March 10, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
St. Mark Lutheran Church
March 10, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 12:02 p.m. by Vice President Nancy Wojcik who turned it over to
President Bill Lammel when he arrived.
Present: Bill Lammel (President), Nancy Wojcik (Vice President/Stewardship), Judi LaBuda
(Secretary/Missions), Gene Meyers (Treasurer), Andy Noren/John Hogel (Building & Grounds), Katie
Mucha (Christian Education), Nancy Hogel (Policy & Procedures), and Pastor Jay Trygstad.
Absent: Mark Kuehner (Evangelism), Tierza Lammel (Fellowship), Pat Budz (Worship), and Alan
Puhr (Youth).
Devotion / Prayer: Judi LaBuda presented a devotion based on Ephesians 2:8-9 and a poem by Maya
Angelou titled “Christians”. The message in both is that we have been blessed by God's grace which
makes a difference in our lives as Christians. The meeting opened with prayer.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Gene Meyers, seconded by Nancy Hogel, and
unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2013 Council Meeting as
Treasurer's Report: A motion was made by Nancy Wojcik, seconded by Nancy Hogel, and
unanimously carried to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented.
Committee Reports: A motion was made by Nancy Hogel, seconded by Katie Mucha, and
unanimously carried to accept the following Committee Reports (copies attached): Evangelism,
Christian Ed, Missions, and Stewardship. Highlights from each committee are listed below:
 Building & Grounds: No report
 Christian Education: The Christian Education meeting was postponed because of the recent
snow storm. It was noted that while we are blessed to have a number of Bible studies going on,
they need to go through the Christian Ed Committee.
 Evangelism: Hope to be able to start another small group study after Lent. Working on a class
on prayer, the motorcycle blessing, and a plan for door knocking to resume in Worth in May.
 Fellowship: No report
 Missions: Next meeting: March 12, 2013 at 7:00, all are “invited” to attend.
 Policy & Procedures: A revised job description for the Treasurer has been received
which will be reviewed for inclusion in the Policy & Procedures manual.
 Stewardship: Divine Dollars made $160.48 in February which brought our year-to-date total
to $372.31. Both services on Maundy Thursday will feature a full Seder meal.
 Youth: No report
 Worship: No report
Pastor's Report: Pastor Jay highlighted several areas of his report.
 Had another conversation with LSTC regarding the possibility of an intern for next year and
was told the interview process was closed.
 Continued contact with Trinity Christian College about the possibility of an undergraduate
intern for next year and filled out an application.
 Thank you, again, to those who stepped up to take over the task of scheduling readers, greeters,
hospitality team, communion assistants, etc. for our services.
 Condolences to the family and friends of Jeff Fisher, our substitute organist, who passed away.
A memorial service will be held at his home church.
A motion was made by Gene Meyers, seconded by Judi LaBuda, and unanimously carried to accept
Pastor Jay's report as presented.
Correspondence (Incoming): A letter was received from the Bishop asking for our financial help in
reaching the Synod's goal of 100% participation for regular missions support. Discussion ensued and a
motion was made by Gene Meyers, seconded by Nancy Wojcik, and unanimously carried to send
$100 per month to the Synod for our participation in the missions program.
Correspondence (Outgoing): none
Old Business:
 An update will be given next month on the search for Site Managers for our PADS ministry
next year.
 So far, we have received $1,018 for the matching funds campaign to pay down the parking lot
debt. We need to raise $8,000 by Memorial Day; the matching funds of $8,000 would eliminate
our loan. A poster has been placed in the narthex to track the donations as they come in.
New Business:
 Heartfelt thanks to Andy Noren who has had to step down as Chairman of Building & Grounds
due to physical limitations. John Hogel has been appointed to that position and was welcomed.
 A Nominating Committee of 5 people will be appointed.
Other Business:
 The May Council meeting is scheduled for Mother's Day; consequently, it was agreed to move
it to Sunday, May 19th.
 A number of communion kits are missing and have not shown up on the sign-out sheet. Further
efforts will be made to locate the existing ones before purchasing new ones.
 The American and Christian flags were setting off the motion detector. They have now been
relocated to an area on both sides of the altar that does not activate the alarm.
 Information was given to Pastor Jay on the possibility of obtaining an intern from the Seminary
at North Park University. Discussion was held and a motion was made by Nancy Wojcik,
seconded by John Hogel, and unanimously carried to direct Pastor to investigate this
In order to protect the privacy and anonymity of those participating in Celebrate Recovery, the
church is not available to other groups on Monday nights. Council members were asked to let
their committee members know that they should check with the church office for the
availability of Koetz and/or Heaney Hall for Monday night meetings. Materials needed for
their meetings should be obtained prior to Monday evening. Additionally, they should be
reminded that any furniture moved needs to be moved back.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Gene Meyers, seconded by Nancy Hogel, and
unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 12:48 p.m. The meeting closed with the Lord's
The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 14, 2013.
Respectfully submitted,
Judi LaBuda, Council Secretary
Bill Lammel, President