerusalem / Monotheism/ Passover /
Peace Treaty/ Seafaring / Torah / Ten Commandments
People: Abraham / Moses / Yahweh
Things you should know:
Three things exchanged in trade
The modern day countries of Phoenicia and Palestine
Phoenicians/Hebrews Study Guide
Directions: Read the paragraph below. Fill in the blanks with the word bank provided.
The story of the Israelites and their god is written in the Bible. It states that
____________, or God, made an agreement with ____________. Abraham and his
followers were to leave Ur and go to Canaan. There, they were to go worship and obey
Yahweh, the one true god. In exchange, Yahweh promised that they and their
descendants, or offspring such as children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so
on, could always live in ______________.
During ancient times, most people were polytheistic meaning that they believed
in many gods. These gods behaved like humans but were powerful. The Israelites,
however, believed that Yahweh was different from humans. He did not get hungry or
thirsty, marry or have children. According to the Israelites, Yahweh did only what was
just and right, even though he was powerful and could do whatever he wanted. The
Israelites believed in one god, so they were considered __________________. The
religion that they practiced was called ______________.
What are the three most important things exchanged through trade?
______________________ _______________________ _____________________
Using at least three bullet points, describe Passover.
Name the modern day countries of:
1. Palestine- __________________________
2. Phoenicia- _________________________
What was the most important contribution of the Phoenicians?
What was the purpose of a peace treaty?
The Israelites believe God gave them the ________ _____________________, which is a
set of laws, through ___________________, the leader of the exodus.
Define seafaring
Define colony