COURSE SCHEDULE Note: Check ahead each week to see what you need to read or do to prepare for class or Lab. Week 1A Jan 23 Class Introduction: Review syllabus, choose work groups, discuss first assignment. Assignments: Read Lecture 2 – “Casting” to be distributed electronically; Read “The Director’s Skills;” Read Mamet: On Directing Film. Read: Master Shots, chapter 1 On Directing Film Recommended: GFMH: “Casting” 174-181; “UPM” 184-191; “Crew” 210-215 Screenings: Scene Study Clip. Handouts: AFI Preparatory Screening List. Assignment: Scene Study #1 Due week 6 & 7(Oct. 3rd 1st 3 groups; Oct. 10th 2nd 3 groups) Week 1B Jan. 28 “Scene Analysis” Keynote Lecture: Analysis technique: Getting Inside: Text, Subtext and the Expectation Gap” Screening: Mid-Act Climax from Casablanca Recommended Reading: Scene Analysis lecture (Durbin); Cinematic Narrative lecture (Durbin) Read: Master Shots, chapter 2 Due in class next week: GROUP CONTRACTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 2A Jan 30 “Storyboarding and Shot Planning” Storyboarding and shot planning Screening: 10-minute Film School (El Mariachi & Desperado) Handouts: TFM Producers Notes; production notebook; Storyboards Recommended reading: GFMH “The Accountant” pgs. 192-201; “The First AD & Scheduling” pgs 216-223 Handout: The Complete Ditty Bag. Week 2B Feb 4 “Cinematography: Painting with Light, Part 1” Basics: Slating protocol, tripods, light meters, Color chip chart, Camera reports, Continuity. Keynote Lecture: 3-D Contrast: The 1st Key to Style (contrast and exposure ratios) Screening: “Passing Through” Read: Master Shots, chapter 3 Screening: “Boundaries” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 3A Feb 6 “Cinematography: Painting with Light, Part 2” Keynote Lecture: Lighting Styles: Quality of Light; Color Balance Keynote Lecture: “Tools to Control Light” Lecture: Cinematic Narrative lecture (Durbin) Recommended: GFMH: Acting pgs. 238-239; the Grip pgs. 250-252 Read: Master Shots, chapter 4 ______________________________________________________________________________ Week 3B Feb. 11 Sony F-3 Camera Workshop Hands-on work with the Sony F-3 Camera & Atomos Samurai. Handout: F-3 Manual (see blackboard course materials) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 4A Feb. 13 “Cinematography: Painting with Light, Part 3: High Def and D.I. Workflow Keynote Lectures: “D.I. Workflow” and “H.D. Guide” Camera Demo Panasonic HCM-150 Readings: GFMH: Lighting (pgs. 254-261); Cinematography overview (Durbin), Lighting for LS’s, Lighting for MS’s and Lighting for CU’s Screenings: Short – Blue City Week 4B Feb. 18 Set Survival – Set protocol, safety, and familiarization with the tools of production Screenings: “Set Survival,” + Short – Black Rider / Blue City (choose one) Assignment: Scene Study #2 – Due Wk. 10B April 8th --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 5A Feb. 20 “Directing – The Pragmatics, Part 1” Keynote Lecture: Directing I Handout: Improvisational Exercises Readings: Eleven Lectures, Lectures #3 & #4 Week 5B Feb. 25 “Directing Part 2” Keynote Lecture: Directing II Lecture: Hiding the Brushstrokes, Subjectivity, Objectivity and “the Line;” Using Focal Length; Hitchcock’s Eyelines, Control of Disclosure of Information. Electronic Handout: Lec 3 – Directing I Group positions to be submitted via e-mail (include group number) Screenings: Notorious, The Graduate, Rosemary’s Baby (door jamb) Read: Master Shots, chapter 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 6A Feb. 27 “Directing & Mise-en-Scene, Part 3” Clips from: Blood Simple vs. Touch of Evil, The Graduate, Amadeus Also Due: Group Contracts for ASSIGNMENT #2, Week 6B Mar. 4 Critiques - Scene Study 1 Screenings Due: Scene Study #1 (first presentations): on DVD, with production book, personal reports for all group members on DVD, with production book, group evaluation reports (see evaluation form). Read: Master Shots, chapter 7, Eleven Lectures, Lecture #5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 7A Mar. 6 Controlling the Image Keynote Lecture: Filters & Flashing NOTE: Pitches for Final Project due in two weeks! Electronic Handout: The Pitch Read: Master Shots, chapter 8 Week 7B Mar. 11 Critiques - Scene Study 1 Screenings Due: Scene Study #1 (second presentations): on DVD, with production book, personal reports for all group members on DVD, with production book, group evaluation reports (see evaluation form). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 8A Mar. 13 Editing Part I Keynote Lecture: “The 5 Graphic Relations in Picture Editing” Screenings: Excerpts – The Birds; 2001, A Space Odyssey, October, The Tokyo Story, The Godfather. Read: Master Shots, chapter 5 Hard copy handouts: Production Form Packet + marking up the script. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 8B Mar. 18 Ryan Broomberg Lighting/DP Workshop Read: Master Shots, Chapter 9 Handouts: Eleven Lectures: LEC 7 – “Preparing to Edit, The Rough Assembly” NOTE: Pitches for Final Project take place Week 10 _____________________________________________________________________________ WEEK 9A Mar. 20 Editing Part II Keynote Lecture: Continuity (Editing pt 2) Handouts: “Reasons for Cutting,” “Speed Keys for FCP” Reading: Eleven Lectures: Lec #8 – “Editing from Rough-Cut to Fine Cut,” “Tips for Continuity Editing” Clips: Easy Rider, Darling, Blue, History of Violence, et. al. Discuss: Pitching strategy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEEK 9B Mar. 25 – PETE DRESS! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 10A Mar. 27 Pitches and Voting for Final Project Assignment: Final Project Groups to be determined by class (Due Thurs. May 8th – that’s 6 weeks or 50 days!) Clips: Easy Rider, Darling, Blue, History of Violence, Slaughter Houser 5 Read: Master Shots, chapter 3 Mar 31 – April 6 SRING RECESS Send via email: Group Contracts for Scene Study #3 + Group Crew Positions Week 10B April 8 Editing Part II Keynote Lecture: Continuity (Editing pt 2) Handouts: “Reasons for Cutting,” “Speed Keys for FCP” Reading: Eleven Lectures: Lec #8 – “Editing from Rough-Cut to Fine Cut,” “Tips for Continuity Editing” Clips: Easy Rider, Darling, Blue, History of Violence, et. al. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 11A April 10 Sound Editing” Keynote Lecture: “The Audial Image Screenings: Shorts, Excerpts - Amadeus, Citizen Kane, Raging Bull; Psycho; The Magnificent Ambersons; Ran, Barton Fink Music Scores & Working with Music Composers ADR and Foley; Mixing your Sound; Speech, Music and sound Effects; Other ways to consider sound Week 11B April 15 Scene Study 2 Critiques We will screen the 2nd three groups’ work Due: Group Contracts for Scene Study #3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 12A April 17 Scene Study 2 Critiques (continued) Week 12B April 22 “The Director’s Team” The Management of Film Production (student guests) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 13A April 24 SOUND (Continued) Viewings, Feedback and Evaluation Reading: Eleven lectures, Lecture # 10 ”Viewings Week 13B April 29 Keynote Lecture: “Festivals, Publicity, Marketing” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 14A May 1 Darrell Woodard? Screenings: Award-winning Short Films Week 14B May 6 Darrell Woodard? Flat Art and Packaging --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 15A May 8 Final Critique - Scene Study 3 Screenings Critique and discussion of Scene Study #3 Note: Final exam will take place next week Details will be provided in class. Due: Scene Study #3: DVD, production book, personal reports for all group members Week 15B May 13 Finals Week no class? TBA ______________________________________________________________________________ Week 16A May 15 SHOWCASE EXAM Based on readings and lectures. TFM Student Film Showcase in Don Powell Theatre 7:30 p.m. Awards Ceremony to precede screening