Comprehension Questions

Hamlet – Comprehension Quesitons
Study Questions – you do not need to do every question in each Act – check with your
teacher before starting to discuss the comprehension questions that will be required.
Act 1:
1. What mood is stressed at the outset of the play?
2. Why does Marcellus tell Horatio to speak to the ghost?
3. What current events are discussed as the men await the ghost?
4. What possible reasons for the ghost’s appearance are discussed?
5. What unnatural happenings does Horatio equate with the ghost’s appearance?
6. What is the atmosphere of the court routine that begins Scene 2?
7. What attitude dominated Hamlet’s personality in scene 2
8. How does Hamlet’s soliloquy betray his melancholy?
9. What historical event might Shakespeare be using as reference?
10. What is Hamlet’s personality when he is with Horatio?
11. What is the effect of Horatio’s news of the ghost?
12. What is the effect if Laertes’ talk with Ophelia in Scene 3?
13. What is the significance of Polonius’ advice to Laertes?
14. In Scene , what facts emerge from Hamlet’s conversation with Horatio?
15. How does Hamlet approach the ghost?
16. In Scene 5, why is the ghost’s reminder about his descent to Hell significant?
17. What is the unknowing irony in Hamlet’s reply to the ghost?
18. Hamlet seems genuinely horrified at the ghost’s revelation. Has he no hint if evil?
19. What does Hamlet realize after talking with the ghost?
Act II
1. What change of mood occurs with Scene 1?
2. What news does Ophelia bring Polonius about Hamlet?
3. What is the significance of the meeting between the royal couple and Rosencrantz and
4. Why is Fortinbras mentioned again?
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5. What is Hamlet’s reception of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
6. Why is Hamlet excited about the players?
7. What is the importance of the reference to Jephthah?
8. What emotion dominates the soliloquy that follows when Hamlet is alone?
9. What do you think Hamlet is planning at the end of Act 2?
1. What feeling permeates the first part of Scene 1?
2. Compare this famous soliloquy (“To be, or not to be…”) with Hamlet’s two previous
ones with respect to: (a) dramatic importance, (b) feelings expressed, (c) character
revealed, (d) diction, including imagery.
3. Explain why Hamlet treats Ophelia so cruelly. Why does he suggest she enter a nunnery?
4. Some directors clearly indicate that Hamlet becomes aware of the presence of the
eavesdroppers. At what point in the scene does the dialogue suggest this possibility.
5. Judging from Ophelia’s words and from what we have seen of Hamlet so far, describe the
sort of person he may have been under normal circumstances.
6. How exactly and why is the play designed to “catch the conscience of the king?”
7. How does Claudius react to “the play within the play’?
8. Explain the dramatic importance of this scene with regard to the conflict between Hamlet
and Claudius. If it is true that Hamlet has refrained from action till no because pf doubts
concerning the ghost or his uncle’s guilt, what would we expect him to do now?
9. What reason does Hamlet give for sparing Claudius? Is it the real reason?
10. Summarize the argument in the King’s soliloquy in Scene 3?
11. Discuss the irony of Scene 3.
12. What is Hamlet’s purpose in his interview with his mother in Scene 4? Does he achieve
13. How guilty is Gertrude and of what?
14. Describe Hamlet’s feelings with regard to his mother.
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15. Why has the Ghost returned? What effect does it have on Hamlet?
16. What is the importance of Polonius’ death?
Act IV
1. What explanation does Gertrude offer for Polonius’ murder?
2. Using direct evidence from the play, show Hamlet’s opinion of Rosencrantz and
3. What is Claudius’ attitude in Scene 3?
4. How does Fortinbras compare to Hamlet?
5. Why is Hamlet being sent to England?
6. What are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern instructed to do with regards to Hamlet?
7. Explain clearly how Hamlet escaped from the ship. Is there any evidence in the letter
that Hamlet has planned this escape?
8. What did the letter say that Hamlet sent Horatio and delivered by a sailor?
9. Outline the plot devised by Claudius and Laertes to kill Hamlet.
10. What new insight does Ophelia’s grief evoke?
11. How is Ophelia’s madness portrayed?
12. What does Laertes’ anger show?
13. How does Ophelia die?
Act V
1. What does Hamlet do when he sees the grave of Ophelia?
2. How is Hamlet changed?
3. What is the dramatic purpose of the clowns?
4. What disturbs Hamlet about the skulls tossed up by the gravediggers?
5. Explain Hamlet’s reaction to Laertes’ outburst of grief?
6. How did Rosencrantz and Guildenstern die? What is Hamlet’s reaction?
7. What premonition of disaster does Hamlet have before the duel? What is his attitude to
death at this time?
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8. Is Hamlet sincere in his apology to Laertes? Justify your answer.
9. Summarize the main events of the duel showing clearly how the King’s scheme failed.
10. Why is the duel the climax of the play?
11. What is the dramatic purpose of the arrival of Fortinbras in Scene 2?
12. Even after overwhelming tragedy a normal order must reassert itself. How is this
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