11_01_28_newsletter - Muscogee County School District

Available Grants
Muscogee County School District
Volume 5 Number 10
28 January 2011
PLEASE REMEMBER that ALL grants must be approved by the MCSD before they are submitted to the
granting agency. Please submit all documents to the Director of Research, Accountability, and Assessment
for approval before being sent to the granting agency. The grant routing forms that must accompany the
grant application are at the end of the newsletter.
Once you receive a grant or a donation it must be referred to this department as both must be formally
accepted by the MCSD Board of Education at a regular meeting.
1. Walmart Store and Sam’s Club Giving Program
The Walmart Foundation strives to provide opportunities that improve the lives of individuals in our communities including our
customers and associates. Through financial contributions, in-kind donations and volunteerism, the Walmart Foundation supports
initiatives focused on enhancing opportunities in our four main focus areas: Education Workforce Development / Economic
Opportunity Environmental Sustainability Health and Wellness The Walmart Foundation has a particular interest in supporting the
following populations: veterans and military families, traditionally underserved groups, the disability community and people impacted
by natural disasters. Organizations that meet the eligibility requirements for these programs can request an application at their local
Walmart Store or Sam’s Club. Applications for the Walmart Store and Sam’s Club Giving Programs are accepted Feb. 1 through Dec.
2. Toshiba America Foundation
Wanted: Classroom Innovators! Toshiba America Foundation is currently accepting applications from teachers who are
passionate about making science and mathematics more engaging for their students. Do you teach 6-12 science or math? Do you have
a wish list of instructional equipment that will make learning more exciting for your students? If the answer is yes to these questions,
Toshiba America Foundation would like to hear from you.
Grade 6-12 applications for $5,000 or less are accepted on a rolling
basis, throughout the calendar year. Grants requests of more than $5,000 are reviewed twice a year. Applications for grants of more
than $5,000 are due August 1st and February 1st each year.
3. American Honda Foundation
The American Honda Foundation provides grants in the fields of youth education and scientific education to the following:
Educational institutions, K-12; accredited higher education colleges and universities); community colleges and vocational or trade
schools; scholarship fellowship programs at selected colleges and/or universities or through selected non-profit organizations; other
scientific and education-related, non-profit, tax-exempt organizations; student programs; media concerning youth education and/or
scientific education; private, scientific and/or youth education projects; other non-profit, tax-exempt, institutions in the youth
education and scientific education; and programs pertaining to academic or curriculum development that emphasize innovative
educational methods and techniques. Deadline: 1 February, 1 May, 1 August, and 1 November
4. Welch’s Harvest Grant for Teachers
This year, in partnership with Scholastic, Welch’s will support school gardening programs through Welch’s Harvest Grants. Entries
will be judged by experts at the NGA, and two schools in every state will be selected to receive a customized indoor or outdoor garden
package filled with a variety of tools, seeds, educational materials, and more. Eligible schools and organizations include public and
private schools, accredited home school associations (K-8), public libraries, religious educational centers, and Head Start centers.
Deadline: 11 February 2011.
5. Katie’s Krops Grants
Katie's Krops is now accepting applications to win a grant to start vegetable gardens to feed people in need. Grantees will be awarded
materials necessary to create a garden (up to $400), support from Katie's Krops, and a digital camera to document the garden and the
harvest. Applications for all types of vegetable gardens will be considered such as a container garden for city residents or a school,
church or neighborhood garden.
The mission of Katie's Krops is to start and maintain vegetable gardens of all sizes and donate the harvest to help feed people in need,
as well as to assist and inspire others to do the same. The idea for Katie's Krops began with a 9 year old girl and a 40 pound cabbage.
In 2008 Katie Stagliano brought home a tiny cabbage seedling home from school as part of the Bonnie Plants 3rd Grade Cabbage
Program. She tended to her cabbage and cared for it until it grew to an amazing 40 pounds. Knowing her cabbage was special she
donated to a soup kitchen where it helped to feed over 275 people. Moved by the experience of seeing how many people could benefit
from the donation of fresh produce to soup kitchens, Stagliano decided to start vegetable gardens and donate the harvest to help feed
people in need. Applicants must be between the ages of 9 and 16 (as of February 11, 2011). Applications must be post marked by
February 11, 2011.
5. Toyota Tapestry Grants for Science Teachers
The program is open to middle and high school science teachers residing within the 50 United States and U.S. territories and
possessions and it is also open to elementary teachers who teach some science in the classroom or are teaching specialists.. Middle and
high school teachers must teach at least two science classes per day. All applicants must have at least 2 years science teaching
experience in a K-12 school not including the current school year. Only the Project Director has to meet the above criteria. The project
staff may consist of educators of any discipline, administrators, parents, students or anyone who will be directly involved in the
project. An individual teacher or a team of up to five people may submit a proposal. The Project Director will be the contact person for
the team and will be the sole administrator of the grant money. Applicants may submit only one proposal per year as Project Director.
The Toyota TAPESTRY Grants for Science Teachers program offers grants to K–12 science teachers for innovative projects that
enhance science education in the school and/or school district.
Maximum Award: $10,000. Number of Awards: 50. Deadline: 23 February 2011
6. Sodexo Youth Grants
Over 17 million children in the United States live at risk of hunger; that's 1 in 4 children who rely on free and reduced-price school
breakfast and lunch programs as their only guaranteed meals. YSA (Youth Service America) and Sodexo are calling on young people,
ages 5-25, to help make sure your peers don't have to worry about where their next meal will come from, and can instead focus on
learning and leading healthy and productive lives. YSA will award 100 Sodexo Youth Grants of $500 each to support youth-led
service projects that address the issue of childhood hunger on Global Youth Service Day (April 15-17, 2011.) We're looking for
projects that engage your peers, friends, families, neighbors, Sodexo employees, and other community members in creative, youthinspired solutions to ending childhood hunger in your community. Deadline: February 25, 2010.
7. Bonnie Plants 3rd Grade Cabbage Program
Each year, Bonnie Plants distributes free cabbage plants to 3rd-graders across the country to foster an interest in gardening and the
environment. Cabbages will be delivered to students whose teachers have signed up to participate. Students will each receive their
own cabbage to plant, care for, and harvest. As part of the program, Bonnie Plants will also give a $1,000 award to 1 student in each
state. Deadline: 1 March 2011.
8. High School Chemistry Grant
The ACS-Hach High School Chemistry Grant is awarded to high school chemistry teachers seeking funds to transform classroom
learning, foster student development, and reveal the wonders of chemistry. Teachers can request up to $1,500 for their ideas. Deadline
1 April 2011
9. Dollar General Youth Literacy Grants
The Dollar General Youth Literacy Grants provide funding to schools, public libraries and nonprofit organizations to help with the
implementation or expansion of literacy programs for students who are below grade level or experiencing difficulty reading.
Applications will be available January 2011.
10. Dollar General Summer Reading Grants
Dollar General Literacy Foundation Summer Reading Grants provide funding to local nonprofit organizations and libraries to help
with the implementation or expansion of summer reading programs. Programs must target Pre-K through 12th grade students who are
new readers, below grade level readers or readers with learning disabilities. Applications will be available January 2011.
11. . Target Arts Grants
Target offers grants to schools and nonprofits that bring arts and cultural experiences directly to K-12 students. These programs must
have a curriculum component. Art and Culture in Schools grants are $2,000. Grant applications are typically accepted between March
1 and April 30 each year, with grant notifications delivered in September.
12. Target Early Childhood Reading Grants
Reading is essential to a child's learning process. That's why Target awards grants to schools, libraries and nonprofit organizations to
support programs such as after-school reading events and weekend book clubs. Together we're fostering a love of reading and
encouraging children, preschool through third grade, to read together with their families. Early childhood reading grants are $2,000.
Grant applications are typically accepted between March 1 and April 30 each year, with grant notifications delivered in September.
13. Fender Music Foundation
The Fender Music Foundation accepts information from 501c3 and governmental grant candidates through its Grant Candidate Form.
Qualifying applicants are established, ongoing and sustainable music programs in the United States, which provide music instruction
for people of any age who would not otherwise have the opportunity to make music. The intent of the program must be music
instruction, not music appreciation or entertainment, and the participants/students cannot be professional or career musicians.
Almost all of the selected programs, to which we award grants, fall into the following categories:
In-school music classes, in which the students make music
After-school music programs that are not run by the school
Music therapy programs, in which the participants make the music
Almost all of the grants we award are traditional instruments and the equipment necessary to play them, ranging in value from $500 to
$5,000. In specific instances, we have also awarded microphones and PA systems. In order to be eligible for a grant, the instruments
and/or equipment must stay in the program for the life of the instrument/equipment and must be played/used by the participants. We
also award signed music memorabilia, which the program can sell or auction to raise money to purchase instruments or equipment (as
previously described).
Requests that are specifically ineligible for a grant from The Fender Music Foundation are:
General operating expenses, including rent, utilities, supplies, travel expenses, etc.
Items or funds to benefit individuals, including scholarships, stipends or salaries
Seed money
Event sponsorship
Music production equipment and/or expenses
Recording studio equipment and/or expenses, including those used for educational purposes
Instrument repairs
Sheet music
Programs interested in applying for a grant from The Fender Music Foundation must first complete the Grant Candidate Form. If the
program is selected it will then receive a link to the online grant application by email. It may take five months to receive notification
that the program is selected. Programs that are not selected will receive no correspondence. The program will have one month to
complete the application, after which it will be reviewed by The Grant Committee. All applicants will be notified by mail if a grant is
awarded or not.
14. ING Unsung Heroes
Each year, 100 educators are selected to receive $2,000 to help fund their
innovative class projects. Three of those are chosen to receive the top awards of an additional
$5,000, $10,000 and $25,000. All K-12 education professionals, whether or not they are clients of ING, are eligible. Specifically,
these individuals must be: Employed by an accredited K-12 public or private school located in the United States, full-time educators,
teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, or classified staff with effective projects that improve student learning. Previous recipients of
ING Unsung Heroes awards are not eligible to apply for another award. All awards must be used to further the projects within the
school or school system. Projects must: 1. Provide a thorough description of your project, clearly stating what you and your students
will do. Describe its objectives. Tell how your project is new or different. 2. How many students do or will the project directly
benefit? How will your project improve student learning and impact other students and teachers, parents, and your community? How
do you or will you evaluate the effectiveness of your project? 3. Tell what funds/money, materials, or other resources you currently
use or will use to operate your project. How will you use the
$2,000 award? How will you use additional money up to $25,000? Include a line-item budget
that summarizes or categorizes similar items together. Application Opens: Applications for the 2011 awards are now available. The
application deadline is April 30, 2011.
15. Lowe’s Toolbox For Education
For more than 60 years, Lowe's has supported the communities we call home. At a time when schools and community groups are
struggling to make ends meet, Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation recognizes that we must increase our focus on basic,
one-time project needs. Again, this year, we challenge ourselves to seek ways to provide the tools that help our educators and parent
groups through these challenging times efficiently and with the greatest impact. In 2010, basic needs will take priority. Please keep
this focus in mind as you apply for a Toolbox for Education grant in the 2010-2011 academic year. Maximum grant: $5,000. The
Spring 2011 cycle is now open. The deadline for submitting applications for this grant cycle is February 18, 2011. However, if 1500
applications are received before the application deadline, then the application process will close.
16. CHS Foundation Mini-grant
The CHS Foundation grants up to $1,000 to innovative academic and leadership programs that strengthen student learning and
enhance professional development. Examples include: leadership training opportunities, mentorship programs, professional
development experiences and student fundraising efforts. Student eligibility and funding criteria
Must be a campus-sanctioned club/organization
Must have an agricultural-related focus
Club/organization may receive only one grant per year
An advisor must be listed as a contact
Regular and ongoing club expenses are ineligible
Application and guideline materials
Click here to complete and submit an electronic application. Questions can be directed to (800) 814-0506 or info@chsfoundation.org.
Grants will be awarded on an on-going basis; there are no submission deadlines
17. WaysToHelp.org
WaysToHelp.org invites teens in the United States to apply for grants to fund their community service ideas across any one of 16 issue
areas. You can apply for a grant, by visiting www.waystohelp.org and for any issue area, selecting "See Ways To Help" followed by
"Apply for a Grant". Applications are short - just 5,000 words or less - and should summarize: how the project will involve others,
who it will help, what effect it's expected to have, when it will start and how the funds will be used. Grant requests are reviewed and
responded to on a monthly basis. Deadline: Ongoing.
18. Annie’s Homegrown
Annie's Homegrown offers up to $250 to community gardens, school gardens, and other educational programs that connect children
directly to gardening. Funds may be used to buy gardening tools, seeds, or other needed supplies. Eligible applicants include K-12
schools and nonprofits. Deadline: Rolling.
19. Jordan Fundamentals Public School Grant Program
The Jordan Fundamentals Grant Program was established in 1999 to recognize
outstanding teaching and instructional creativity in public secondary schools that serve
economically disadvantaged students. Applicants must develop and implement an educational
approach that supports improved student academic achievement and/or social/emotional/
behavioral interventions. Proposals may attempt to do this through any of the following
program objectives: student engagement, student - teacher relationships, building the capacity of teachers. All public school
educators, grades 6-12, are eligible. The award amount is $5,000 to $25,000. At least 50% of the school’s student population must be
eligible for the free or
reduced school lunch program at the time of application. Grant funds may be used for project related
expenses, e.g., materials, supplies, equipment, transportation, software and other items
required to implement and evaluate the project. You will be required to complete the eligibility quiz on the Apply Now page to
determine which application (Innovation or Inspiration) you should complete. You are eligible for an Inspiration Grant if you have
been a past recipient of a Jordan Fundamentals Grant and wish to expand the project to multiple classrooms. If you have never been a
Jordan Fundamentals recipient, you are only eligible to apply for an Innovation Grant.
Application Opens: Year-round.
20. Westinghouse Foundation Grants
In order for a grant to be considered, the following information must be submitted to the Westinghouse Charitable Giving Program by
the nonprofit organization:
Verification of Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organization's mission statement, if applicable
Purpose/objectives of the grant
Summary of the project
Amount requested and rationale
Schedule of implementation
Description of the benefits to be achieved and the population to be served
Plans for evaluating and reporting results
Financial analysis of the project
Person in charge of the project and qualifications
Names and affiliations of trustees or board of directors
Latest audited financial report
Requests for funding are accepted year round; please be sure proposals are clear and brief. Individual award amounts will be $5,000,
and under. The Westinghouse Charitable Giving Advisory Board will contact the requesting organization if more information is
Grant proposals will be evaluated and awards will be made on a quarterly basis. The Charitable Giving Advisory Board will notify
applicants of its final funding decision in writing.
Please submit grant requests to:
Tracey Rapali
Westinghouse Charitable Giving Program
Suite 170, Bay 517F
1000 Westinghouse Drive
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
21. Toyota USA Foundation
Eligibility: [K-12] Toyota prefers to support programs, rather than sponsor events. Organizations must apply each year to the
contributions program, and subsequent funding is contingent upon evaluation of previous activities
Value: Varies
Deadline: Contact foundation for deadline
The Toyota USA Foundation is committed to improving the quality of K-12 education, with a primary interest in mathematics and
science. Applying organizations must be tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)3 and be located within and serve the
people of the United States. They also must be financially sound and complete the Toyota USA Foundation application. Toyota's goal
is to electrify the minds of people all ages through our support of education programs. Our partnerships with national nonprofit
organizations include programs that address issues such as family literacy, K-12th grade education, technical and higher education as
well as environmental education.
Contact: Foundation Administrator, Toyota USA Foundation
9 West 57th Street, Suite 4900, New York, NY 10019
Area: Mathematics, Science, Technology Level: K-12
Grant Routing Form
School/Department-Based Grant Applications
General Information
School/Department submitting grant: ___________________ Writer: _____________________
Grant title: _____________________________________________________________________
Funding Agency: ________________________________________________________________
Period of grant: From _________________________To ________________________________
Amount of funds requested for 1st year ________Following years (if applicable):_____________
Is this grant in submitted in collaboration with another school/agency? Yes ______ No _______
If so, what agency?______________________________________________________________
Short project description:__________________________________________________________
Implications and/or Obligations for the School District
Please answer each question carefully. It is important that all district obligations and responsibilities before, during, and after the grant
period be clearly defined and explained.
1. Will the school district be obligated to:
a) Provide space for the activities of the grant?
b) Purchase any equipment/materials?
c) Provide building alterations or re-design facilities? _____
d) Hire additional personnel, pay for additional time of
existing personnel, or pay stipends?
e) Continue the program/grant activity after the sponsor
terminates support?
f) Pay for maintenance agreements, software updates, etc.
after the grant ends?
g) Make any financial or personnel commitment not covered above?
If there is a financial commitment, cite the source for the amount
of funds committed and obtain the signature of the budget administrator.
______________________ __________________
Name of budget administrator
*If you answered yes to any of the above parts, please explain the district’s obligation and include dollar amounts.
2. Does the proposed program require a cash match or an in-kind match
3. Do you propose to use the services of any support unit of the school district to fulfill terms of your grant agreement? Such units
commonly used include Department of Technology Services, Research, Accountability and Assessment, Student Services, Guidance, Staff
Development, Instructional Division, Plant Services, and/or Transportation.
*If yes, you must secure the signature of the administrator of that unit and complete the lines below:
4. Are you planning to buy computer hardware OUTSIDE of the MCSD recommended
equipment? (If so, what (may require approval of the Executive Director of Technology
5. Are you planning to purchase computer software?
If so, please name the software.___________________________________________________
6. How will the project be sustained after completion of the grant? ________________________
Approvals and Signatures
Signature of person completing this form: ___________________________________________
E-mail __________________________ Phone ______________________ Date __________
Principal’s Name and Signature:________________________________________________
Note any special instructions:___________________________________________________
For Central Office Use
Department of Research, Accountability, and Assessment Endorsement_____________________ Date __________________