COURSE SCHEDULE Note: Check ahead each week to see what

Note: Check ahead each week to see what you need to read or do to prepare
for class or Lab.
Week 1A
Jan 23
Class Introduction: Review syllabus, choose work groups,
discuss first assignment.
Assignments: Read Lecture 2 – “Casting” to be distributed
electronically; Read “The Director’s Skills;” Read Mamet: On Directing
Read: Master Shots, chapter 1 On Directing Film
Recommended: GFMH: “Casting” 174-181; “UPM” 184-191; “Crew”
Screenings: Scene Study Clip.
Handouts: AFI Preparatory Screening List.
Assignment: Scene Study #1 Due week 6 & 7(Oct. 3rd 1st 3 groups; Oct. 10th 2nd 3
Week 1B
Jan. 28
“Scene Analysis”
Keynote Lecture: Analysis technique: Getting Inside: Text, Subtext and
the Expectation Gap”
Screening: Mid-Act Climax from Casablanca
Recommended Reading: Scene Analysis lecture (Durbin); Cinematic
Narrative lecture (Durbin)
Read: Master Shots, chapter 2
Due in class next week: GROUP CONTRACTS
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 2A
Jan 30
“Storyboarding and Shot Planning”
Storyboarding and shot planning
Screening: 10-minute Film School (El Mariachi & Desperado)
Handouts: TFM Producers Notes; production notebook;
Recommended reading: GFMH “The Accountant” pgs. 192-201;
“The First AD & Scheduling” pgs 216-223
Handout: The Complete Ditty Bag.
Week 2B
Feb 4
“Cinematography: Painting with Light, Part 1”
Basics: Slating protocol, tripods, light meters, Color chip chart,
Camera reports, Continuity.
Keynote Lecture: 3-D Contrast: The 1st Key to Style (contrast and
exposure ratios)
Screening: “Passing Through”
Read: Master Shots, chapter 3
Screening: “Boundaries”
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 3A
Feb 6
“Cinematography: Painting with Light, Part 2”
Keynote Lecture: Lighting Styles: Quality of Light; Color Balance
Keynote Lecture: “Tools to Control Light”
Lecture: Cinematic Narrative lecture (Durbin)
Recommended: GFMH: Acting pgs. 238-239;
the Grip pgs. 250-252
Read: Master Shots, chapter 4
Week 3B
Feb. 11
Sony F-3 Camera Workshop
Hands-on work with the Sony F-3 Camera & Atomos Samurai.
Handout: F-3 Manual (see blackboard course materials)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 4A
Feb. 13
“Cinematography: Painting with Light, Part 3:
High Def and D.I. Workflow
Keynote Lectures: “D.I. Workflow” and “H.D. Guide”
Camera Demo Panasonic HCM-150
Readings: GFMH: Lighting (pgs. 254-261); Cinematography overview
(Durbin), Lighting for LS’s, Lighting for MS’s and Lighting for CU’s
Screenings: Short – Blue City
Week 4B
Feb. 18
Set Survival – Set protocol, safety, and familiarization with
the tools of production
Screenings: “Set Survival,” + Short – Black Rider / Blue City (choose
Assignment: Scene Study #2 – Due Wk. 10B
April 8th
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 5A
Feb. 20
“Directing – The Pragmatics, Part 1”
Keynote Lecture: Directing I
Handout: Improvisational Exercises
Readings: Eleven Lectures, Lectures #3 & #4
Week 5B
Feb. 25
“Directing Part 2”
Keynote Lecture: Directing II
Lecture: Hiding the Brushstrokes, Subjectivity,
Objectivity and “the Line;” Using Focal Length; Hitchcock’s Eyelines,
Control of Disclosure of Information.
Electronic Handout: Lec 3 – Directing I
Group positions to be submitted via e-mail (include group number)
Screenings: Notorious, The Graduate, Rosemary’s Baby (door jamb)
Read: Master Shots, chapter 6
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 6A
Feb. 27
“Directing & Mise-en-Scene, Part 3”
Clips from: Blood Simple vs. Touch of Evil, The Graduate, Amadeus
Also Due: Group Contracts for ASSIGNMENT #2,
Week 6B
Mar. 4
Critiques - Scene Study 1 Screenings
Due: Scene Study #1 (first presentations): on DVD, with production
book, personal reports for all group members on DVD, with production
book, group evaluation reports (see evaluation form).
Read: Master Shots, chapter 7, Eleven Lectures, Lecture #5
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 7A
Mar. 6
Controlling the Image
Keynote Lecture: Filters & Flashing
NOTE: Pitches for Final Project due in two weeks!
Electronic Handout: The Pitch
Read: Master Shots, chapter 8
Week 7B
Mar. 11
Critiques - Scene Study 1 Screenings
Due: Scene Study #1 (second presentations): on DVD, with
production book, personal reports for all group members on DVD,
with production book, group evaluation reports (see evaluation
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 8A
Mar. 13
Editing Part I
Keynote Lecture: “The 5 Graphic Relations in Picture Editing”
Screenings: Excerpts – The Birds; 2001, A
Space Odyssey, October, The Tokyo Story, The Godfather.
Read: Master Shots, chapter 5
Hard copy handouts: Production Form Packet + marking up the script.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 8B
Mar. 18
Ryan Broomberg Lighting/DP Workshop
Read: Master Shots, Chapter 9
Handouts: Eleven Lectures: LEC 7 – “Preparing to Edit, The Rough
NOTE: Pitches for Final Project take place Week 10
Mar. 20
Editing Part II
Keynote Lecture: Continuity (Editing pt 2)
Handouts: “Reasons for Cutting,” “Speed Keys for FCP”
Reading: Eleven Lectures: Lec #8 – “Editing from Rough-Cut to Fine
Cut,” “Tips for Continuity Editing”
Clips: Easy Rider, Darling, Blue, History of Violence, et. al.
Discuss: Pitching strategy
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEEK 9B
Mar. 25 – PETE DRESS!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 10A Mar. 27
Pitches and Voting for Final Project
Assignment: Final Project Groups to be determined by class (Due Thurs.
May 8th – that’s 6 weeks or 50 days!)
Clips: Easy Rider, Darling, Blue, History of Violence, Slaughter Houser 5
Read: Master Shots, chapter 3
Mar 31 – April 6 SRING RECESS
Send via email: Group Contracts for Scene Study #3 + Group Crew Positions
Week 10B
April 8
Editing Part II
Keynote Lecture: Continuity (Editing pt 2)
Handouts: “Reasons for Cutting,” “Speed Keys for FCP”
Reading: Eleven Lectures: Lec #8 – “Editing from Rough-Cut to Fine
Cut,” “Tips for Continuity Editing”
Clips: Easy Rider, Darling, Blue, History of Violence, et. al.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 11A April 10
Sound Editing”
Keynote Lecture: “The Audial Image
Screenings: Shorts, Excerpts - Amadeus, Citizen Kane, Raging Bull;
Psycho; The Magnificent Ambersons; Ran, Barton Fink
Music Scores & Working with Music Composers
ADR and Foley; Mixing your Sound; Speech, Music and sound Effects;
Other ways to consider sound
Week 11B April 15
Scene Study 2 Critiques
We will screen the 2nd three groups’ work
Due: Group Contracts for Scene Study #3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 12A April 17
Scene Study 2 Critiques (continued)
Week 12B
April 22
“The Director’s Team”
The Management of Film Production (student guests)
Week 13A
April 24
SOUND (Continued)
Viewings, Feedback and Evaluation
Reading: Eleven lectures, Lecture # 10 ”Viewings
Week 13B April 29
Keynote Lecture: “Festivals, Publicity, Marketing”
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 14A May 1 Darrell Woodard?
Screenings: Award-winning Short Films
Week 14B
May 6 Darrell Woodard?
Flat Art and Packaging
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 15A May 8
Final Critique - Scene Study 3 Screenings
Critique and discussion of Scene Study #3
Note: Final exam will take place next week Details will be provided in
Due: Scene Study #3: DVD, production book, personal reports for all
group members
Week 15B
May 13 Finals Week no class?
Week 16A May 15 SHOWCASE
Based on readings and lectures.
TFM Student Film Showcase in Don Powell Theatre 7:30 p.m.
Awards Ceremony to precede screening