2014 DANTE ALIGHIERI POETRY COMPETITION Mark allocation & Prize Award Sheet When judges listen and allocate marks on the performance of a student they use these criteria as guidelines. CERTIFICATE FINALISTA MARK 99 - 100 (Finalist) CERTIFICATO DI PREGIO 90 - 98 (High Distinction) CERTIFICATO DI LODE 80 - 89 (Honorable Mention) CERTIFICATO DI MERITO 65 - 79 (Merit/Competent) CERTIFICATO DI PARTECIPAZIONE 50 - 64 NO MARK GIVEN N CRITERIA A student : has acknowledged the Poet; has memorized the Poem; has made no errors in pronunciation, clarity, syntactical structure, rhythm and speed during recitation whose delivery was outstanding AND expressive of the content. whose delivery demonstrated sound understanding of the poem recited. Eg. expression on the right words; pauses according to punctuation. Any student : who has acknowledged the Poet; who has memorized the Poem whose pronunciation, rhythm and tone were excellent; whose delivery was dynamic in expression whose delivery demonstrated an excellent understanding of the content recited but has made 1 – 2 minor errors. Any student : who has acknowledged the Poet; who has memorized the Poem; who has made very few errors in pronunciation; whose delivery was very good and demonstrated expression in articulating the content of the poem. a few errors were made with pauses, intonation and punctuation Any student : who has acknowledged the Poet; who has memorized the Poem but with hesitation; who has made a number of errors in pronunciation; whose delivery was adequate however there was need to demonstrate understanding of content through expression and punctuation. Any student : who has acknowledged the Poet; who has needed assistance in fully completing the Poem; who has made errors in pronunciation; whose delivery needed a lot more intonation, preparation and expression. Student read poem / did not complete recitation. Was not prepared and made excuses.