Craig Burton October 2, 2003 HUM2211, Section 15 Exam 1 1. Any heroes in myths can be viewed as archetypes as they are what everyone should strive to be. The heroes do much good for their people and are good people to look up to. 2. Pantheism: A belief that states all things in existence are sacred and influenced by a greater force (Indus Valley Civilization). Monotheism: The belief in only one god (Hebrews). Henotheism: The belief in worshipping gods independently of each other (1350 B.C. Egypt). 3. Jade was sacred to the Chinese because they felt it had the power to protect the human body from decaying. Jade was also used for tools and arts. 4. The Egyptians used hieroglyphics and it can be found in the Egyptian pyramids. 5. The Chinese yin/yang symbolizes the balance and unity of positive and negative forces of the universe. 6. The term covenant is the set of morals the Judaic people abide by to be treated well and protected in return by God. The implication of the covenant is directly linked to the Decalogue (or the Ten Commandments). 7. The Epic of Gilgamesh. The quest is caused in part by the death of his friend Enkidu. 8. ? 9. The Egyptians prepared bodies for mummification by removing the organs and embalming them separate of the body and then floating the body down the river to the sacred burial land of Gizeh. This was done because the Egyptians felt that the Pharaoh would rule eternally after death. Burton 2 10. The story of Job is significant to humanity in general because it asks why bad things happen to people who do no bad. This is important because it tells humans that they are not to know everything about why things happen and that is for only God to know. 11. The paintings in stone-age art are likely a major form of communication. For those who had no language to tell stories they needed another way to express themselves, such as art. Much like how we express ourselves through art today, but in the stone-age they used it as communication as well. 12. The first function of mythology is to allow people to identify reality with mythology. The second, cosmological, function explains that there is more to life than what meets the eye, and that a whole other world exists within reality. The sociological function encourages social order and culture. The psychological function explains the obligations of the individual in life. Mythology unites people mainly through the sociological function where the stories become embedded in the culture. There cannot be a myth which united everyone because the sociological function identifies everyone with a certain culture. 13. The environment is not necessarily considered sacred by the Hebrew Bible because it still shows that everything is controlled by one god. If the environment had mastery over humans then there might be reason to consider the environment sacred. A pantheistic culture would probably view the environment as sacred because they feel that everything is influenced by divinity. 14. Mythology is the attempt of explaining the unexplainable. Mythology is formed by human nature in that humans naturally want an answer for everything, and those answers lie within myths. Burton 3 15. Ethical monotheism is the belief and worship of only one god. Ethical monotheism is much different from the Babylonian universe in that in Babylon they believed in many gods. 16. The caste system in India and the natural hierarchy of China are very different but they both are fundamental in that they both present a social order of significance. However, in China the hierarchy was more based around the king and his men and not necessarily every other person. The caste system in India had a much more defined hierarchy where everyone was identified as something. 17. Holism in India is rooted in the fact that they are a pantheistic culture and that everything is divine and that creates something much bigger than individual things. In China, the yin and the yang both contribute to make a greater whole and they are very powerful as one. 18. The building of the pyramids is a primitive act of faith because the rituals used are to help the persons buried in the pyramids attains a greater afterlife. The Egyptians believed in something deeply and went to great measures to help ensure a grand afterlife for their rulers. 19. Brahman is very much different from the Judaic God because Brahman has no direct relationship with mankind. Brahman is very much unknowable, where the Judaic God is very personal. However, both Brahman and God are all-powerful forces. 20. Sympathetic magic is determining in advance what the hunt will be through the various people involved in the hunt, including women. An image of the hunt becomes apparent before they leave for the hunt and this ensures a successful hunt. Monotheistic Burton 4 cultures do not use these practices because they believe God is in control of all physical aspects of life. 21. In Hinduism the law of Karma defines that oneself is the ultimate judge of your actions in life. The actions of individuals determine what their physical state will be in their following reincarnated lives. This explains why the goal of Hindus is to reach nirvana, where they break out of the cycle of life and death and reach an afterlife. Burton 5