The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Ohio Standards Connections: History Benchmark A Explain patterns of historical continuity and change by challenging arguments of historical inevitability. Lesson Summary: This lesson is as an extension of the study of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and focuses on the protection against cruel and unusual punishment in the Eighth Amendment as it relates to the death penalty. Prior to formulating a position on the issue, students will research and become informed about the death penalty and its history before the Supreme Court. Estimated Duration: Seven hours and 30 minutes Indicator 2 Trace key Supreme Court decisions related to a provision of the Constitution (e.g., cases related to reapportionment of legislative districts, free speech or separation of church and state). Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Benchmark B Explain how the exercise of a citizen’s rights and responsibilities helps to strengthen a democracy. Indicator 5 Explain the meaning and importance of each of the rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights and how they are secured through: a. Legislation; b. The role of the judiciary in upholding rights; c. The role of citizens exercising their rights. Commentary: This lesson was submitted by Donna Marscio, government teacher at Trumbull Career and Technical Center, as part of a pilot program. She uses this lesson to engage her students in the process of researching and thinking critically about a public policy issue and its constitutionality. As part of their investigation, some students have interviewed death row inmates and toured prison facilities. While this lesson utilizes the topic of the death penalty to encourage students to develop a position on a public policy issue, it could be adjusted for students to study a different issue. Pre-Assessment: 1. Have students complete a journal entry listing everything they know about the death penalty. 2. Discuss the students’ journal entries as a class. Record answers on a chalk, white or SMART board. Collect student journals for further review of previous knowledge. Scoring Guidelines: Completion of the journal entry and participation in the class discussion will indicate student familiarity with the topic. Post-Assessment: 1. Based on the instructions in Attachment I, have students choose a format for and complete a paper in which they take a position on the death penalty, highlighting three arguments in support of their position. 2. Have students choose a format for a visual presentation 1 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Social Studies Skills and Methods Benchmark A Obtain and evaluate information from public records and other resources related to a public policy issue. Indicator 1 Identify a current public policy issue and arguments relative to the issue. Benchmark B Critique data and information to determine the adequacy of support for conclusions. Indicator 5 Choose a position on an issue and develop a rationale for that position. demonstrating their position on the death penalty. The visual may be a rally poster, public service poster or a collage. Have students follow the directions in Attachment K. Scoring Guidelines: See Attachment L, Grading Rubric. Instructional Procedures: Day One 1. Distribute all of the Attachments and a manila folder for students to maintain their projects and provide a brief overview of the project. 2. Instruct students to open their journals. Write the following statement on the board or overhead: List everything you know about the death penalty; include history, constitutionality, facts, etc. Allow students 10 minutes to answer this statement. 3. Add the following statement to the board or overhead: What questions do you have about the death penalty? Where could you find this information? Allow time for students to respond in their journals. 4. Discuss as a class what students know and want to know about the death penalty and how they could find out. 5. Collect student journals for review. Day Two Instructional Tip: Days two through five involve student use of the Internet to complete assignments. Prior to students’ Internet research, lead a discussion with students about detecting bias in Web sites and determining which sites are reliable. 6. Return student journals. 7. Have students use the Internet to research the following statement and questions and record their findings in their journals: Briefly research and describe the qualifications for jurors to serve on a capital case. Do you think “a jury of your peers” should decide the fate of an accused person? Why or why not? Would you feel comfortable serving on a jury in a capital case? Why or why not? 2 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 8. Assign Attachment C, Scavenger Hunt, and Attachment D, Statistics Questionnaire. Monitor student progress during class time. 9. As a class, discuss today’s journal entry, Attachment C, Scavenger Hunt, and Attachment D, Statistics Questionnaire. 10. Assign the following journal entry topic for homework: Discuss your impressions of the trends you noted during your research of the statistical information. Day Three 11. Collect student journals. 12. Have students begin working on Attachment E, Constitutionality of, and Limitations on, the Death Penalty. Monitor student progress during class time. If students do not finish Attachment E during class time, assign it as homework. Day Four 13. Return student journals. 14. Have students complete Attachment F, Methods of Execution, and Attachment G, Stages in a Capital Case. 15. Write on the board or overhead Amendment VIII of the US Constitution: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. 16. Allow students time to reflect in their journals as to whether they think the death penalty violates the Eighth Amendment. Ask students if they consider some methods more or less cruel. 17. Collect student journals for review. Day Five 18. Lead students in a discussion about the four main arguments for and against the death penalty. Instruct students to take notes on Attachment H, Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty. Allow class time for students to summarize the pro and con arguments. Days Six Through Ten 19. Discuss Attachment I, Death Penalty Position Instructions, Attachment K, Death Penalty Poster or Collage Instructions, and Attachment L, Grading Rubric. 20. Using an overhead of a blank outline, show students how they may choose to lay out their paper or speech. Review Attachment J, Death Penalty Position Outline, with students. 21. Have students refer to Attachment C, Scavenger Hunt, for a list of resources that will support their position on the death penalty. Students should work independently on writing the outline, rough draft and final draft of the letter or speech. Allow class time for students to work on their position paper and visual project. This might include peer editing, word processing and use of art materials. 22. Collect the student work, including the folders with all of their notes, and their journals. 23. If possible, provide a forum for students to share their work. 3 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Differentiated Instructional Support: Instruction is differentiated according to learner needs, to help all learners either meet the intent of the specified indicator(s) or, if the indicator is already met, to advance beyond the specified indicator(s). Limit the number of arguments students are required to use in their speech or letter. Assign students to do either the writing or the visual assignment. Provide students with reading materials that are appropriate to their reading level. Homework Options and Home Connections: Have students monitor news sources for current death penalty cases to share and discuss in class. Have students research the views of political leaders throughout history on the constitutionality of the death penalty. Interdisciplinary Connections: English Language Arts Writing Applications Benchmark E: Use a range of strategies to elaborate and persuade when appropriate, including appeal to logic, use of personal anecdotes, examples, beliefs, expert opinions or cause-effect reasoning. Indicator 5: Write persuasive compositions that: a. articulate a clear position; b. support assertions using rhetorical devices including appeals to emotion or logic, personal anecdotes; and c. develop arguments using a variety of methods (e.g., examples, beliefs, expert opinions or cause-effect reasoning). Materials and Resources: The inclusion of a specific resource in any lesson formulated by the Ohio Department of Education should not be interpreted as an endorsement of that particular resource, or any of its contents, by the Ohio Department of Education. The Ohio Department of Education does not endorse any particular resource. The Web addresses listed are for a given site’s main page; therefore, it may be necessary to search within that site to find the specific information required for a given lesson. Please note that information published on the Internet changes over time; therefore, the links provided may no longer contain the specific information related to a given lesson. Teachers are advised to preview all sites before using them with students. Note: Some Web sites contain material that is protected by copyright. Teachers should ensure that any use of material from the Web does not infringe upon the content owner's copyright. 4 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 For the teacher: For the student: Chalk, marker, or SMART board, computer with Internet access, art supplies for student posters. Writing materials, computer with Internet access, poster board, markers, colored pencils, glue, pictures for poster, journal, manila folder. Key Vocabulary: execution capital case appeals process Bill of Rights Eighth Amendment constitutionality Technology Connections: Use a smart board to introduce students to the different Web sites where information can be found before students search on their own. If computers are not available for all, students could be placed into groups and the responsibilities split up using any number of cooperative learning techniques such as the jigsaw method. General Tips: Send a letter (see Attachment A, Letter to Parents) home to let parents know their students will be working on this project because it is a controversial topic and some of the information can be graphic. Be prepared with a different issue for a student to research and create a position on if a parent objects to his or her student’s participation in this project. Attachments: Attachment A, Letter to Parents Attachment B, Death Penalty Position Project Attachment C, Scavenger Hunt Attachment D, Statistics Questionnaire Attachment E, Constitutionality of, and Limitations on, the Death Penalty Attachment F, Methods of Execution Attachment G, Stages in a Capital Case Attachment H, Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty Attachment I, Death Penalty Position Instructions Attachment J, Death Penalty Position Outline Attachment K, Death Penalty Poster or Collage Instructions Attachment L, Grading Rubric 5 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment A Letter to Parents Dear Parent or Guardian: The students in _____________________________________ class will be working on a project that examines the constitutionality of the death penalty starting ___________ and ending _____________. We will be investigating and discussing the history of the death penalty in the United States and Ohio. Students will then use the information gathered to draw their own conclusions and present their positions in two formats – a letter or speech and a poster or collage. I have included the instructions for the project, including the grading rubric, letter/speech instructions, poster/collage instructions and a calendar of when all assignments are due. I encourage you to discuss this topic with your student and to monitor his or her progress on both assignments. Students will be provided with class time to conduct their research; however, in order to be successful they also will need to work at home. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at ___________. Thank you. 6 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment B Death Penalty Position Project Directions: As we investigate the constitutionality of the death penalty, you will be responsible for completing the following assignments. 1. Journal Entries What I Know/ Want to Know Jury Selection Methods of Execution Statistics 2. Scavenger Hunt 3. Constitutionality of, and Limitations on, the Death Penalty 4. Methods of Execution 5. Statistics Questionnaire 6. Stages in a Capital Case 7. Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty 8. Poster or Collage 9. Position Letter or Speech Outline Rough Draft Final paper or speech 7 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment C Scavenger Hunt Directions: In order to familiarize yourself with where to find information about the death penalty, you will be creating a resource list of Web sites to use throughout this project. Look for sites that are current, reliable and unbiased. Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty Where would you find information on the different arguments for and against the death penalty? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Methods of Execution Where would you find information on the different methods of execution? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Statistics Where would you search to gather statistical information about the death penalty? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Supreme Court Decisions Related to the Imposition of the Death Penalty Where would you go to find information on Supreme Court cases related to the constitutionality of and limitations on the death penalty? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Stages involved in a Capital Case Where would you search to find information on the stages (court proceedings) involved in a capital case, from the arrest of the accused to the time he or she is executed? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Use this space to compile a list of useful Web sites that you have not listed above. Be sure to include the topic with the site so you can refer back to this sheet throughout the assignment. Use the back of this sheet if you need more space. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment D Statistics Questionnaire Directions: Use the Web sites you have identified to answer the following questions. State-by-State Statistics 1. Which states have more than 200 inmates on death row? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Which states have more than 100 black inmates on death row? __________________________________________________________________ 3. Which states have more than 100 white inmates on death row? __________________________________________________________________ 4. Which states have more than 100 Latino inmates on death row? __________________________________________________________________ 5. Which states have more than 100 Asian inmates on death row? __________________________________________________________________ 6. Which states have more than 100 Native American inmates on death row? __________________________________________________________________ 7. Which state has the most women on death row? How many? __________________________________________________________________ 8. Which states allow the death penalty for juveniles? __________________________________________________________________ 9. Which states have executed juveniles? __________________________________________________________________ 10. Which state has the most inmates on death row? How many? __________________________________________________________________ 11. Which state has carried out the most executions since 1976? How many? __________________________________________________________________ 12. What is the total number of inmates on death row in the U.S.? ________________ 13. Which states do not have the death penalty? _______________________________ 9 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment D Statistics Questionnaire, page 2 History 1. When and where were the first death penalties established? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Who was the first person executed in North America? What was his crime? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Ohio 3. How many inmates are on death row in Ohio? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. How many death row inmates are from each ethnic group? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 10 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment E Constitutionality of, and Limitations on, the Death Penalty Roper v. Simmons Atkins v. Virginia Ford v. Wainwright Batson v. Kentucky Coker v. Georgia Thompson v. Oklahoma 2005 2002 1988 1986 1986 1977 Gregg v. Georgia Woodson v. North Carolina Whitherspoon v. Illinois United States v. Jackson Furman v. Georgia 1968 1968 1972 1976 1976 Directions: Use the list of Internet resources you created to summarize the Supreme Court cases listed on the time line below. Write your summaries in your journal. 11 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment E Constitutionality of, and Limitations on, the Death Penalty, page 2 Directions: In your journal, describe in your own words the precedent established in each Supreme Court case. Constitutionality 1968 United States v. Jackson 1968 Witherspoon v. Illinois 1976 Furman v. Georgia 1976 Woodson v. North Carolina 1976 Gregg v. Georgia (there are four parts to this answer) Limitations 1977 Coker v. Georgia 1986 Batson v. Kentucky 1986 Ford v. Wainwright 1988 Thompson v. Oklahoma 2002 Atkins v. Virginia 2005 Roper v. Simmons 1. The imposition of the death penalty in federal cases is limited to certain crimes. For what federal crimes can the death penalty be imposed? 2. The imposition of the death penalty has changed greatly over the years. Using the Supreme Court cases you just researched, analyze the changes that have taken place through death penalty litigation. You also may want to consider the death penalty moratorium that took place and its reinstatement. 3. Have there been any noticeable changes in rulings dealing with the death penalty in the last 20 years that would indicate a progression or regression in the rights of death row inmates? 12 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment F Methods of Execution Directions: Research the different methods of execution listed below and answer the questions that follow in your journal. Hanging 1. Is this method used today? By which states? 2. What issues have developed with this method of execution? Why might this method be seen as humane or inhumane? 3. Do you think this method is within the limits of the Eighth Amendment’s restriction on cruel and unusual punishment? Why or why not? Be specific. Firing Squad 4. Is this method used today? By which states? 5. What issues have developed with this method of execution? Why might this method be seen as humane or inhumane? 6. Do you think this method is within the limits of the Eighth Amendment’s restriction on cruel and unusual punishment? Why or why not? Be specific. Electric Chair 7. Is this method used today? By which states? 8. What issues have developed with this method of execution? Why might this method be seen as humane or inhumane? 9. Do you think this method is within the limits of the Eighth Amendment’s restriction on cruel and unusual punishment? Why or why not? Be specific. Gas Chamber 10. Is this method used today? By which states? 11. What issues have developed with this method of execution? Why might this method be seen as humane or inhumane? 12. Do you think this method is within the limits of the Eighth Amendment’s restriction on cruel and unusual punishment? Why or why not? Be specific. Lethal Injection 13. Is this method used today? By which states? 14. What issues have developed with this method of execution? Why might this method be seen as humane or inhumane? 15. Do you think this method is within the limits of the Eighth Amendment’s restriction on cruel and unusual punishment? Why or why not? Be specific. 13 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment G Stages in a Capital Case Directions: Complete the graphic organizer with a summary of each stage in a capital case, an explanation of how that stage protects the rights of the accused and any important terms associated with that stage. Stage I Pre-Trial Stage II Guilt Phase Trial Stage III Penalty Phase Trial Summary: How does this stage protect the rights of the accused? Important Terms: Summary: How does this stage protect the rights of the accused? Important Terms: Summary: How does this stage protect the rights of the accused? Important Terms: 14 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment G Stages in a Capital Case, page 2 Stage IV Direct Appeal Stage V PostConviction Review Summary: How does this stage protect the rights of the accused? Important Terms: Summary: How does this stage protect the rights of the accused? Important Terms: In your opinion, do these five stages provide enough safeguards to ensure the rights of the accused? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Do you think this five-stage process could be improved? How? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 15 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment H Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty Directions: Using your Web resources, research the listed arguments for and against the death penalty. Each argument can be used to support or oppose the death penalty. Read information on both sides of issues related to the death penalty debate. In the space provided, summarize the positions that agree and disagree with each argument. Argument 1: Deterrence Imposition of the death penalty serves to deter future crimes. Agree ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Disagree ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Argument 2: Retribution The death penalty is a necessary punishment imposed for purposes of repayment or revenge for the wrong committed. Agree ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 16 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment H Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty, page 2 Disagree ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Argument 3: Chance of Error The death penalty should not be used because it cannot be reversed if new evidence proves a suspect not guilty. Agree ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Disagree ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 17 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment H Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty, page 3 Argument 4: Arbitrariness and Discrimination The death penalty is unevenly imposed on members of minority groups and arbitrarily decided upon due to unclear guidelines. Agree ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Disagree ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 18 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment I Death Penalty Position Instructions Directions: Write a position paper based on one of the three following scenarios: Option 1: Imagine the Ohio General Assembly is considering revoking the death penalty statute. Write a letter to your respective state representative or senator expressing your support or opposition to this legislation. Option 2: Imagine the Ohio General Assembly is considering revoking the Death Penalty statute. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing your support or opposition to this legislation. Option 3: Imagine the Ohio General Assembly is considering revoking the Death Penalty statute. Give a persuasive speech in which you express your opinion on the General Assembly’s decision to consider revoking the death penalty in Ohio. Whichever option you choose, describe how you feel about the death penalty and why. The letter should be three to four pages in length, double-spaced. A speech should last approximately three minutes. Your letter or speech should have an introductory paragraph in which you state your position. You should describe at least three arguments in support of your position. These arguments must be supported with evidence from the information you have gathered in your research. Each argument should be set up as a separate paragraph. Your final paragraph should summarize your position and express thanks to the General Assembly member, newspaper or other audience you are writing for. The letter will be evaluated based upon the following criteria: How clearly your ideas are presented Evidence supporting your position Neatness: the letter must be typed or written legibly in ink Spelling and grammar The speech will be evaluated upon the following criteria: How clearly the ideas are presented Evidence supporting your position Presentation style – speaking slowly and making sure that everyone can hear you You may use index cards for notes 19 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment J Death Penalty Position Outline I. Introductory Paragraph A. I am for/against the death penalty B. Reasons: (list three) 1. 2. 3. II. Reason 1 A. B. C. III. Reason 2 A. B. C. IV. Reason 3 A. B. C. V. Conclusion (summary restating reasons) 20 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment K Death Penalty Poster or Collage Instructions Directions: Create a poster or collage for one of the following situations. Poster 1: Ohio’s General Assembly is considering revoking the death penalty. You are attending a rally and need to make a poster which supports your view on the death penalty. Since the rally will be televised, you want a poster that will be eye-catching, attention-grabbing and concise. You may want a slogan on your poster that could serve as a chant or rallying cry. Poster 2: Ohio’s General Assembly is considering revoking the death penalty. You work for an advertising agency who has been commissioned to create a poster for a public service announcement. This poster will serve as a backdrop for speakers who will be presenting your point of view concerning the upcoming legislation about Ohio’s death penalty. A large television audience will view it, so you want it to have as strong an impact as possible. Collage: Ohio’s General Assembly is considering revoking the death penalty. You may choose to create a collage to express your point of view concerning the death penalty. It should express your point of view and show effort and thought went into its creation. You may use a collection of pictures, headlines or other materials in your collage. Size is your choice. It can fit in a folder or can be larger (one-half a poster board is a great size to share with someone). Be creative! You may use computer graphics, colored pencils, markers, paint, glitter, pictures, etc. 21 The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served? Grade 11 Attachment L Grading Rubric Category Outline Very Good Outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between all topics and subtopics. Introduction Introduction clearly identifies, and briefly describes the three arguments that will be used to defend student’s position. First argument is very clearly described and defended. Student effectively uses chosen argument to defend position. Second argument is very clearly described and defended. Student effectively uses chosen argument to defend position. Third argument is very clearly described and defended. Student effectively uses chosen argument to defend position. Conclusion clearly identifies, and briefly restates, the three arguments that were used to defend student’s position. Poster very clearly and accurately depicts student’s position; shows much creativity and imagination. Slogan is original and accurately expresses student's viewpoint. It is evident that much time and effort went into the construction. Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Conclusion Poster Good Outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between most topics and subtopics. Introduction identifies, and briefly describes the three arguments that will be used to defend student’s position. Fair Outline has been started and includes some topics and subtopics. Poor Outline has very little information or has not been attempted. Introduction identifies, but does not describe the three arguments that will be used to defend student’s position. Introduction does not identify nor describe the three arguments that will be used to defend student’s position. First argument is clearly described and defended. Student uses chosen argument to defend position. Conclusion identifies, and briefly restates, the three arguments that were used to defend student’s position. First argument is described and defended. Student does not effectively use chosen argument to defend position. Second argument is described and defended. Student does not effectively use chosen argument to defend position. Third argument is described and defended. Student does not effectively use chosen argument to defend position. Conclusion identifies but does not restate the three arguments that were used to defend student’s position. First argument is poorly described or defended. Student does not effectively use chosen argument to defend position. Second argument is poorly described or defended. Student does not effectively use chosen argument to defend position. Third argument is not poorly described or defended. Student does not effectively use chosen argument to defend position. Conclusion does not identify or restate the three arguments that were used to defend student’s position. Poster clearly depicts student’s position; shows creativity and imagination. Slogan is original and expresses student's viewpoint. It is evident that time and effort went into the construction. Poster vaguely depicts student’s position; shows some creativity and imagination. Slogan accurately expresses student's viewpoint. Some time and effort went into the construction. Poster does not depict student’s position; shows very little creativity or imagination. Slogan is not original and does not accurately express student's viewpoint. It is evident that little time and effort went into the construction. Second argument is clearly described and defended. Student uses chosen argument to defend position. Third argument is clearly described and defended. Student uses chosen argument to defend position. 22