Beowulf Study Questions Part 3 1. What other adventures does Beowulf have after killing Grendel’s Mother? 2. Why does the author choose to tell how Beowulf became the king of Geatland? What does it prove? (2349-2390) 3. Higlac’s widow offered the crown to Beowulf instead of her own son, Herdred. Why? What does this say about the widow, Herdred, Beowulf, and Anglo Saxon and ideas? (2369-2374) 4. Beowulf’s response to this offer tells something more about Beowulf. What does it prove about him? (2375-2379) 5. How did Herdred die? (2380-2390) 6. As his first act as the King of Geatland, what did Beowulf do? (2391-2396) What does this indicate about Anglo Saxon Culture? 7. Why would King Hrethel take Beowulf from his family when Beowulf was only 7 years old? (2427-2433) 8. What happened to Herbald (eldest son of King Hrethel)? 9. What happened to Hathcyn (youngest son of King Hrethel)? 10. The story talks about “the childless father“ (2444-2459). What does this section reveal about Anglo Saxon culture? 11.Who kills the dragon? 12. How did Beowulf die? 13. What did Wiglaf bring Beowulf on his death bed? (2784-2785) 14. What did Beowulf ask Wiglaf for when he was about to die? (2801-2804) Why is this significant? 15. What did Beowulf give Wiglaf? (2809-13) 16. Wiglaf calls Beowulf’s soldiers cowards. Why? What does this discussion reveal about Anglo Saxon Culture? (2845-2891) 17.What is the Geats’ expected fate after the Franks and the Swedes learn of Beowulf’s death? Why? (2910-) 18. What happened to the dragon’s body? Beowulf’s body? The treasure? (chapters 42 and 43)