Assignment #1: Poetry Analysis Poster

Poetry in Voice Project
The Poetry in Voice Project involves a start-up assignment and three major assignments. After the start-up, you will complete
the following:
1. a multi-media presentation of your chosen poem
2. a written poetry appreciation and analysis of your poem
3. a performance of your poem later in the semester.
Some of the language arts outcomes addressed in this project include:
Form tentative understandings, interpretations & positions
Understand and identify literacy devices common to poetry
Use reference strategies and reference technologies
Express preferences & expand interests
Set personal goals for language growth
Discern & analyze context/author purpose
Appreciate the effectiveness & artistry of poetry
Recognize accomplishments & events.
Start-up Assignment: 10 marks
1. Choose a poem from the “Poetry in Voice” collection
2. Make a copy of the poem and a bio blurb of the poet. Save as a one page document in the class poems folder.
3. Read your poem several times. Think about the tone/mood, sounds, imagery, meaning and what you like about the poem. Do a
Write-along. This means annotate on a copy of the poem – what words create imagery? What words help create the tone/mood
of the poem? What words create sounds (e.g. rhyme, rhythm, alliteration etc.). What’s your “Golden Line”? (4 marks)
4. Get three classmates to read your poem and do a write-along. Note – you should give each person a new copy of the poem.
Have them write notes and sign their name on your poem page. (6 marks)
Assignment #1: Multi-Media Poetry in Voice Assignment see rubric below
CREATE a multi-media product that includes the following:
 Words of the poem and poet info.
 Almost all poems include imagery. Include pictures/graphics/music that relate to your poem. Make sure the images
work to create a central idea/theme/impression.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Design elements
(form, shape, line,
color, balance and
uses very few design
elements to
uses some design
elements to
uses design elements
well to communicate
key information
uses design elements to create
an impact on the target
There are several
errors in
capitalization or
punctuation and/or
there are several
grammatical mistakes
There are a few
errors in
capitalization or
punctuation and/or
there are a few
There is 1 error in
capitalization or
punctuation and/or
there is 1 grammatical
Capitalization and punctuation
are correct throughout - there
are no grammatical mistakes
Appearance and multimedia
uses images and
words that have been
arranged carelessly
uses some
that have been
arranged carefully
uses images, words
and music well and has
arranged them carefully
uses images, words and music
that have been arranged
precisely and effectively
Total Possible Marks:
/ 16 Marks
Assignment #2: Poetry Appreciation and Analysis
Teacher Comments
evaluation – details given in class
1. Research your poem – how have others interpreted the poem? Who is the poet? Does knowing about the poet help you
understand the poem? Create a notes page to record what you learned about the poet and about how others have interpreted
the poem. Make sure to NOTE the source(s).
2. Write a 3 -5 paragraph written summary and analysis of your poem.
a. Refer to the Poetry Analysis handout to structure your writing – e.g tone, sounds, imagery, and theme. Include an
interpretation of the poem’s meaning - tell what the poem is about (refer to your research and be sure to include citations
– ask for clarification if needed).
b. Identify literary devices used by the poet (e.g. alliteration, imagery, symbols, allusions, metaphors, similes, personification
c. Include information about the poet.
3. Write a personal reflection on the poem you chose. Why did you choose this poem? What connections did/do you make with
the poem? What is your golden line? (4 marks)
4. Begin your written analysis with a TAG line (Title, Author, Genre). Note – you could create your Poetry Appreciation and
Analysis assignment in a poster format, PowerPoint format or other format if you like.
Assignment # 3: Poetry in Voice Recitation
Recite or read perform your poem aloud on our Poetry Performance Day.
Evaluation – Poetry in Voice rubrics/checklists – given in class