ENC 1102 Professor Tyson Journal Entries Sixteen (16) typed or handwritten journal entries will be due by Week 16. The journal will be graded on content, grammar, and spelling. Each entry should be at least 100 words. Students should use a black or blue pen, not write on back pages, and write legibly. Each entry should be numbered, dated, and titled. The due dates for the Fall and Spring semesters are Weeks 7 and 16. The due dates for the Summer Semesters are Weeks 3 and 6. Reminder: For full credit, you must Include specific lines from the literary work to support your main idea Use appropriate MLA formatting to cite lines from the literary work To cite from a short story: Example: On page 54 Sammy shouts, “I quit.” Example: Sammy shouts, “I quit” (54). To cite from a poem: Example: Line 10 reads, “We die soon.” Example: The poem reads, “We die soon” (line 10). Adhere to the eleven (ll) Basic Grammar Rules Employ critical thinking skills TOPICS l. One character from any short story covered in class that you relate to more than any other character 2. The greatest strength of one short story character 3. The greatest weakness of one short story character (Do not choose the same character from Entry # 2.) 4. An alternative conclusion (different ending) for any short story covered in class 5. A short story that you would like to add to the ENC 1102 reading list-- Explain why 6. The speaker’s tone/attitude in any poem covered in class 7. The speaker’s attitude toward Death in any poem covered in class or outside of class--Do not choose the same poem used in entry 6 8. An open form poem from your textbook (not covered in class) –Do not choose a poem used in entries 6 or 7 9. A closed form poem from your textbook (not covered in class)-Do not choose a poem used in entries 6, 7 or 8 10. The significance/relevance of the title of any poem covered in class—Do not choose a poem used in entries 6, 7, 8 or 9 11. An alternative conclusion (different ending) for any poem covered in class 12. The plot summary (what happens in the story from the beginning to the end) of your favorite play 13. What the final verdict should have been in Trifles—Should Minnie Wright be acquitted or convicted of murder? 14. Which woman in The Stronger is really “stronger”? -- Support your answer with direct lines from the film 15. What three (3) individuals from The Bombing of West Philly could have done to prevent this tragedy 16. A short story or poem not covered in class --Argue for its inclusion on the syllabus next semester—Do not choose poems used in entries 7, 8 or 9--