Greer High Constitution

Greer Middle College Charter High School
Student Government Constitution
Article I: Name
The organization shall be known as the Student Government of Greer Middle College Charter
High School.
Article II: Objectives
The objectives of the Student Government shall be to:
1. Develop in students an attitude of responsibility and commitment toward school related
2. Strengthen the relationship and communications among the students of GMC and its
faculty members.
3. Promote and sponsor student activities.
4. Encourage and provide experience and training in a democratic self-government.
Article III: Student Body Members
Section 1: One gains membership in student government upon the completion of the
nomination and election procedure described by this Constitution.
Section 2: The administration may remove from office any student whose actions prove
him/her unworthy of honor and responsibility as a student leader. If a student has continuous
behavior problems, is doing poorly in his/her studies, or has exhibited a lack of responsibility
in his/her actions, the administration will investigate the proposal of removal from office.
Section 3: The membership of this organization is extended to any member of the GMC
student body. However, the office of the Student Body President and Vice President will be
restricted to those who served for at least one year as an officer of GMC Student
Section 4: Upon a vacancy in office, the election runner-up shall take office, except in the
case of presidency, the vice president will then take the office of president. The Vice
President vacancy will be filled by the runner-up of the Vice President election.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1: All GMC students will elect a Student Body President, Vice President, Secretary,
and Treasurer from the Senior Class. The Senior Class will elect a President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer to serve as the Senior Class Officers. The Junior Class will elect a
President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer to serve as the Junior Class Officers.
The Sophomore Class will elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer to
serve as the Sophomore Class Officers. The Freshman Class will elect a President, Vice
President, Secretary, and Treasurer to serve as the Freshman Class Officers. These Officers
will make up the Student Government.
Article V: Duties of Officers
Section 1: The duties of the Student Body President shall include: Presiding over all council
meetings, opening and closing assemblies, representing the student body at school related
functions, being an unofficial co-leader of all committees, resolving any problems within
Student Government, and all duties which may arise in connection with this office.
Section 2: The duties of the Student Body Vice President will be to represent the President
when needed and assume any other duties assigned to them.
Section 3: The duties of the Student Body Secretary shall include: Keeping minutes of all
meetings, handling of all official correspondence, maintaining accurate attendance records
and all other duties which may arise in connection with this office.
Section 4: The duties of the Student Body Treasurer shall include: Keeping accurate
accounts of Student Government finances, handling all monetary fundraising events, and all
other duties which may arise in connection with this office.
Section 5: The duties of the Class Presidents shall include: Presiding over specific class
meetings, representing his/her class in Student Government, unofficial co-leader on all class
committees and any other duties which may arise in connection with this office.
Section 6: The activities that involve the whole school shall be planned and implemented by
the Student Body officers and its sponsor(s). Student Government Officers will attend all
events sponsored by the Student Government.
Section 7: All officers of the Student Body will have regular attendance to meetings and
events, provide service in committees and participate in activities prepared by the Student
Article VI: Qualifications
Section 1: The qualifications for the elections of the Student Body President and vice
president are as follows: Be a rising senior at the time of elections, have at least one year of
experience in Student Government at GMC. Have a GPA of 3.0 or better and no out-ofschool or in-school suspensions.
Section 2: The Secretary and Treasurer of the Student Body must be a rising senior at the
time of the election. They must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA or better, and have no out-ofschool or in-school suspensions.
Section 3: All Class Officers must be members of the class they represent. They must have
a cumulative 3.0 GPA or better, and have no out-of-school or in-school suspensions.
Article VII: Elections
Section 1: Election of the Student Body Officers and Class Officers shall take place during
the months of April/May prior to the school year in which the officers are to serve.
Section 2: Election of the Class Officers for incoming freshmen will occur the last week in
August upon returning to school.
Section 3: Elections for Student Body Officers and Class Officers will take place during the
same week to restrict the composition of the entire Student Government within one week.
Section 4: All members running must read the Constitution before deciding to run for the
office. A test may be administered to ensure that candidates have read the Constitution.
Each candidate will also sign a copy of the constitution stating that they have read and
understand all of its contents. Each candidate must have 6 teacher recommendations and 1
administrator recommendation which will account for 40% of the vote and a current record
that their GPA is 3.0 or better. All candidates must be in good standing with their class and
teachers and show that all fees have been paid.
Section 5: All candidates must introduce themselves by giving a speech to the student body
and state what position they are running for and why they want to serve their class. Student
Body Officers will also state what position they are running for and why they want to serve
GMC and speak about their platform. All candidates are limited to a 3 minute speech.
Section 6: All campaigns will last 5 days before voting occurs. All campaign posters should
be removed by the candidate by 3:00 the day that voting occurs. Failure to do so will result in
a $25.00 fine, enforced by the Student Government adviser.
Section 7: To vote for the Student Body Officers, students must be members of GMC.
Graduating Seniors may not vote in Student Body elections.
Section 8: To vote for the Student Class Officers, students must be members of that class.
Article VIII: Student Body
Section 1: The Student Government will establish weekly meetings for student government
members to meet and plan. After election newly elected officers shall meet with their advisors
to establish a schedule of meeting times for their class.
Section 2: Student Body Officers can miss 1 meeting or scheduled class activity per 9 weeks
unexcused. Additional unexcused absences can result in penalties and / or removal from
office by advisors or administration.
Section 3: The Student Body Officers are expected to attend ALL activities that the Student
Body officers have planned that involve the whole school. If an officer cannot attend an
activity, he or she must let the Student Body President and its sponsor(s) know why they
cannot attend the event at least two days before the planned event. Any unexcused
absences from planned activities can result in penalties and / or removal from office by
advisors or administration.
Article IX: Class Officers
Section 1: Class Officers will meet with the Student Body Officers on a weekly basis. After
election newly elected officers shall meet with their advisors to establish a scheduled meeting
time for their class.
Section 2: Class Officers can miss 1 meeting or scheduled class activity per 9 weeks
unexcused. Additional unexcused absences can result in penalties and / or removal from
office by advisors or administration.
Section 3: The class boards shall be composed of the president, vice president, secretary,
and a treasurer.
Section 4: Upon the creation of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice-president shall
assume all duties of that office. The runner up of the vice-president election will take the
vice-president role.
Section 5: The duties of the members of the class board shall correspond to the duties of the
elected Student Body members.
Section 6: The class boards shall be responsible for planning and implementing class
activities. Officers are also expected to attend ALL activities planned by the Student
Government. If an officer cannot attend an activity, he or she must let the Student Body
President and its sponsor(s) know why they cannot attend the event at least two days before
the planned event. Any unexcused absences from planned activities can result in penalties
and / or removal from office by advisors or administration.
Article X: Relationship with the Administration
Section 1: The principal will appoint a willing advisor(s). The principal, or his designee, will
act as a mediator for any appeals or concerns that might arise within the council.
Section 2: All officers after election shall meet with their advisors and establish scheduled
meeting times.
Section 3: Officers can miss 1 meeting per 9 weeks unexcused. Additional unexcused
absences can result in penalties and / or removal from office by sponsors and administration.
Section 4: The sponsor and president may call an unscheduled meeting but must provide at
least 3 days notice.
Section 5: Any student body or class officer may be removed if they receive one out of
school suspension during the term they are serving. This will be reviewed by the advisor and
Confirmation of Acceptance
I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the Greer Middle College
Charter High School Student Government Constitution. I have read and understand the
contents of this constitution and will act at all times in accord with these policies and
procedures as a condition of my position in GMC Student Government if elected. I
understand that if I have questions or concerns at any time about the constitutions or position
expectations, I will consult the Student Body President, my Class President or an Advisor for
I will uphold my pledge to the student body at all times.
Candidate Name
Candidate Signature
Advisor Signature